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the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
It's true that all journalists should never use personal pro-nouns. However, I believe I have seen some EGM reviews that used them (but that is, of course EGM).
the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
Seems you should go back to school and learn what opinion means again.
i was in another thread just reading
and im sick of poeple saying
"it doesnt matter if X game got X score its their opinion"
please show me a review in gamespot state an opinion,
the reviewers never say
i think
which means they are stating facts, are you going to read a news paper for opinions, NO your reading it for facts and reviews are the SAME way,
Perhaps this may concern my post in the DMC4 review thread because I pretty much said that!
Anyways by the way you talk of reviewers they only state facts...then there is a easy way to disprove your point.
Reviewer A: 9.0
Reviewer B:8.0
WHAT!? well there seems to be a bit of a gap in the "Facts" or how much merit the "Facts" get in the REVIEWERS OPINION. But hey...thats just me. In a perfect world reviewers would give all the same score, but in the same sense why would anyone care then. The human factor is what makes reviews interesting to read and pay attention too.
Game A: has This this this 9.0!
Game B:has this this it was also be 9.0! ALLRIGHT!
the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
It's true that all journalists should never use personal pro-nouns. However, I believe I have seen some EGM reviews that used them (but that is, of course EGM).
[QUOTE="Riki101"]i was in another thread just reading
and im sick of poeple saying
"it doesnt matter if X game got X score its their opinion"
please show me a review in gamespot state an opinion,
the reviewers never say
i think
which means they are stating facts, are you going to read a news paper for opinions, NO your reading it for facts and reviews are the SAME way,
Perhaps this may concern my post in the DMC4 review thread because I pretty much said that!
Anyways by the way you talk of reviewers they only state facts...then there is a easy way to disprove your point.
Reviewer A: 9.0
Reviewer B:8.0
WHAT!? well there seems to be a bit of a gap in the "Facts" or how much merit the "Facts" get in the REVIEWERS OPINION. But hey...thats just me. In a perfect world reviewers would give all the same score, but in the same sense why would anyone care then. The human factor is what makes reviews interesting to read and pay attention too.
Game A: has This this this 9.0!
Game B:has this this it was also be 9.0! ALLRIGHT!
the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
It's true that all journalists should never use personal pro-nouns. However, I believe I have seen some EGM reviews that used them (but that is, of course EGM).
Yeah! My man OBAMAH!!!!!!!!!!!funny thing about this, if a reviewer says "this game is great because o this feature is good" is an opinion, and guass what, didnt use any of those phrases.
its an opinion, not fact, get over it, thats whay differant sites have differant scores, becuase differant people have a differant opinion on what is good
Who said Review B found more bad things? It's not like they have a point system, your just being ignorant if you think every review would score the same if they found the same issue.
Wether you like it or not, your point of view is flawed and would only be true in the perfect reviewing world.
The easy solution to this would be a merit/demerit system. But have you ever seen "Better than the sum of its parts" as in many good things overshadow a bad thing? Ya it's the person opinion if these merits are worth overlooking a bad point. Some people will say this problem is critical, or others will accept it and move on.
the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
Seems you should go back to school and learn what opinion means again.
That makes no sense.
Direct quote from a gamespot review on DMC4:
Puzzles and platforming aren't much fun and chop up the pace too much. Is that Fact opinion? Sounds like it's an opinion to me. How is this fact just because it's in a review? Here's one of my favorites for the R&C review:
So many different, often unnecessary gameplay mechanics that the game lacks an identity. This is a opinion. To many gameplay mechanics? I thought that was a good thing.
Here's a FACT for you: Reviews are Opinions. Straight and simple.
the reviewers never say
i think
Of course they do. :?
Seems you should go back to school and learn what opinion means again.
That makes no sense.
Direct quote from a gamespot review on DMC4:
Puzzles and platforming aren't much fun and chop up the pace too much. Is that Fact opinion? Sounds like it's an opinion to me. How is this fact just because it's in a review? Here's one of my favorites for the R&C review:
So many different, often unnecessary gameplay mechanics that the game lacks an identity. This is a opinion. To many gameplay mechanics? I thought that was a good thing.
Here's a FACT for you: Reviews are Opinions. Straight and simple.
main reason why im saying this is because im reading the threaddo you know rickjamesxx...? i swear you two are twins...just because a review contain facts, doesn't mean it is fact. *example : This "game" has very long and drawn out story. "another reviewer may say "This "game's" story is the most suspensful story and will keep you in for hours. *get it now?
"pc is overrated?"
and i came across some consolites saying,
"pc is not better then consoles just because its got more AA and AAA, review scores are just opinions,"
im still waiting for an opinion review
wow people are calling me dumb when my opinion i think reviews is only fact
Then tell my why, when I go on other game site, they have different review of the game... instead of giving for a certain game a 10 for graphics, they give it a 9... why is that?
[QUOTE="Riki101"]wow people are calling me dumb when my opinion i think reviews is only fact
Then tell my why, when I go on other game site, they have different review of the game... instead of giving for a certain game a 10 for graphics, they give it a 9... why is that?
I'm not bashing you. People are trying to tell you that reviews are not fact. There is no opinion on that.
main reason why im saying this is because im reading the thread
"pc is overrated?"
and i came across some consolites saying,
"pc is not better then consoles just because its got more AA and AAA, review scores are just opinions,"
im still waiting for an opinion review
lol, what review is not an opinion? Of course its not professional to use the words I, or I think in a review.
A review of a game where there first words are "You shouldn't play Lair" is completely fact based?dotWithShoes
lol, lets dig up all the Kevin Vanord reviews.
i was in another thread just reading
and im sick of poeple saying
"it doesnt matter if X game got X score its their opinion"
please show me a review in gamespot state an opinion,
the reviewers never say
i think
which means they are stating facts, are you going to read a news paper for opinions, NO your reading it for facts and reviews are the SAME way,
Either you really need to learn how to show sarcasm or you've never learned a single thing while you were on System Wars.
Atari 2600 is the best system. Period.
See what just happened there?
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="Riki101"]wow people are calling me dumb when my opinion i think reviews is only fact
Then tell my why, when I go on other game site, they have different review of the game... instead of giving for a certain game a 10 for graphics, they give it a 9... why is that?
Wow , you just missed the whole point...
Why do you think they rate it different?
[QUOTE="Riki101"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="Riki101"]wow people are calling me dumb when my opinion i think reviews is only fact
Then tell my why, when I go on other game site, they have different review of the game... instead of giving for a certain game a 10 for graphics, they give it a 9... why is that?
Wow , you just missed the whole point...
Why do you think they rate it different?
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="Riki101"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="Riki101"]wow people are calling me dumb when my opinion i think reviews is only fact
Then tell my why, when I go on other game site, they have different review of the game... instead of giving for a certain game a 10 for graphics, they give it a 9... why is that?
Wow , you just missed the whole point...
Why do you think they rate it different?
It's not that anyone is "Bashing you" It may seem this way because people are agrevated by your denial of the real fact that reviewers may mask there opinion as much as they can but it still leaks out in many areas.
They may just state facts but even so it's how they interpret those facts.
This thread is wrong. *FACT*metroidfood
I agree with your points and feel you truly expressed your argument with logical facts. Thank you.
[QUOTE="metroidfood"]This thread is wrong. *FACT*Riki101
I agree with your points and feel you truly expressed your argument with logical facts. Thank you.
The problem with your arguement is that something like Crysis's graphics can be measured and by far are the best. Even when someone gives there opinion they usually have a reason behind it.
Now if you were to say "I think Crysis's graphics are crap because:bla bla blah" Then you are entitled to your opinion wether it's right or wrong.
In a review, it's up to the reviewer how much merit he finds in the sum of the game some reviewers may be forgiving of a poor physics system while others will be painfully strict. Stop trying to redeem yoursel, your just looking desperate and don't make posts just to try and proove a point.
i was in another thread just reading
and im sick of poeple saying
"it doesnt matter if X game got X score its their opinion"
please show me a review in gamespot state an opinion,
the reviewers never say
i think
which means they are stating facts, are you going to read a news paper for opinions, NO your reading it for facts and reviews are the SAME way,
The "opinion" is that each review has their favorite genres or genres they don't like. Each reviewer has different tastes and pet peeves and, as such, they will have different ideas on what hurts a game or what doesn't. Look at the GS review for Ratchet and Clank compared to other review sites. They all pretty much say the same thing, but the GS reviewer wasn't a big platformer fan so the game wasn't as good for him as it was for other reviewers who may like PLatformers more.
For example, one reviewer may think that a camera that needs constant babysitting doesn't really impact the gameplay. But if I have to constantly babysit a camera system I DOES make me dislike the game. So a crappy camera system wouldn't affect a GS score (as an example) but it would affect my feeling towards the game.
The same can be said for almost any element of a game. People still act like FF7 has the greatest story of any RPG ever. Yet I've never liked the story and felt it was flat with two dimensional characters. So a reviewer who loves a certain story will give the game a higher score than someone who doesn't like the story.
Just because someone doesn't say "I think", doesn't make what they say a fact. And if reviews were fact, then don't you think EVERYONE would give it the same score?
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