[QUOTE="SHuN-GoKu"] Where did I say "MGS4 made the PS3 omgwtf the best" ? Read the above part again especially the underlined one.
MGS4 plus other great games such as R&C:ToD, Uncharted, Warhawk, and even multiplats made the PS3 a damn system. We're talking about the PS3 having games in general NOT being better than any other systems. Lemmings are just playing blind games with their jealousy desperately in denial bashing the game even though it received a 10. They just don't realize that the more denyings they make, the more it'll look bad for them.
lol, wut? what are blind games? what jealousy? Most people agree that the 360 has the better library so what is there to be jealous of? MGS4 is an AWESOME game, but it's only one game. I'm not saying the ps3 has a bad library, but come on.
there it is again... why do I keep hearing that?...
sorry, "playing blind games" as in not acknowledging great titles such as Uncharted, R&C, Warhawk, and other great titles even multiplats.
We're talking about the PS3 and its games in general. I'm not acknowledging MGS4+PS3 being better than the Xbox 360. What I'm acknowledging is PS3 have had games. So if the PS3 having a 10/10 AAAAE wasn't enough to erase the "PS3 have no games" logic, then what will?
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