[QUOTE="leadernator"] PS3 has the most potential, with the latter end its 1st gen games exceeding anything possible on 360.
360's capabilities tapped out with Gears of War (like the Dreamcast tapped out with Soul Calibur).
PS3's online service is free and pretty much equal to XBL (if not, then better).
With both games and power on its side, there would be no reason NOT to buy a PS3 (if you're a gamer, of course).
The Halo series has lost it.
Screenshot comparisons are worthless, and will evolve to video comparisons.
No one will take the Wii's success seriously, and people would categorize it in the "family entertainment" market.
Everyone will be loved.
1: You wish.
IT's not out of the question at all. Gamespot themselves already claims Motorstorm to be one of the greatest graphical achievements to date (too bad the game fell a bit short), and at the end of this year many ofPS3s most anticipated will be available. I forgot what that guys name was... he's that guy in one of the G4 shows, and he stated that "Sony is finally showcasing games that's not possible on the 360." He said that after Sony's big San Diego event. you can check it out on G4.com if you'd like, i'm just sorry i can't provide his name... but he's that guy that has a show with morgan webb, who people think is hot for some reason.
He's probably not the most credible guy out there, but he's not the only one saying it as well. I'm just trying to tell you that the possibility is definitely there.
2: Irrational thinking. Implies that devs on 360 suddenly get brain freeze and assumes that no progression is ever made again.
Well it did happen to the Dreamcast, even though there were many hits after Soul Calibur.
3: Seems unlikely. A server-based thing like that can't do stuff to the magnitude of XBL and remain free for too long. PSN, IMO, will most likely stay where it's at (plus Home), in its perfectly decent and serviceable state. I have no problems with that, actually: I do like PSN.
Glad you like it.
4: This statement assumes that the rest of the above statements are proven facts. They are not.
Never passed them out as facts. but "likely."
5: Bungie slips up for the first time ever, especially with how goshdarned fun that demo was? In that case, I'm calling it now: Starcraft 2 6.4. It's quite probable, by your logic.
It probably is fun... its just like what people are saying about the Warhawk Beta. Halo 3 really isn't taking any risks, which could be bad considering the HUGE name it has behind it. You can blame other shooters for that. GeOW for example... not exactly a fps, but you can't deny that we'll be hearing comparisons later. you have shooters that are more anticipated as well, such as Haze, Crysis, and dare-i-say Killzone2 (you can't deny the hype behind this game). If the Halo series can't evolve, then it will be crushed by competition. I've never played a StarCraft game before, but that genre isn't nearly as saturated as the FPS genre.
6: Youtube is on the verge of breaking the internet already. As much as I would love streaming, embeddable HD quality low-compression videos for comparison, it's probably not going to happen that soon. Screenshots can be posted on a message board and viewed by everybody, so they're still the most convenient.
Most convenient, but still pointless. everyone looks for the worst shots, and the rest look for the best. it's getting old, and will be old soon. they will be there for sure, but will never be used as proving grounds ever.
7: Already being proven wrong. The Wii's success has been built on the casual family market, true, but the same was with the PS2. Did the PS2 have problems with that? No, not really.
the PS2 was never branded as a "family" console. "casual," yes, but family is a whole different subject. The Wii will be (and currently is) criticized for the lack of "WOW" games. And until we see some, we won't take it seriously... Smooth Moves, Cooking Mama...just doesn't cut it. I really want Smash Bros. but that's about it. And of course, i do not speak for everyone.
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