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So the next X-box is coming out next year since thats when the PS3 will be in it's prime with it's biggest exclusives (GT5, FFXIII, GOW III)?FlamestosGee 09, it only took what 3 years? :roll:
But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?Ragnarok1051developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.
:wink: then it looks like buying an xbox360 now isn't a very good investment is it...
Better off getting a PS3 now then and waiting for the xbox720 to go down in price over the next couple of years since xbox360 will be dead.
But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?Ragnarok1051
so you're not the least bit miffed about waiting for 3 years? i'm getting my MGS4 bundle in june. honestly, its the first reason i've found to buy a PS3.
[QUOTE="Lionheart08"]So the new Xbox is coming out next year?
you're kinda missing the point.
Oh I get the point. This is basically another thread to jab at the PS3's slower start, but I choose to repond with sarcasm. But really, the PS3 has already began over taking the 360, and really it wouldn't make much sense for Microsoft to pull out of the race anytime soon since they are still making strong sales.
PS2 still kept selling even with all next gen systems out... Still I dont see MS releasing their next console before late 2010 / early 2011...
I think 2009 already has a few great titles PS3 owners like myself can look forward too...
so despite there being plenty of life left in this gen, for both ps3 and 360 M$ will expect lemmings to fork out for a new console
i fail to see how its cows that are being owned
You seriously think MS is gonna stay on board with the 360 until 2011?PS2 still kept selling even with all next gen systems out... Still I dont see MS releasing their next console before late 2010 / early 2011...
I think 2009 already has a few great titles PS3 owners like myself can look forward too...
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?clone01
so you're not the least bit miffed about waiting for 3 years? i'm getting my MGS4 bundle in june. honestly, its the first reason i've found to buy a PS3.
why should cows be, its all about opinion, i have all 3 and ive gotten at least 10x more playtime out of my ps3 than the 360, im miffed about waiting 3 years to get a good game on the 360.[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?pro-nathan-07developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.
Well duh cause it was the 1st next gen system. What other choice they had.
To be honest I am wondering this also.
Home comes out later this year but its the BETA, when does the final ersion come out? Will this end up like online play for the PS2 where by the time it comes out no one will care?
Sonys console is obviosuly built to last that 10 they claim, with great new things coming out throughout those 10 years but are gamers ready for that or would they have moved onto the next console while Sony are still making great new features?
[QUOTE="Malta_1980"]You seriously think MS is gonna stay on board with the 360 until 2011? y not? its making microsoft money :|PS2 still kept selling even with all next gen systems out... Still I dont see MS releasing their next console before late 2010 / early 2011...
I think 2009 already has a few great titles PS3 owners like myself can look forward too...
[QUOTE="Flamestos"]So the next X-box is coming out next year since thats when the PS3 will be in it's prime with it's biggest exclusives (GT5, FFXIII, GOW III)?3verlastingHeroGee 09, it only took what 3 years? :roll:
Yeah, because it's obviously mandatory for every single killer app to be released within a year's time. Really though, there has been other games to play, like I don't know, Ratchet and Clank or Uncharted. Hell, PS3 owners could also play the multiplats, which for whatever reason is never considered since it's also on the 360.
developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.[QUOTE="pro-nathan-07"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?finalfantasy94
Well duh cause it was the 1st next gen system. What other choice they had.
and it will be the same thing with the new xbox which is exactly my point:roll:So the new Xbox is coming out next year?
There a very good chance PS3 will hit its prime this year or next, at the latest. That would mean, at the end of 2009, MS had the 360 for 4 years. You telling me a short xbox lifespan and a 4 year 360 lifespan is a good thing?
This industry is going to be all messed up if this occurs. It will not be good for consumers, I assure you that.
But enjoy buying a rushed piece of hardware every four years. Just don't let me ever see you complaining about console prices.
[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?river_rat3117
so you're not the least bit miffed about waiting for 3 years? i'm getting my MGS4 bundle in june. honestly, its the first reason i've found to buy a PS3.
why should cows be, its all about opinion, i have all 3 and ive gotten at least 10x more playtime out of my ps3 than the 360, im miffed about waiting 3 years to get a good game on the 360.true, it is all opinion.
Gee 09, it only took what 3 years? :roll:[QUOTE="3verlastingHero"][QUOTE="Flamestos"]So the next X-box is coming out next year since thats when the PS3 will be in it's prime with it's biggest exclusives (GT5, FFXIII, GOW III)?Lionheart08
"Yeah, because it's obviously mandatory for every single killer app to be released within a year's time." Really though, there has been other games to play, like I don't know, Ratchet and Clank or Uncharted. Hell, PS3 owners could also play the multiplats, which for whatever reason is never considered since it's also on the 360.
No, it's just the 360 has had a steady stream of great games SINCE LAUNCH. While with PS3 you have to wait a couple years.[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?clone01
so you're not the least bit miffed about waiting for 3 years? i'm getting my MGS4 bundle in june. honestly, its the first reason i've found to buy a PS3.
3 years?
Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.3verlastingHero
Its not nice to call your opinion sad.
[QUOTE="Lionheart08"]Gee 09, it only took what 3 years? :roll:[QUOTE="3verlastingHero"][QUOTE="Flamestos"]So the next X-box is coming out next year since thats when the PS3 will be in it's prime with it's biggest exclusives (GT5, FFXIII, GOW III)?3verlastingHero
"Yeah, because it's obviously mandatory for every single killer app to be released within a year's time." Really though, there has been other games to play, like I don't know, Ratchet and Clank or Uncharted. Hell, PS3 owners could also play the multiplats, which for whatever reason is never considered since it's also on the 360.
No, it's just the 360 has had a steady stream of great games SINCE LAUNCH. While with PS3 you have to wait a couple years.PS3 was released at the tail end of 2006. Metal Gear comes out in 2 months. I wouldn't exactly call that 2-3 years.
Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.3verlastingHero
RfoM, R&C, Pro evo, madden, orange box, warhawk, GT5p (even cheaper) DMC4
i know they're not all exclusives but its not like us PS3 owners are really struggling for things to play on
Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.3verlastingHero
Since that's your opinion as you stated more gamers get more enjoyment out of R&C, Warhawk, Uncharted and the other exclusives the PS3 has now and the multiplats released that they choose to buy on the PS3. If you don't like waiting sell your PS3 and stop whining. Maybe you should have waited to see what the PS3 would bring to the table instead of following Sony's promises since most companies talk up their product to entice people it's business.
i really believe that ps3 will be descontinued if mgs4 and others flop...
and the only ps3 exclusive that i think will be AAA is god of war 3 and maybe resistence2....
I guess you like to ignore the obvious.
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?pro-nathan-07developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.
and lemmings didn't mind when MS abandoned the original xbox at the drop of a dime to milk them with a new console. It's ok, I don't mind either, I actually expect to get some worth out the consoles I buy. I don't spend 3 and 4 hundrend dollars on a console to have it abandoned in 2 or 3 years
:? I didn't know lemmings were so liberal about their money they had to spend on xbox360 and all that MS forces to buy when they abandon or require extra money for the essincials of gaming. I guess PS3's price point at the beginning of this gen really wasn't that big of a deal after all.
Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.3verlastingHero
Your Opinion does not equal General Opinion. War Hawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank, Motor Storm, & Ninja Gaiden Sigm (regardless that it's a remake) all seemed like quality games.
[QUOTE="3verlastingHero"]Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.Lionheart08
Your Opinion does not equal General Opinion. War Hawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank, Motor Storm, & Ninja Gaiden Sigm (regardless that it's a remake) all seemed like quality games.
OK lets say every one of those games are truly worth the price of admission (which they aren't) thats what? 5 games in the span of almost 2 years? Well 6 including Uncharted, 360 had more AAA games than that in the first COUPLE MONTHS after launch.[QUOTE="PAL360"]i really believe that ps3 will be descontinued if mgs4 and others flop...
and the only ps3 exclusive that i think will be AAA is god of war 3 and maybe resistence2....
I guess you like to ignore the obvious.
no....for me isnt obvious that the last place system can reach the top....if i was a cow i shut me up and just wait
i really believe that ps3 will be descontinued if mgs4 and others flop...
and the only ps3 exclusive that i think will be AAA is god of war 3 and maybe resistence2....
:? who cares what you or any of the desperate lemmings here think?
Blah blah blah is all you just said. Here's something else that lemmings think.
:o "Lost Oddesy's better than FF, not a flop"
:o "GTp is duh demoz and it's a flop"
Here's how that works out in real life. GT5p sales >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LO sales. So much for what lemmings think.
[QUOTE="Lionheart08"][QUOTE="3verlastingHero"]Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.3verlastingHero
Your Opinion does not equal General Opinion. War Hawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank, Motor Storm, & Ninja Gaiden Sigm (regardless that it's a remake) all seemed like quality games.
OK lets say every one of those games are truly worth the price of admission (which they aren't) thats what? 5 games in the span of almost 2 years? Well 6 including Uncharted, 360 had more AAA games than that in the first COUPLE MONTHS after launch.:) Ok, I'll play ball.
Name those games that came out in the first couple months after launch on the xbox360 that "worth the price of admission" as you put it.
And I can't wait to see you list PDO and Kamero so I can LMFAO.
developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.[QUOTE="pro-nathan-07"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?killadread
and lemmings didn't mind when MS abandoned the original xbox at the drop of a dime to milk them with a new console. It's ok, I don't mind either, I actually expect to get some worth out the consoles I buy. I don't spend 3 and 4 hundrend dollars on a console to have it abandoned in 2 or 3 years
:? I didn't know lemmings were so liberal about their money they had to spend on xbox360 and all that MS forces to buy when they abandon or require extra money for the essincials of gaming. I guess PS3's price point at the beginning of this gen really wasn't that big of a deal after all.
you mean the console that cows considered a flop? its funny how many cows bring up the xbox and say that microsoft "abandoned" it when at the same type whouldnt stop saying how much microsoft is destorying the industry and that they shouldn't make consoles.
you really need to get your things in order
i really believe that ps3 will be descontinued if mgs4 and others flop...
and the only ps3 exclusive that i think will be AAA is god of war 3 and maybe resistence2....
[QUOTE="3verlastingHero"][QUOTE="Lionheart08"][QUOTE="3verlastingHero"]Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.killadread
Your Opinion does not equal General Opinion. War Hawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank, Motor Storm, & Ninja Gaiden Sigm (regardless that it's a remake) all seemed like quality games.
OK lets say every one of those games are truly worth the price of admission (which they aren't) thats what? 5 games in the span of almost 2 years? Well 6 including Uncharted, 360 had more AAA games than that in the first COUPLE MONTHS after launch.:) Ok, I'll play ball.
Name those games that came out in the first couple months after launch on the xbox360 that "worth the price of admission" as you put it.
And I can't wait to see you list PDO and Kamero so I can LMFAO.
Kameo was a good game. i liked it as much as ratchet and clank. and though they weren't AAA, DOA4, condemned, and dead rising were pretty solid.
[QUOTE="killadread"]developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.[QUOTE="pro-nathan-07"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?lawlessx
and lemmings didn't mind when MS abandoned the original xbox at the drop of a dime to milk them with a new console. It's ok, I don't mind either, I actually expect to get some worth out the consoles I buy. I don't spend 3 and 4 hundrend dollars on a console to have it abandoned in 2 or 3 years
:? I didn't know lemmings were so liberal about their money they had to spend on xbox360 and all that MS forces to buy when they abandon or require extra money for the essincials of gaming. I guess PS3's price point at the beginning of this gen really wasn't that big of a deal after all.
you mean the console that cows considered a flop? its funny how many cows bring up the xbox and say that microsoft "abandoned" it when at the same type whouldnt stop saying how much microsoft is destorying the industry and that they shouldn't make consoles.
you really need to get your things in order
:? whoh.
this is a first...I have absolutely no clue what point you're trying to make here. And for the record I owned (scrach that) own an xbox. Also the cow's never even really used the term flop until recently, that has been totally blown out of proportions by lemmings.
I personally think xbox is a failure becaue MS abandoned it's consumers (me) not because of how many consoles it actually had on the market. And yes I do think that those kind of trends in console gameing will destroy the dont'?
[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="killadread"]developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.[QUOTE="pro-nathan-07"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?killadread
you mean the console that cows considered a flop? its funny how many cows bring up the xbox and say that microsoft "abandoned" it when at the same type whouldnt stop saying how much microsoft is destorying the industry and that they shouldn't make consoles.
you really need to get your things in order
:? whoh.
this is a first...I have absolutely no clue what point you're trying to make here. And for the record I owned (scrach that) own an xbox. Also the cow's never even really used the term flop until recently, that has been totally blown out of proportions by lemmings.
I personally think xbox is a failure becaue MS abandoned it's consumers (me) not because of how many consoles it actually had on the market. And yes I do think that those kind of trends in console gameing will destroy the dont'?
what? obviously weren't around last gen to understand what I'm talking about
I was thinking about this the other day, it seems like the PS3 is lagging WAY behind, and by the time it finally surpasses the 360 in terms of AAA games, Microsoft will have moved on to Xbox 540 or whatever, why is Sony so slow to get on the ball? I mean HOME is pretty much never coming out and it was supposta counter xbox live.3verlastingHeroThe plan was to use gamers to win a format war and it worked like a charm. Sony is going to make out like a bandit and all they had to do was sacrifice a bunch of people that love Sony so much that they don't care they were used and will make endless praise threads at places like this one. Where's the problem? Everthing is looking pretty rosie for Sony at the moment. They will make make crazy amounts of money on BD and the people that made that possible are happy as clams to fork over a bunch of money for very little in return.
So the next X-box is coming out next year since thats when the PS3 will be in it's prime with it's biggest exclusives (GT5, FFXIII, GOW III)?Flamestos
i thought its prime year is 08? actually, i thought it was 07... idk really, 08 has mgs and 09 has ff and gow3. Tough call...
[QUOTE="killadread"][QUOTE="3verlastingHero"][QUOTE="Lionheart08"][QUOTE="3verlastingHero"]Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.clone01
Your Opinion does not equal General Opinion. War Hawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank, Motor Storm, & Ninja Gaiden Sigm (regardless that it's a remake) all seemed like quality games.
OK lets say every one of those games are truly worth the price of admission (which they aren't) thats what? 5 games in the span of almost 2 years? Well 6 including Uncharted, 360 had more AAA games than that in the first COUPLE MONTHS after launch.:) Ok, I'll play ball.
Name those games that came out in the first couple months after launch on the xbox360 that "worth the price of admission" as you put it.
And I can't wait to see you list PDO and Kamero so I can LMFAO.
Kameo was a good game. i liked it as much as ratchet and clank. and though they weren't AAA, DOA4, condemned, and dead rising were pretty solid.
I agree with everything you just said, however this post was directed at the poster above. His comments were redicliuos and he is saying that PS3 is 2 years old, when uncharted relesed last november it was just reached 1. lol @ that braininac "4 months of a 12 month calender = teh year!!"
I hate liers and idiots and feel the need to point out BS when I see it. xbox360 had so good games come out the first year I agree but so did PS3. Nothing on either one of them is anything to jump up and down about at this point, PS2 still owns them. But he is going to sit there and say that nothig out on the PS3 is worth the price of admission and that the launch games on xbox360, I just gotta call him on that one.
developers didnt seem to mind when the 360 launched.[QUOTE="pro-nathan-07"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]But would you rather make a game on a console that is just hitting it's prime or a new console with no fanbase?killadread
and lemmings didn't mind when MS abandoned the original xbox at the drop of a dime to milk them with a new console. It's ok, I don't mind either, I actually expect to get some worth out the consoles I buy. I don't spend 3 and 4 hundrend dollars on a console to have it abandoned in 2 or 3 years
:? I didn't know lemmings were so liberal about their money they had to spend on xbox360 and all that MS forces to buy when they abandon or require extra money for the essincials of gaming. I guess PS3's price point at the beginning of this gen really wasn't that big of a deal after all.
well seeing as i never owned an xbox last gen (only a ps2) im very happy with getting 5 years worth of ps2 goodness, then moving onto 360 which is even better yet :)so i never got milked thanks very much :D
[QUOTE="Flamestos"]So the next X-box is coming out next year since thats when the PS3 will be in it's prime with it's biggest exclusives (GT5, FFXIII, GOW III)?3verlastingHeroGee 09, it only took what 3 years? :roll:
360 only got so many good games early because it came out early, there are hardly any games for them to be looking forward to next year.
i thought its prime year is 08? actually, i thought it was 07... idk really, 08 has mgs and 09 has ff and gow3. Tough call...
Well since I've personally never hype any game on here or said anything about it don't lump me in with hopeful cows. As far as prime this year has MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet which are a good start but as far as the PS3's prime I definitely think it will be next year... GT5, FF XIII, GOW III and games like Heavy Rain, Infamous etc... probably won't make 2008 since there's little to nothing on them.
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