[QUOTE="mjarantilla"][QUOTE="killtactics"]illustrations are't important or needed.... storys in games are...MGS games are not 2/3 (way to make things up to prove a point) cutscnses...and the gameplay in MGS games are very well done... MGS2 had one of the breatest twists in a game ever, i never experianced anything like it in a movie or book... MGS3 had one of the greatest endings ever.... killtactics
First, I was exaggerating about the cutscenes, but you cannot deny that MGS has a terribly high proportion of cutscenes to actual gameplay compared to other games.
And I'm sorry, but if you're talking about the twist in MGS2 being Liquid living inside Revolver Ocelot, then you've GOT to read more books. Not to read more twists like that, but to gain some perspective so that you can realize that twists like that are absolute and utter CRAP.
A good plot twist is one that makes sense, but flies in so well under the radar that when it hits, you're smacking your head in disbelief that you didn't see it coming.
Second, you're right, stories are much more important to games than illustrations are to books. But how important are stories to films? Not very; acting performance, scriptwriting, and directorial skill are far more important than actual plot. In general, movie plots are so simple you could encapsulate them in a 15-20 page short story. In fact, some of the best movies WERE short stories (Blade Runner and Minority Report come to mind). The same should be true for video games, because with video games, GAMEPLAY should be paramount. Not story.
MGS did have a lot of cutscenes but no one forced you to watch them, if you dont want to you dont have to.... and lol no i was not talking about revolover ocelot, i was talking about the part where you learn about the 13 patriots and how they control America and the S3 project (turly some very unique stuff there)... also any human who played MGS3 has to see how wonderfull the ending was... you were forced to kill big boss, then later you learn what a scarfice she made... it almost made me tear up
lastly i must say i could not dissagree more... the most important thing in a movie is a good story and acting... after all a movie is simply a different way of telling a story as aposed to reading a book... i really have no idea where you are comming with this, unless you think all movies need is guns and explosions....
First, if you don't watch the cutscenes in MGS, what does that leave you with?
Second, good. I haven't played MGS2, so I wasn't sure what you were talking about. I don't see how it's that great of a twist, but w/e.
Third, film is a very, very compact story format. Like I said, most movies barely have enough plot to fill up a short story. That doesn't mean their stories aren't good, but it does mean that movies do not focus on their stories because they never have much time to develop them. Like I said, in general, acting performance and direction are far more important to a movie's overall quality than the actual plot. There are exceptions to the rule, but they're just that: exceptions.
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