Disappointment - Resident Evil 6. Just a horrid game and a perfect example of how not to make a game.
Surprise - hmm...Tales of Graces f. I mean I knew it was going to be great but I didn't expect myself to play it as long as I did. So much fun.
As long as you did? Did you still not beat it though? I will get it sometime. How does it stack up against others in the series?
No I've beaten it. I mean I just kept playing to unlock all the secrets and trophies. :P I must have over a 100 hours or so. Still not done yet as I want to get the platinum and I only really need two more trophies.I'm still kind of a beginner when it come to Tales games. I've only really played some of Symphonia, Abyss 3D, and Graces f. The story and characters aren't as good as Abyss but the combat...just too good. Sometime next month I should be getting Vesperia so I can see how it compares to those games.
So what about comparing it to Symphonia? I have beat Symphonia, Vesperia, and am now playing Abyss 3DS. Vesperia is better than symphonia in graphics and some combat/levling mechanics and such, but I prefered Symphonia's story and such. Abyss so far is my least favorite story, but perhaps that is because I don't love any of the characters yet. But I am only 4 hours in or something.
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