Sony pushes Blu-Ray as some kind of magic bullet for the PS3, because it allows for more gameplay to be packed into each game. They like to say things like "You can't make this game on the 360 because it doesn't have blu-ray"..
What I find ironic about Sony is that you can take every AA and AAA exclusive on the PS3, add up all their gameplay together and get something like 20 hours of TOTAL gameplay.. Which is about the same amount of gameplay in Mass Effect.
Don't believe me? Lets look at the facts:
MGS4 5 hours of gameplay (when ignoring the snoozefest movie cutscenes)
LBP 3 hours of gameplay for the story mode
Heavenly Sword 4 hours of gameplay
Resistance 5 hours of gameplay
Drake 3 hours of gameplayYet when reviewers say that Fable 2 has 12 hours if you only do the main quest, PS3 fanboys are the first to bash how short it is.
Ummm....yeah. Do you want to know the real reason why games are shorter nowadays even with Blu-Ray? It is called escalating costs of game development. Most of the "short" games on Blu-Ray are not because there wasn't enough space. It was because the developers didn't want to keep spending time and money to make a game longer and longer because the cost of game development is rising very quickly. And I put the word "short" in quotation marks because a "short" game now seems to be considered 5 hours or less. Funny...because many NES games 20 years ago might take 2 hours to complete at most.
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