@dynamitecop said:
You can't even have a rational conversation, you have no forward thinking abilities and you live in the delusional perception of what is, must and will always be.
Everything I said in that post is based upon fact and plausibility, why is it so hard to come to terms with that? You're sitting here comparing the Xbox One S to the PlayStation 4 Pro, they're not even directly competing devices and the Xbox One S is not Microsoft's future. You're talking about 'sales' for the Pro as if it's already gone off without a hitch without even the slightest thought that it's something hyped and unreleased, hype fades, especially when people know a greatly superior device is coming. You're not thinking about Sony dumping money into avenues that face the real danger of failure and massive losses, or the reality tied into that which could greatly harm them as a company and entertainment provider. You're not factoring in that they're going to have less money for other much more important things like games, this is already showing because they keep dumping money into new things, tons of mediocre VR games are coming this holiday, but what about PlayStation 4 games? Basically nothing, the possibility of The Last Guardian, it's misplaced priorities.
You need to be conscious of where things stand and where they're headed, you need to be aware of the dangerous games Sony is playing with their limited finances and the reality that one bad decision could cripple them. I'm not making this shit up, 78% of their entire revenue is from PlayStation, 78%... What have they been doing lately tormentos? Fucking up left and right, making bad decision after bad decision, becoming increasingly anti-consumer and pissing off their consumer base... The gravy train of self-perpetuating success is unraveling, auto-pilot has become disengaged, and the harshness is when they aren't just floating through a generation like they have been thus far for the PlayStation 4, they have to make decisions, and the decisions they have been making lately greatly show a great lack of landscape awareness or competence, they've been up in the clouds far too long and are having trouble finding the ground again. It's the same reason the PlayStation 3 was an initial disaster coming off of the PlayStation 2's success, they were completely out of touch with reality, and it's the same reason Microsoft screwed up with the Xbox One initially, they lost their way.
The problem is Microsoft has a long game here, Sony seems to want one, but they're half-assing every decision they're making and dumping money into dead ends. Microsoft has been making a lot of very market aware and competent decisions as of late, they're listening to everything gamers and developers are saying, they're building their brand and hardware going forward with complete consumer/developer transparency. The things they are doing now exemplify traditional Xbox values of old. If these ideologies and values would have been of importance at the time of the development and launch of the Xbox One, they would have crushed Sony, absolutely crushed them, especially coming off of the heels of the Xbox 360. The only thing that is holding the Xbox One back now is its hardware power and stigma, nothing else, when Scorpio releases that stigma will be dead and gone, and the hardware deficiency will not only fail to exist any longer, it will have transferred to Sony's consoles.
I don't want Sony to fail, but if they continue down this current path they will be left behind...
The only reason we can´t have a rational conversation is because you are irrational.
I think you're all skirting the point here by flipping this on Microsoft as if they have some type of non-capacity to trade equal footed blows with Sony, it happened before, it can happen again and with their market reach they could take things far beyond Sony's capacity to do anything,
Analyse this shit for starters.
You complain because people think MS doesn´t have the capacity to trade equal blows with sony,and the you proceed to claim that it had happen before and that could happen again.
That is total bullshit the last time MS and sony were close to equal footing was when the xbox came,sony release first but MS had the stronger console and was priced equally as the PS2,the outcome was not pretty.
The xbox 360 was as low as $299 and 1 year before the PS3,not to mention it had a barrage of high quality games by the time the PS3 landed,that is not equal footing at all.
Yes they are the PS4 Pro is fu**ing call PS4 fool it is a damn PS4 no different from the freaking xbox one S which has faster GPU and 4k capabilities which the original model totally lack the PS4 Pro is a direct competition to the XBO or any MS console release now or close.
Yeah hyped faded for the PS2 when the xbox came hahahahaha...
Sony has done 4 consoles from those 4, 3 had been great success and the one that fail still was able to match and pass the competition sales wise.
The PS3 was $600 the PS2 $300 that was the real problem.
Man what is this fu**ing obsession of you lemmings with holidays,MS has shit this holiday a multiplatform racer and several games that flopped to hell,Gears is 84 man,Recore,Quantum Break all failed to gain AAA status some could not even gain AA status,when Sony already has Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and still TLG to come and several other games...
WTF are you even arguing in that fu**ing second sentence man what the fu** man.?
You are the one who need to be conscious of where in hell the xbox brand really stand now,you need to freaking touch earth and get MS head out of your ass,is incredible the amount of crap you make up.
Sony is freaking solid,compare to MS shaky brand who can't even take off in US let alone worldwide.
This now this is today this is what is happening the PS4 with 4 different bundles on top of the XBOS Gears bundle including 2 freaking Uncharted bundles..
If tham Gears bundle does 30k on amazon sony is doing 120k or more with those 4 bundles is not even close.
You need to understand that no matter how hard you try to repeat that sony is doing bab or have loss their direction that doesn't make it true at all.
Holy shit the 3rd wall of text is even more deluded shit..
The things they are doing now exemplify traditional Xbox values of old. If these ideologies and values would have been of importance at the time of the development and launch of the Xbox One, they would have crushed Sony, absolutely crushed them, especially coming off of the heels of the Xbox 360.
The old xbox values included games EXCLUSIVE games which MS now doesn't have.
And you tell me i can't have a rational conversation...hahahahahahaaaa
Yeah MS would have crush sony hahahahahaaa.... Specially coming off the heels of the 360 the console with 1 year head start with as low as $299 price tag that ended last and could not hold a lead even on its best day...Hahahahaa
I can fu**ing wait for scorpio to release to i can trow in your face when it loss to the pro.
Thread bookmarked..ahahaha
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