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To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
I really hate to say it but Halo 3 is easily more original than Bioshock or MP3. Anyone that played system shock 2 would know that Bioshock is not that original, it built off of SS2's formula. MP3 isn't that original either. It is a lot like its predecessors.
Sorry but Halo 3 will not get below 9.0 .. even though I'm not a fan of either franchise particually, Halo 3 has everything you need in a next gen game that would last years... Metroid Prime? 123 time playthough , last gens graphics ( yes yes style whatever ... :roll: )..
Halo 3 will not be penilized in the same way Bioshock (Rightfully so, its great but way too easy, and the endings were both lackluster) or Metroid Prime. 2 single player games with near to no replay value whencomparing with Halo 3.
Let's see Bioshock - 9
MP3 - 8.5
Killzone 2? - mmm 8.0 is my prediction it'd be gerat if it got higher
Halo 3 - 9.0.
Those are my predictions for Killzone and Halo 3.
[QUOTE="wapahala"][QUOTE="spinecaton"][QUOTE="AcidTWister"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation.
I stopped reading here.
What was original about MP3?
Exactly what I was thinking... MP3 didn't really add anything new to the Metroid Prime trilogy besides new controls.
There's a hell of a lot more originality in MP3 than Halo.
Really? Tell me the difference between the two. Halo isn't just finishing a story like MP3 did. It is adding new features to the game to seperate it from Halo 2 and Halo CE
and you act as if MP3 has absolutely no new features, story, or characters?after GS prime review the world has been laughing at it while everywhere alse gave it nines and editors choice the gave it a 8.5 for being to easy and being a sequel this is ridiculus to the point where i want to leve GS cuz they are so biased against the wii.wiirdawgs
LOL gamespot does realise there is a hard difficulty to select?. Just because its a sequel? LOL sounds like someone is making up some half baked excuse to throw into a negative. Everyone else is saying its the best Prime out of all the series.
I also remember it mentioning Multiplayer in the game. gamespot why did you talk about multiplayer? We all know it doesn't have it. Gamespot complained about the multiplayer in Prime 2 and now they say they miss it LOL.
To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
Who knows, being the most original anticipated shooter doesn't make a game automatically good... And BTW I'm a cow and I'm not hyping KZ2, at all.
I noticed your sig has reviews from other sites about MP3. You are obviously in damage control and it's disgusting. Just play the, awesome game, and move on. WHo cares what GS sores it? MP3 is gonna be sweet game. You should be playing it NOW actually.
[QUOTE="-wii60-"][QUOTE="SiiSsy"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]soo tired of these bitter rants of jealously....everyone knows killzone 2 will get AAA. Everyone who has played it has been blown away...plz...for the sake of the rest of us dont set yourself up for such failure...To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
The same thing could be said about you:|
How about waiting until the game comes out huh? Did you ever think of that? No you are a blind PS3 hater, of course you didn't.
no he said the word "might" read between the lines :|
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
Who knows, being the most original anticipated shooter doesn't make a game automatically good... And BTW I'm a cow and I'm not hyping KZ2, at all.
I noticed your sig has reviews from other sites about MP3. You are obviously in damage control and it's disgusting. Just play the, awesome game, and move on. WHo cares what GS sores it? MP3 is gonna be sweet game. You should be playing it NOW actually.
no gamespot is just doing more and more things to go away from people. they dont do news well anymore previews.... reviews... are just getting bad and not even worth looking at it anymore.
[QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Halo 3 will be a worthy entry to the franchise with many MANY new features and changes in gameplay. wavebrid
can i borrow your crystal ball? i like to know what my future is...
From what I have played in the Beta and from all the videos of the new features and from all the info I've read about the game, I was able to make that assumption.
[QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Halo 3 will be a worthy entry to the franchise with many MANY new features and changes in gameplay. wavebrid
can i borrow your crystal ball? i like to know what my future is...
Damage Control ... Halo 3 does alot more than the previous installment, even non-fans know this ... it boasts alot of great improvements, it would be near perfect if they had dedicated servers.... and perhaps toned down melee ... I cant beleive 2 hits kill ... its suppose to a be a shooter.
[QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Halo 3 will be a worthy entry to the franchise with many MANY new features and changes in gameplay. MADVLAD123
can i borrow your crystal ball? i like to know what my future is...
From what I have played in the Beta and from all the videos of the new features and from all the info I've read about the game, I was able to make that assumption.
Halo 3 will be alright, but it won't inspire future developers as much as Metroid Prime 3 or Bioshock will.
[QUOTE="MADVLAD123"][QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Halo 3 will be a worthy entry to the franchise with many MANY new features and changes in gameplay. Lilac_Benjie
can i borrow your crystal ball? i like to know what my future is...
From what I have played in the Beta and from all the videos of the new features and from all the info I've read about the game, I was able to make that assumption.
Halo 3 will be alright, but it won't inspire future developers as much as Metroid Prime 3 or Bioshock will.
Now THAT is a crystal ball prediction.
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="MADVLAD123"][QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Halo 3 will be a worthy entry to the franchise with many MANY new features and changes in gameplay. MADVLAD123
can i borrow your crystal ball? i like to know what my future is...
From what I have played in the Beta and from all the videos of the new features and from all the info I've read about the game, I was able to make that assumption.
Halo 3 will be alright, but it won't inspire future developers as much as Metroid Prime 3 or Bioshock will.
Now THAT is a crystal ball prediction.
for machinima users, halo 3 is god's gift due to saved films and forge. That should inspire lots of devs, both for gaming or more non gaming purposes
[QUOTE="no_submission"]The same thing could be said about you:|
How about waiting until the game comes out huh? Did you ever think of that? No you are a blind PS3 hater, of course you didn't.
Yes I'm a hater but I'm not a blind/biased one, I give credit where credit is due.
I use to bash Halo3's graphics but after seeing the leaked videos I think it's one of the cleanest sharpest games on 360(The part with the ship passing over-head made my jaw drop). I unconsciously said to myself "I wish this was on PS3 or PC".
See, I have an open mind, unlike you, If PS3 had 1000 AAA's you would still bash it.
Sorry but Halo 3 will not get below 9.0 .. even though I'm not a fan of either franchise particually, Halo 3 has everything you need in a next gen game that would last years... Metroid Prime? 123 time playthough , last gens graphics ( yes yes style whatever ... :roll: )..
Halo 3 will not be penilized in the same way Bioshock (Rightfully so, its great but way too easy, and the endings were both lackluster) or Metroid Prime. 2 single player games with near to no replay value whencomparing with Halo 3.
Bioshock had 3 endings actually. Well maybe 2.5 to be honest. But yeah I disliked the endings. It was so story driven but yet there wasn't ENOUGH story in the whole game IMO. I wanted more and more interaction with people but the only face to face reaction you had that wasn't through a glass was with three people really.
Anywho I think it deserved a 9.0 after finishing it. And again when it ended for me, the good one, it was sooo fast IMO. Still a good game but what is with devs that they hate making great endings, especially with this one being the end, I don't think there will be a Bioshock 2
Console gaming standards here on Gamespot seemingly have gone through the roof. These games are scoring less then in terms of standards of most PC games... which have been established and have been growing over the past 12 years. With one review system tweak, the entirety of the current gens gaming standards have risen so incredibly that I don't know how they are going to ever score AAA again. Halo 3 had a low chance of flopping on the old review system... but with the new one? Don't hype over 8.5. Killzone? Nothing over 8.0. MGS4? Nothing over 8.5.foxhound_fox
I'm also sure Halo 3 will get AA here now... MGS4 maybe 9 tops here. SMG 8.5.
Meh no biggie for me. I'll just enjoy my games. I may have to loose some bets but whatever lol
so because Bioshock had weak Shooting gameplay for a shooting game Halo and Killzone will suffer.
yes that makes perfect sense .:lol: dumb
mp3 probably got 8.5 since it wasn't really "anything new".
if that's the case then halo 3 might also flop here on gamespot.
but since kz sucked ass everywhere and it looks like kz2 will be better then you can't say that kz2 isnt "anything new" since it will be improved to a level you can call it a new series actually.
and don't get me wrongand thinkI am a fanboy, because I'm getting mp3 beacuse metroid are one of my favorite games but I don't got a 360 so I wont play halo 3 though.
[QUOTE="Trading_Zoner"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
Who knows, being the most original anticipated shooter doesn't make a game automatically good... And BTW I'm a cow and I'm not hyping KZ2, at all.
I noticed your sig has reviews from other sites about MP3. You are obviously in damage control and it's disgusting. Just play the, awesome game, and move on. WHo cares what GS sores it? MP3 is gonna be sweet game. You should be playing it NOW actually.
no gamespot is just doing more and more things to go away from people. they dont do news well anymore previews.... reviews... are just getting bad and not even worth looking at it anymore.
:lol: you are one truly deluded sheep.
Wow, I feel sorry for you, do you actually belive that?
[QUOTE="MADVLAD123"][QUOTE="wavebrid"][QUOTE="MADVLAD123"]Halo 3 will be a worthy entry to the franchise with many MANY new features and changes in gameplay. Lilac_Benjie
can i borrow your crystal ball? i like to know what my future is...
From what I have played in the Beta and from all the videos of the new features and from all the info I've read about the game, I was able to make that assumption.
Halo 3 will be alright, but it won't inspire future developers as much as Metroid Prime 3 or Bioshock will.
I bet you thought MP3 would get AAA too, and you were wrong weren't you?
To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
Good Point.Â
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
Good Point.Â
Please stop bringing these year old threads back to life...
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