[QUOTE="Phazevariance"]Its a little tough to accurately compare a console's ram to a PC, because a PC has things like antivirus, malware, and background services running in the background upon boot, where as a console does not. In fact, the consoles OS is very light weight in terms of ram usage compared to the OS on a PC which has to manage every application that starts up in case a user needs something. AnnoyedDragon
This is a very old; very redundant argument, and I wish console users would stop using it.
The resources of a gaming PC are so large that none of the above matters. To put this in perspective, I have as much memory on my GPU as both the 360 and PS3 put together. I have as much ram as both consoles put together times three.
Gaming PCs are fully capable of handling the OS and background processes; as well as the game without any problems.
256mb ram for a console IS small but it probably is teh equivelant of 1gb for a PC. Still, yes they are left with streaming textures from teh media, but the media doesn't stream fast enough to rpevent texture popin for some games.Phazevariance
256mb of ram is equivilent to 256mb of ram, it doesn't magically become more; because of the mystical powers of optimization. You can only ever store 256mb of content in that ram at any one time, never any more. As a result, a single instance of game play can never exceed that much information. You can stream information in and out of memory as you move around, but a single instance; is restricted to that memory.
Exactly. plus the fact that the Consoles also run their OS's which uses up some ofthat 256mb of system memory which cuts gaming ability even more. Also the GPU's and memory buses hold them back too, both consoles have around 25 GB/s memory bandwidth while high ended Pc gpu's from the same era(2005) had 50+ GB/s. Also If you take the 360 gpu (48 shader processors) and compared it to an ATI 3870 from 2007 had like 320 Shader processors with 2-4x the video memory. Console/Pc multiplatform development is holding back Pc gaming.
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