Lets call this what it actually is ok?
It's a pretty shameless money grab to smokescreen the fact that their library is kinda shit (Right now). A delaying tactic if you will, surrounded in a layer of "The fans asked for it"..
What you're hating then aren't remasters, it's the library. However, taking remasters out of the picture isn't going to add new games. If anything, remasters are helping fund more games while simultaneously allowing new players to try an older title and old fans revisit a favorite.
So complain about the lack of exclusives. But remasters? That's just missing the point.
I haven't miss the point at all. You've just proved what I said in regard to it being a money grab. Justify it all you like, but doesn't change what it is at the core.
Selling regurgitated shit is NOT ok, even if it is to fund new IP. At the very least go back to early PS2-PS1 era games instead of shit that came out not even 5 years ago. It's total bullshit to get people to invest in a new console only to have their library to be littered with stuff that's still available in stores. At launch, and maybe some of the first year I really wouldn't mind I understand the need to put some fluff in your launch lineup, but you can tell this is a tactic that is going to be the norm. (They started this shit on the PS3) And you're right, I'm not really down on remasters, I just don't like the way they are being handled.
It's the same way with how the industry has monetized betas. It's a bullshit money grab, I don't expect them to be honest about it, but don't tell me I can't call them on their bullshit.
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