[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]Just because a developer CAN choose to fill up a blu-ray disc does that mean he HAS to? No. Does filling it up, using all that space, create a better game in and of itself? No.
what makes a game good has very LITTLE to do with how much space it takes up on a disc; it has to do with design, the games logic, player interaction and dynamics.
How is having 20gb of textures going to make for a better game? In and of itself it does not because it has nothing to do with delivering a better gameplay experience to the player.
Blu Ray is NOT needed right now.
The 20 gigabyte textures, called the Megatexture, which are applied to the entire terrain of the map, according to Wikipedia, are streamed as needed in segments from the hard disc, where they are stored. So, now the question no longer has to do with the Blu Ray disc, but the hard disc, which the 360 is also lacking (core XBox 360, no standard hard disc).
However, Carmack also stated that a game using this technology would come out for both PS3 and Xbox 360, leading me to assume that he's found some way around this. Are core gamers finally going to be excluded from Id's latest opus? We have no idea. 360 gamers will, however, partake in the game with the so-called megatexture.
Let's face it: loading 20 gb textures before every level would be pretty ridiculous anyway. Not only that, it'd only have a few levels tops even on a dual-layer Blu Ray disc, since there are different megatextures for each and every level.
However, I choose to rebut your claim that the Blu Ray disc's extra storage cannot provide an environment that can be used to create a better game. More content, more surface area, more of the good stuff. Assuming we're talking about a developer that can get it right in the first place, like Kojima for example, we're just getting more brilliance, more beauty, more fun. Sure, we can fill a Blu Ray disc with a 7 hour expose on Harry Truman's lost lover Harriet or Dr. Phil's entire lifetime of Oprah Winfrey appearances, and that certainly would be pretty crappy. However, nobody said we're doing anything of the sort.
More space: more goodness, assuming there's goodness in the first place.
But what your considering to be "goodness" seems to have more to do with graphics and less with gaming. More content, like levels, maps etc...., are GREAT and appreciated but there can be a TON of content without ever needing to use blu ray; but because of this current, and quickly dissapearing, unreasonable focus on graphics we constantly need more and more space to accomadate what we THINK is good visuals when in reality GREAT grapihcs can be achieved with a DVD. Better graphics dont garuntee a better gaming experience; they just garuntee that the gaming experience (good or bad) is going to be very purty to look on when you eventually pause the game to actually notice those graphics.
The "Goodness" , i would argue, comes from the gameplay.....and gameplay doesnt take up much space let alone enough to require a blu ray drive. Since gameplay is the interaction between the player and the environment provided by the developer what deterimines its quality is the concept, design and implementation of those in game dynamics and how the player accesses it (controls).
When it comes to providing GREAT gameplay experiences, content (levels, means of implementing and interacting with the gameplay dynamics and not just simply the virtual SPACE the game provides you), and interaction the Blu-Ray technology, at this point in time, is simply not NEEDED to provide those things.........the only thing having a blu-ray player does is INCREASE THE PRICE of the gaming machine its installed into.
If the PS3 didnt have that drive i think it wouldnt be in the terrible position it is now because of its RIDICULOUS price tag. Gamers know that more space does not equal better games.......it just garuntees that more stuff can be crammed into the disc.
But more specifically about the streaming content thing; the blu ray player in the ps3 is actually SLOWER when it comes to attaining information from the disc than a standard dvd player. So how is it supposed to effectively stream such high res textures fast enough so that the player wouldnt see the actual textures loading? Perhaps if sony waited to implement blu ray in the NEXT gen, not this one, its read speed would be better and might preemptively avoid this question. Now, of course, it could be that its just fast enough to do what Carmack is describing...i dont know. But the point is that the technology could have been better implemented (mainly because in the future there would actually be a NEED to have it as opposed to now) if it were introduced at a time where it would actually be both neccessary and cheap enough to implement such that the gamer wouldnt have to pay an extra $200-$300 for it.
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