It seems that employees for various companies are still using Metacrtic to either boost their own game ratings or just turn down other games in the process.
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It seems that employees for various companies are still using Metacrtic to either boost their own game ratings or just turn down other games in the process.
It was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
It was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
Agreed. I truely hope that this kind of behaviour isn't sanctioned from the peps higher up in the food chain of the company.
There are no evidence proving it is written by bioware employee.. It is possible the review is written by a da2 and/or bioware fanboy~
It was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
THAT's what tarnished their image in your eyes?
It wasn't DA2's ONE cave they used 100 times? The ONE house map they used 100 times? The poor ending and lack of focus and polish on the overall plot? The dull, repetative, over the top ridiculous combat? The fact that they rushed out what was supposed to be an epic RPG in 1 year?
I relaly don't care what Bioware employees think. I care about the quality of Bioware games which took a nose dive with DA2.
There are no evidence proving it is written by bioware employee.. It is possible the review is written by a da2 and/or bioware fanboy~
That account on metacritic were tied to an Bioware employe, it was pretty big news when DA2 came out. If you don't believe us just google that account name and DA2.
It was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
THAT's what tarnished their image in your eyes?
It wasn't DA2's ONE cave they used 100 times? The ONE house map they used 100 times? The poor ending and lack of focus and polish on the overall plot? The dull, repetative, over the top ridiculous combat? The fact that they rushed out what was supposed to be an epic RPG in 1 year?
I relaly don't care what Bioware employees think. I care about the quality of Bioware games which took a nose dive with DA2.
There was alot I liked and didn't like about DA2. At the end of the day they've been trying to casualise games since they teamed up with EA, but they went far to far with DA2. I hope they realise their mistake. However, theres a difference between produced a flawed game and then trying to counter fan rage with fake reviews pretending they are from fans (not talking about the one in the OP BTW) and attacking them at the same time.[QUOTE="ghostofzabis"]
There are no evidence proving it is written by bioware employee.. It is possible the review is written by a da2 and/or bioware fanboy~
That account on metacritic were tied to an Bioware employe, it was pretty big news when DA2 came out. If you don't believe us just google that account name and DA2.
Is this the the same guy who got caught last time? If he really is an employee from bioware, it is a new low of bioware. He could write something good about tw2 then recommend da2, not this kind of blatant bashing. :/
It seems much more likely this, and those reviews, were written by Bioware fanboys rather than employees, I don't really see what an employee has to gain from it, it's not like the game is going to sell more copies because of Metacritic user ratingsIt was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
How do we know that he is a Bioware employee? Because of the name? In case you didn't realize, people pretend to be other people online all the time for various reasons...
sometimes out of fanboyism, or for other juvenile reasons.
IF true, then shame on him.... but I'll wait for proof before I land on either side of the fence.
How exactly do we know this is a BioWare employee? Obviously recommending DA2 is a red flag, but all the link says is the user is a confirmed BioWare employee without providing any proof.
EA did admit that at least one Bioware employee had been writing reviews for Dragon Age 2 on Metacritic, so there's some history of this sort of thing...but that wasn't this guy. So I don't know how we've concluded that he works for them.
Even in the article, it says "this unconfirmedBioware employee".
And if it is from a Bioware employeej maybe it's just him who thinks it is a good idea to do this.
It was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
It seems much more likely this, and those reviews, were written by Bioware fanboys rather than employees, I don't really see what an employee has to gain from it, it's not like the game is going to sell more copies because of Metacritic user ratings I was (well still am) as big a Bioware fanboy as they come, what do they have to gain? Most were very upset by DA2 and wanted to vent their feelings so it doesn't happen again.The BioWare Employee who added a review to the Dragon Age 2 MetaCritic page was someone called Avanost. There are plenty of fan boys and girls out there who would give DA2 a 10 and The Witcher 2 a 0 just out of a misguided loyalty towards BioWare. Hell, just look at how some posts on these forums post regarding their preferred console of choice.
Someone giving DA2 a 10 and Witcher 2 a 0 is neither proof, nor even an indication, that this person works for BioWare. Until someone actually presents some proof, anyone jumping on the bandwagon is just letting themselves be played for fools by another internet troll.
Just because someone doesn't like the Witcher doesn't mean they work for Bioware. Geez, jump to some more conclusions already.
FOR EVERYONE IN DOUBT: THIS WAS ALREADY PROVEN There's everything you need to know:
It was proven that someone named "Avanost" was a BioWare employee who gave a high score to DA2, not that someone named "M_Stannard" is a BioWare employee who gave a low score to TW2 while praising DA2. Correlation does not equal causation, and all that.
"Look to the masters at BioWare with their latest RPG epic, Dragon Age 2, for inspiration in your future games, CD Project. You certainly won't find it making shallow sex simulators based on plagiarized fantasy novels."
what did i just read
So bioware are not only releasing terrible games but now are doing these kind of things, way to fail in so short time
I don't think it is an employee of any note - they would know better than to do something this childish. Must be one of the petty jobs, like a play-tester say, or bioware studios janitor lol.
From one of those guys reviews of DA2:
[quote="some idiot on the internet"]
Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment and now Dragon Age 2. This pinnacle of RPG's...
I also loled at this, I have tried DA2 Demo but its really frustrating I wanna get TW2 today XD[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"]
It was a little petty the rampage that went on with the users reviews for DA2 (scoring it 0 or 1) but what was far far worse were the blatent reviews by Bioware employees with new accounts scoring it 10 and berating those who didn't like it. I love Bioware, love them, but it really tarnished their image in my eyes.
THAT's what tarnished their image in your eyes?
It wasn't DA2's ONE cave they used 100 times? The ONE house map they used 100 times? The poor ending and lack of focus and polish on the overall plot? The dull, repetative, over the top ridiculous combat? The fact that they rushed out what was supposed to be an epic RPG in 1 year?
I relaly don't care what Bioware employees think. I care about the quality of Bioware games which took a nose dive with DA2.
I'd say the quality of BioWare games took a nosedive with Mass Effect 2. So much so that I lost all hype for Dragon Age II after playing it and then when the lukewarm reviews came in I knew I was right to leave it behind.
BioWare need to slow down and focus on the quality of each game rather than trying to churn out sequels to successful games. The delay of Mass Effect 3 for instance was probably done moreso because of Dragon Age II not living up to expectations than anything else. Honestly, it was set to release a year and a half after ME2. They learned their lesson I'd say, but a two year dev cycle is still a little too soon for an RPG, the fact that it's going two years instead of three practically guarantees that as more shooter/less RPG even in comparison to ME2.
At this point, I'm really worried about BioWare. CD Projekt Red on the other hand have the right idea. They remind of me of BioWare back in their old days a bit.
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