[QUOTE="SecretPolice"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="SecretPolice"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]depending on who and how many, it could really hurt the Halo franchise.
True but really, are not employees always PONDERING leaving ?Some actually do it. And the companies they leave are never the same (Rare). The story is clearly not over, as evidenced by TXB's ominus statement.
I hear this and always think wtf !This gen Rare has made the only AAA launch title and two AA this gen for MS !
People who loved Rare b/c it was teh Nintendo dev. are now so willing to TRY and say they have slumped !
Not by my measuring stick and clearly reviewers dont think so ether !
Banjo IMHO is going to be a killer title and still the loyalist will say bu bu but Rare is not so great anymore - I dont get it ! :?
when i see people write things like this i say wtf they must be new to gaming. i have been a rare fan since they were ultimate and there quality has gone way down hill. they have really lost the magic they once had. and there best game this gen (viva pinata) got the lowest score out of there released games. rare peeked with jet force gemini and have been slowly dwindling. they really need to get back into gear. but when more than half your team leaves when they are sold (alot of them went to other nintendo companies and others went to try making there own studios and when the founders leave) what made the company great is not there anymore. it is like an egg that is just a shell. basically the studio is starting from scratch.
I'm sure he's not new to gaming, but you hit the nail on the head. PDZ's AAA status is a damn joke and a function of circumstances. Rare today is nothing like the Rare that made Killer Instinct, Banjo, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Conker (among other great games).
They were a high AAA developer. Now? hopes of future AAA games (that actually deserve it) are few and far between.
I hope the same doesn't happen to Bungie...but you know what? People go with their heart...and if the Halo devs are tired of making Halo games, then their only option may be to move on.
Like I said, if I was a dev, I'd be tired of making the same type of game for 10 years of my life (they'd been working on Halo for years before Halo launched on Xbox 1). I'd want to try something new and different. The only way to do that would probably be to leave, because the Halo franchise is too important for MS to allow them to simply make something else and forget about Halo.
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