Poll Biggest fall to irrelevancy? Halo or Half-Life (132 votes)
Neither of these are exciting anymore nor hyped, so sad...
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Neither of these are exciting anymore nor hyped, so sad...
Halo is still relevant but is winding down as a series and will end with 6, at least Master Chief's saga, Half-Life is completely dead and irrelevant.
Valve has not released a Half-Life game in a decade and they just put resources into a Dota card game, think about that.
Halo is irrelevant because the games started to suck when Bungie stopped making them. Half-Life is only irrelevant in the sense that Valve doesn't make them anymore.
Halo is the only correct answer here.
If Half Life 3 is announced tomorrow the internet would literally explode. Halo is like "meh", good for the fans but no one really cares. COD, Overwatch, BF1, etc. have made Halo irrelevant outside of its hardcore lemming community.
Half-life is still respected as a masterpiece and one of mankinds biggest achievements while Halo has deteriorated in quality to the point of "another fps". In many ways not attempting to replicate the success of gamings Sistine Chapel elevated it even more.
Half-Life, due to the fact that is no longer being made. Halo is still relevant. Halo 5 is one of the best multiplayer games this gen. It still has a strong community. Halo Reach and Halo 4's communities dropped like a rock. Here's hoping the Halo saga ends with a bang.
I'm willing to bet that there are people out there who, if you told them Half-Life 3 would only come out if they kill a guy, they would not hesitate to strangle the first person they see out of feverish desire to see the game.
Really doubt anyone can say that about Halo. Halo 5 effectively ran it into the ground, anything else we get from Halo at this point is just a skidmark in the Earth.
At the very least, Half-Life's legacy is there, and it still has people desperate for more.
Half-Life is dead because Valve knows they've fallen so far behind the curve that it's not worth even trying. In hindsight, the NOLF games shit all over Half-Life I'd rather see that series revived than a game known mostly for having NPC's with moving mouths.
Y'all internet aspergers fellows have got it all cocked up.
I mean, if Michael Jackson came back from the dead and announced a new album, the internet would break. It doesn't make him relevant compared to say, The Weeknd.
Half-Life is Michael Jackson - a past giant, but irrelevant.
Halo is like The Weeknd - it still has an ongoing fanbase, even if it won't signal the apocalypse.
If a half life 3 trailer came out tomorrow, I'm pretty sure the internet would break
Halo 6...not so much
I agree, but there's a better chance for peace in the middle-east than a Half-Life 3 update...
To me Halo is still very relevant, I Can very easily find matches online in Halo 5 and its core gameplay is superb, amongst some of the best shooters in the business today. In terms of features and scope, it is also almost unrivaled even today: it does large and small scale battles well, has a huge amount of weapons across 3 races.
It has a wide range of vehicles & game modes, has numerous solo, co-operative and competitive features. If you compare it to high-profile 3rd party shooters such as Battlefield, it still comes out on top in terms of features because you have creator tools such as Forge. As well, it runs on dedicated servers, something even the ultra successful COD does not do yet, on consoles anyways. Ultimately Halo still represents one of the best shooting experiences you can have today, so I consider it very relevant.
As for Half Life, I have the Orange box and I want to go through it soon, I played HL2 when I was younger and I remember it being a smart fps game, I know it was very influential for its time. So while people don't talk about it today that much, it probably influenced the genre in many ways.
I think they both are still relevant to their fans, but I would rather have a Half-Life 3 than a Halo 6. I think that is because Halo games come quite frequently while it feels like we've waited for another Half-Life for forever. I don't think one is better than the other though, just one is showing more fatigue than the other.
There hasn't been a Half-Life game in literally 10 years. As much as love those games, the franchise will probably never see another installment ever again, even though everybody wants a new Half-Life and it would rake in millions for Valve.
Halo is still relevant and going strong. Halo 5 is still popular multiplayer wise (the last time I heard at least), and Halo Wars 2 came out this year. I fail to see how exactly it's irrelevant compared to a franchise that's been in purgatory for a decade now.
Valve has pretty much given up on Half Life, Microsoft is still making Halo games and they're still pretty damn good. I still get a lot of play from Halo 5 since re-engaging with it for its Warzone Firefight mode.
Halo was always a poor mans Unreal which died singleplayer wise when it was dumbed down for consoles but Half Life has been dead for a decade.
Half Life was NEVER relevant.
It is an overhyped/overrated PC game no one actually likes. It's quite boring. The controls are floaty. The level designs are boring. The gravity gun is dumb. Riding a jet ski for half the game is boring. Using a crow bar is dumb. The AI is dumb.
I have no idea what PC gamers ever saw in those games.
Halo was actually popular and a cultural phenomenon. People lined up for days to get the next halo. Hype was unreal. Even my grandma knows about halo.
No one in real life knows about half life. EVERYONE knows about halo.
Although Halo may now be irrelevant, Half life was NEVER relevant. Fact.
Half Life was NEVER relevant.
It is an overhyped/overrated PC game no one actually likes. It's quite boring. The controls are floaty. The level designs are boring. The gravity gun is dumb. Riding a jet ski for half the game is boring. Using a crow bar is dumb. The AI is dumb.
I have no idea what PC gamers ever saw in those games.
Halo was actually popular and a cultural phenomenon. People lined up for days to get the next halo. Hype was unreal. Even my grandma knows about halo.
No one in real life knows about half life. EVERYONE knows about halo.
Although Halo may now be irrelevant, Half life was NEVER relevant. Fact.
I see Half Life like a cult classic. Few people even know about it but those that do, love it. I do too but to be honest, I've moved on a while ago. I think most people by now have too, like what happened to Twisted Metal. If Half Life 3 came out right now, not nearly as many people as there used to be would give a shit about it. That's just what happens when you leave the industry for so long.
Considering the number of people still playing CS go and the advances that came because of Half-life i think it´s a safe bet to say Halo has the biggest fall.
But it's kinda a dumb question since Halo owes it existence to Half-life
And considering the "HL3 confirmed" meme.
But i guess it is a silly question, since 1 still is going, while the other is dead.
None are irrelevant as people on this forum are still talking about these games even on this thread.
I bet some of my console jockey friends don't even know what Half-Life is.
They would all know what Halo is, mostly because of how big of deal it was being on TV and all. Not to mention it seemed to be a favorite amongst every white pasty kid at my school, we would talk about games like Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart: Double Dash and they would get on their high horse about how Halo 2 was like gods gift to man.
BUT I voted Half-Life cause it's fucken boring and relevant to who again.
It's definitely a stretch to say "it would be a bigger event than Final Fantasy VII remake" at this point. Valve would literally have to reintroduce the series to the new generation of gamers all over again because if they didn't, more than half of the population would be saying, "Half Life-who?" A lot of newer gamer junkies I know don't even know what it is. At least from the console side.
Love both series but Half-life has been dead for over a decade.
That would be my pick for irrelevancy.
Halo is still very relevant due to its strong core following. Only COWards would say otherwise because well they are emotionally butthurt jelly and have absolutely no contender exclusive shooter to match against it. They have their CoDs and other multiplat shooters just like X1, but that's it really. Resistance series could have been but those Cowards never supported it. And Killzone is a mediocre mess after Shadow Falls. I just hope Guerilla brings it back to life.
How does Halo owe its existence to Half Life? They're totally different games!
Ehmm, not really
Both are FPS games. and Halo takes a lot from Half-life
Remember Half Life brought FPS a quantum leap forward compared to previous similar games.
The only similarity is that they're fps games but there's not much of a resemblance anywhere else. Halo is in a ring world with drivable vehicles, shooting blue and purple aliens and green zombie-like aliens.
Is that what you meant? I mean, I could see the similarities between the way the head crabs create zombies and the flood but there's no equivalent to the Vortiguants and the Chief never had to fight off military. Half Life 1 was all about escaping Black Mesa and you only spent a couple of hours in the Zen world. Compare that to an hour of the Pillar of Autumn and the rest on Installation 04 in Halo CE, that's a big difference.
The only similarity is that they're fps games but there's not much of a resemblance anywhere else. Halo is in a ring world with drivable vehicles, shooting blue and purple aliens and green zombie-like aliens.
Is that what you meant? I mean, I could see the similarities between the way the head crabs create zombies and the flood but there's no equivalent to the Vortiguants and the Chief never had to fight off military. Half Life 1 was all about escaping Black Mesa and you only spent a couple of hours in the Zen world. Compare that to an hour of the Pillar of Autumn and the rest on Installation 04 in Halo CE, that's a big difference.
There is a lot more similarities than just they are both FPS games,
A few key items is the gameplay mechanics and the storytelling, Half-life have Gordon, Halo have Master Chief, both uses the silence of the main character as a way to create immersion.
Sure the stories are not the exact same, but the basics are and the way of creating a game is.
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