A BLU-RAY is a format of disc that is capable of storing 50GB of DATA( it will not make greater games, the next-gen tools that Developers are using will make it better cuz data will fit in).
at the moment MS don't need that amount of data as they claim, but from what Im seeing, they have to make a new console now because it can't fit in GTA4, you have to download the extra content, didn't hear of Co-op online in Halo3 yet and PGR4 having some problems fitting in the tracks, we are in next-gen time, every new console need a new format, a bigger one because new tech needs bigger space, just like going from CDs(750MB) to DVDs(9GB) to BLU-RAYs(50GB)in case of PS.So yes it makes a difference.
And for those who are saying MS will make new console in two years and they will buy Xbox's new console, are you bored/disappointed already with what you have?
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