You always have to factor in consoles. They are the driving force in videogames. Yes..thats right,..consoles are what makes our "gaming" popular and user friendly. SO why keep crying about it? Is it going to help anything?
The driving force of videogames? More developers make games for PC than any of the consoles. If however you want to claim more money is thrown around on consoles; then you would be right. But if something were to happen to them it would only impact their segment of the gaming market, not gaming as a whole; which can quite happily continue existing without them.
Eventually we WILL 100% have ONE gaming platform. Its going to happen. No I dont need a time machine to see it happening. So eventually EVERYONE will be happy. They will make the "console/pc" able to play everthing equal. It WILL have all your favorite PC games and console games you love PLUS it will have games made for it daily to utilize its hardware and use. Its going to happen...
Console and PC are inherently incompatible, they are very different markets. A platform cannot be both open and closed, both fixed and upgradable. It is either a PC or it isn't, it can only match PC by becoming it.
What Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo choose to do with their platforms; is their own business. Though note I've been speaking about the inherent unsustainability of their business model for quite some time now.
Im sorry that our pos consoles are holding you pc gamers back so far..what?..Like at least 10 years or so right?? Just hang in there guys and we'll catch up, i dont know why i get so riled up and worry with this mess anymore..everyone on here pretty much gets on my last freakin nerve..buch of cry baby,non gaming,people....
Well keep that attitude up and you won't have to put up with the people here much longer.
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