Media sees big numbers, Media flocks to it. No fault of Gates. Most big time philantropists try to do things anonymously, but you cant fund and open a high tech school in an impoverised area without having your name somewhere. Impoverished nations tend to have corrupt regimes, it would be further damage if the true donor claimed no ownership and the corrupt regime could pacify the desperate people, claiming its their making.
Even in 1st world nations, a donor must claim ownership, by a plaque or the name of said park/library/school/hospital. IT WOULD BE UNETHICAL NOT TO. Because when people use or enjoy these facilities they start thinking who did this, and if there is no name they start thinking government, and if they start thinking government they start thinking ELECTIONS.
Hmmm, i'm drunk enough to think system wars can grasp politics and ethics law.
This thread should be closed. Bill Gates isn't the sole benefactor in a successful Xbox360. Neither is whoever heads Sony's PS3. They have employees, they have 3rd party interests, they have stockholders. Its business. Gates' private generousity is not a video game topic.
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