The only way to play GoldenEye is on the N64. Also if you can't handle the sub 10 fps framerate you are spoiled :P
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The only way to play GoldenEye is on the N64. Also if you can't handle the sub 10 fps framerate you are spoiled :P
[QUOTE="FPSDad1161"]By Source port, do you mean a mod for the Source engine? Because I think they already had mods like this before Source. I'm pretty sure there was also a mod that remade Doom (and possibly Doom 2) in the Doom 3 engine as well, if I remember correctly. Been a long time since I played a game on a PC and even longer since I messed around with Doom.Lucianu
Eh, no. A source port is software that can run a game on modern rigs without complications.
For those visuals, i mearly used Skulltag (my favorite source port) and a HD texture pack.
You can also choose to play the game with the original control scheme, visuals and everything like it were in 1993.
Doom is one of my favorite games of all times, i replayed it the most, i think its ben at least 20 times. On Nightmare, no game has given me such entertainment, i really think this game is a wonder that aged incredibly well.
Ah I got ya. Yeah, the Source ports was what I was referring to in my previous post. I also loved Doom. Nightmare is still the most challenging thing in an FPS game in my opinion. Todays FPS are only hard because of cheap spawns and a checkpoint system. Even being able to save anytime on Nightmare the game is still just that, a nightmare. I was hoping Doom 3 nightmare would be more like the first Doom nightmare. But it was pretty easy by comparison.Pretty easy control scheme to adapt to. Then again, if you were never very good at it to begin with it would be hopeless after so long. Enough people owned/played Goldeneye to where I think it would be second nature. Bad Framerate? Yes. Unplayable framerate? By no means.
No way, its never to late to change that. By the way, i never understood gamers being surprised by poor visuals. The games are old, the info. is there, we have the internet. Quite easy to know what you're getting yourself into wen starting a older game, ofcourse the visuals are going to look like crap compared to modern standards.
Why won't people play games before they make judgements?
The Goldeneye re-imagingin for Wii, which is being remade for HD twins, plays different and fixes many of the things that would aged with the original.
Having a longer, better campaign with stealth and action and deep multi-player is unheard of today
The problem is, the graphics aren't the only thing getting updated. ;)Darth_DuMas
That might be true but remakes also need to be in the right hands. Even if it was Rare remaking it it still wouldn't be the same because they suck now. Do you really trust the game in the hands of Activision?
You sound like you haven't played Goldeneye 007 on the Wii. Apart from a few flaws, it's actually really good and is the best game i've played on the system. It's not a remake of the Rare game, it has nothing to do with that except it's based on the same movie.
But all fps games eventually struggle. I can't play the original Half Life, I even tried Half Life Source I just couldn't play it.
But the port of the N64 version of Perfect Dark on XBLA is actually really good.
I agree all fps eventually become too dated to be enjoyed without nostalgia....except System shock 2, i played it for the first time a few weeks ago and its still awesome to this day! Deux Ex on the other hand, i cant say i enjoyed that much at all...i couldnt even complete it![QUOTE="mitu123"]I also preferred PD to GE. Although both were good games. PD was fantastic..not just good! Theres so much thats great in that game and this is coming from my "lofty pc gaming fps standards"! Probably the best console fps ever made, at least the best i have ever played.Perfect Dark is better anyways.
I agree all fps eventually become too dated to be enjoyed without nostalgia....except System shock 2, i played it for the first time a few weeks ago and its still awesome to this day! Deux Ex on the other hand, i cant say i enjoyed that much at all...i couldnt even complete it! dom2000
Eh, the hinder of a old game (mechanics and such) intertwining with your enjoyment is subjective, you liking System Shock 2, and me loving Deus Ex proves that. Regardless of anyone elses view, this is fact based on everything i've experienced since i started gaming in 2006.
You are very much mistaken. I've played the original recently and I still think it's one of the most FUN fps out there. I've also completed the remake on Wii recently and it is without doubt the best fps I have played this gen and easily has one of the best single player fps experiences I have encountered. I'm thinking maybe you just don't quite get what it is that actually makes GoldenEye's specific design and type of gameplay more fun than many modern fps games.Nostalgia does interesting things to the mind. Remakes are welcomed if they are fit for the game but some games should be left in the past and remembered as they were back then.
In a market where shooters currently dominate the market Goldeneye simply can't hold up. If you've heard how great it was from your friend but never got to play it don't believe him because it was an entirely different story back then.
This is nothing more than another cash grab by Activision.
I never thought Golden Eye was that great. Then again, I was a PC gamer and had much better choices. millerlight89
This man speaks the truth.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]I never thought Golden Eye was that great. Then again, I was a PC gamer and had much better choices. Rude_Bwoii
This man speaks the truth.
What FPS was so better on PC back in 1997? I wouldn't say Quake II because they are barely comparable.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]I never thought Golden Eye was that great. Then again, I was a PC gamer and had much better choices. nameless12345
This man speaks the truth.
What FPS was so better on PC back in 1997? I wouldn't say Quake II because they are barely comparable.
Ugh I have always been a PC gamer and Goldeneye back then was an absolute blast. Compared to PC controls it played horrible (just like dual analogue is horrible for FPS if you'd ask me). The graphics weren't that great either. Level variation, music, unlockables and learning to play it with the crazy control scheme and using it against friends was pure gold.To tell the truth...I played Goldeneye a few times back in the 90's and I never really liked it. Even then, the controls felt really weird to me. I was too busy playing Zelda OOT and Banjo Kazooie in those days however.
lol what they need to do is fix the controls and update other things besides the graphics. I still own a N64 with a copy of Golden Eye and I hate to say it but playing on it is a NIGHTMARE!
Mostly it's due to the N64 having just one controll stick which feels so primitive and is such a chore to aim and what not. The N64 controller at the time was revolutionary but now it's just outdated. end of story. And even though Sony sort of copied the idea from Nintendo, they did it right by adding in two sticks which is now the industry standard. I'm not trying to be a fanboy or nothing but I can still play my old PS1 and PS2 games without problems because the controller is so well designed.
This is the same exact problem I have with the 3DS, it should have two controller sticks and not just one (it also needs a battery life upgrade DESPERATEY)
It's a shame because there are some really good games on N64 but the controller just ruins it.
I agree. Perfect dark is the only game I played that I actually enjoyed playing bots in multiplayer. The number of stuff that can be customized in that game keeps me entertained whenever I decide to pop it in...Yeah, Goldeneye is pretty ****ing terrible. Perfect Dark, however, still offers more unique and interesting content than most shooters today, IMO.
Ugh I have always been a PC gamer and Goldeneye back then was an absolute blast. Compared to PC controls it played horrible (just like dual analogue is horrible for FPS if you'd ask me). The graphics weren't that great either. Level variation, music, unlockables and learning to play it with the crazy control scheme and using it against friends was pure gold.
Maybe because they compare Goldeneye to Half Life, Goldeneye is an amazing SP and MP experience to this day (Even with it's major framerate issues), Half Life is an amazing SP experience that had to take advantage of mods to be an amazing MP experience. Plus, Quake II wasn't that good.
I have no problem with a remake, but the first time EA "remade" Goldeneye, we got Rogue Agent. In the same generation we got the masterpieces Nightfire and Everything or Nothing, the one Bond game with Goldeneye in the title happened to be the worst.
So I have to agree, I'd rather they be more creative. Besides, Goldeneye Source has all the modernized Goldeneye mp I need, I just wish I could play it on my TV like the old days with a controller and some screen peeking.
Oh my GOD. Can people quit whining about Goldeneye not holding up?
Ok, are the graphics dated? Yes...
Are the Controls dated? Yes...
if you just sit there for more than ten seconds and play it and adjust to the controls and look of the game there is a lot of fun to be had. Especially in multiplayer, I still think it is one of the single greatest local multiplayer games of all time.
The game is more than just a shooter.. You have missions to complete and tasks you have to do in order to beat each level.. you can't just shoot your way out and win. I wish more shooters these days had single player depth like that game did.
[QUOTE="Darth_DuMas"]You sound like you haven't played Goldeneye 007 on the Wii. Apart from a few flaws, it's actually really good and is the best game i've played on the system. It's not a remake of the Rare game, it has nothing to do with that except it's based on the same movie.
But all fps games eventually struggle. I can't play the original Half Life, I even tried Half Life Source I just couldn't play it.
But the port of the N64 version of Perfect Dark on XBLA is actually really good.icegamerice
I do know the things you mentioned. I have played it. I just think this is one game that was better off left in the graveyard. Its ok if you like the game but I'm clearly not the only one that thinks (despite the Wii version being good) it isn't anything like it used to be.
Have to say though, me saying it's the best game on the Wii isn't much of a complement I guess (not the biggest fan of the attempts at gaming the Wii offers). As an fps, I just found it pretty decent for the Wii. But it's no where near as good as say CoD 2 which i'm playing on my 360 and that's quite old itself now.
Honestly, I thought the graphics were horrendous too and you need a controller and the Wii classic pro or whatever isn't even that good, also it doesn't register head shots as well as it should. Still... the best Wii game i've ever played lol.
Now the original Goldeneye probably isn't great, but the newer one is quite useful as a modern fps as in, it's just good, nothing more nothing less.
I don't really care for it anymore (the Rare game), I am happy I have the original Perfect Dark on XBLA though which is the better game. Nintendo just want it to make more money on the resale but they probably wouldn't have added an online mode to it knowing them, so what's the point. So I kinda agree.
[QUOTE="HaloinventedFPS"] [QUOTE="Darth_DuMas"]That might be true but remakes also need to be in the right hands. Even if it was Rare remaking it it still wouldn't be the same because they suck now. Do you really trust the game in the hands of Activision?
You sound like you haven't played Goldeneye 007 on the Wii. Apart from a few flaws, it's actually really good and is the best game i've played on the system. It's not a remake of the Rare game, it has nothing to do with that except it's based on the same movie.
But all fps games eventually struggle. I can't play the original Half Life, I even tried Half Life Source I just couldn't play it.
But the port of the N64 version of Perfect Dark on XBLA is actually really good.
I agree all fps eventually become too dated to be enjoyed without nostalgia....except System shock 2, i played it for the first time a few weeks ago and its still awesome to this day! Deux Ex on the other hand, i cant say i enjoyed that much at all...i couldnt even complete it!I've been trying to get hold of a copy of System Shock 2, but it's expensive still (Ithink) and I don't think it'd work on Windows 7, not sure. They need to re-release on steam or something.
I have Perfect Dark, and I just don't understand how I ever played N64 shooters. I can't even play PD anymore.
The thing is though that 8-10 years ago I played Goldeneye all the time as well as Halo, and Half Life/Mods. I just don't get how I did it :P
I never thought Golden Eye was that great. Then again, I was a PC gamer and had much better choices. millerlight89
The closest thing on PC that there was to GoldenEye was.... well, there wasn't really until Half-Life came out a year later.
The Nintendo 64 was the only system I didn't have during that era, but man, everytime I went to my mate's house I ate up GoldenEye like no tomorrow (helps that I loved the film).
But yeah, looking in hindsight, GoldenEye inspired the PC FPS movement to be more than just pointing and shooting.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]I never thought Golden Eye was that great. Then again, I was a PC gamer and had much better choices. FrozenLiquid
The closest thing on PC that there was to GoldenEye was.... well, there wasn't really until Half-Life came out a year later.
The Nintendo 64 was the only system I didn't have during that era, but man, everytime I went to my mate's house I ate up GoldenEye like no tomorrow (helps that I loved the film).
But yeah, looking in hindsight, GoldenEye inspired the PC FPS movement to be more than just pointing and shooting.
A console FPS influencing PC FPS?!!!!You lie!!!!!:P
I forget the psychological term, but looking back I had a perception that Goldeneye had been one of the most enjoyable experiences ever.
The Wii version ruined that for me. Perhaps it just pointed out how standards have changed since, but now I can hardly play the game.
Get a long HDMI or DVI cable, and use the X-padder program with an N64 controller. You can't get much more authentic than that other than playing the original game itself (although you'll probably get your ass kicked quite a bit by the other players if you use an N64 controller, lol). ;)I have no problem with a remake, but the first time EA "remade" Goldeneye, we got Rogue Agent. In the same generation we got the masterpieces Nightfire and Everything or Nothing, the one Bond game with Goldeneye in the title happened to be the worst.
So I have to agree, I'd rather they be more creative. Besides, Goldeneye Source has all the modernized Goldeneye mp I need, I just wish I could play it on my TV like the old days with a controller and some screen peeking.
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