@Animal-Mother said:
@R4gn4r0k said:
Who says I'm talking about the development ?
I'm also talking about promoting and marketing that game. They sold it to people even if they knew it was one huge steaming pile of **** that they knew was barely playable. And what did Randy Pitchford tell people ? That the game's quality was comparable to Half Life 2.
Yeah, don't tell me that guy deserves any respect when he is lying to people like that so he can sell his junk to them.
No matter if 3D realms made that abomination or who made it. Don't care. Gearbox sold it and put their name on it.
Yeah gearbox is a business who has to make money. Why spend millions acquiring a name like duke nukem, completely spend more millions to make gamers wait more and completely redevelop the game and then tell gamers it sucks.
Sorry if you believe what people who are pushing a product have to back it up and sell it. That makes you a sucker. If you even thought for one second DNF was going to be any good that's really being short sighted.
They're business men, sometimes they have to sell shit to you, that sir is THEIR job.
See, I'm defending gamers in this and you are defending Gearbox.
I never thought Duke Nukem Forever would be any good, but I can certainly understand that other people thought it would be good. Same with Aliens, they were never honest about the game and sold it on CGI footage.
I was talking about respect to heil. If you seriously think that a company that lies to people and tries to sell them shit because 'oh, well they bought the IP and the game and they have to make money somehow' deserves ANY kind of respect from you as a gamer, than you are the sucker, my good sir. Because than companies are free to do anything to you.
Your excuse could go for pretty much any company that lies and cheats to get their product sold.
Your excuse could go for both Aliens and Duke Nukem Forever, so Gearbox is free of any blame. Yeah, right. I don't think that way, I'm sorry. Being a business doesn't excuse you to do anything.
"Sometimes they have to sell shit to you, that sir is THEIR job."
It is ?
That is in the job description or something ? Than how come so many game developers have never tried selling shit ? Because they weren't as idiotic as Gearbox and spent millions on a shit game ?
Being simply a business doesn't excuse you of anything. There is something called business ethics. And if I consider something unethical like what Gearbox has done, which means going through any means necessary to get, what they know is pure shit, sold to people, than I consider that unethical. And I would not give them my respect.
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