Which proves what? It was originally an expansion. The project became more ambitious and the game became much longer. Its now a full game. The name has barely changed.(from Recon to ODST), but the game has. Deal with it.
Do you have proof that ODST has a full length campaign?Sure.
And from the Link.
ODST is one of the most curious offshoots of the Halo universe to date - whereas Bungie's numbered efforts in the series have been full-blooded, triple A blockbusters, ODST seems to be suffering something of a personality crisis. First announced as an add-on for Halo 3, its diminutive price tag reflected a dip in scale from the epic canvas on which Halo 3 was painted. Six months later however, it has grown to a full price affair.
"Over the course of development it got a lot bigger than we were anticipating," says Bakken. "We thought of it more as an expansion and then it grew well beyond that. We didn't really talk about it until E3 this year, and it's something internally that Microsoft saw and said; 'What are you talking about - this is a full game.'"
Microsoft Game Studio's Ryan Crosby chimes in; "The scope changed significantly as we went along, and every time we saw it the game got longer, the spaces got bigger, new things were added. Certainly when you sit down with it, it's a lot more than just an expansion pack."
Another link!!
It was a small expansion type game. Now its not. Its quite simple.
I hope that all of what they are saying is true and that they arent just tring to hype the game to be more than what it actually is. I'll have fun playing it regardless though. :D
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