Sony's PR department must run some program where studios gotta put out at least 1 good press release about the PS3's magical hardware
i don't think i've ever heard so many developers say the same thing about one console in my entire life
here's the general formula i guess:
X well known 3rd party dev says:
"We work on lots of platforms, but the ps3 is special. Now that the price is low, we plan on spending more time on it. We hope someday to support it more."
inbetween the lines: "we can make more money on it, so we're gonna suck up to sony"
LOL if the general concensus of the dev community is that the ps3 is powerful, what can you possibly argue against that, being a mere forum poster? they are the ones that owrk the tech, not us. that's why i laugh at the lems here, saying 360 and ps3 is the same in terms of graphical prowess when ever since 2006 you can never hear the words 360 and powerful in the same sentence, besides here in Gamespot System Wars. hahahahaa.
it has nothing to do with which console is actually more powerful, i'm sure most devs in the industry have known the machines in and out since they came out
and everything to do with multiplatform devs making money off the platform, and putting some of that moolah behind making sure future titles are just as good on the ps3, so they can make more moolah so they can buy a pool
i mean hell, Activision is praising the ps3... do you really think Activision puts a whole lot of weight behind their graphics? yeah not really
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