[QUOTE="Lionheart08"] [QUOTE="3verlastingHero"]Iv'e had my PS3 since Nov. 17, 2006 and the ONLY game that is truly worth $60 IMO is Uncharted, now thats sad.3verlastingHero
Your Opinion does not equal General Opinion. War Hawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank, Motor Storm, & Ninja Gaiden Sigm (regardless that it's a remake) all seemed like quality games.
OK lets say every one of those games are truly worth the price of admission (which they aren't) thats what? 5 games in the span of almost 2 years? Well 6 including Uncharted, 360 had more AAA games than that in the first COUPLE MONTHS after launch.Lol, please list the AAA exclusives of the 360 around launch. I think that we have all come to agree that many of the games were overated in hindsight. But regardless of that issue...
All of those games listed were in the span of 1 year. In the span of 2 years the PS3 has Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Motorstorm, MLB The Show 07 & 08, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, UT3, The Agency, Infamous, Motorstorm 2, Haze, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, GT Prologue, Wipeout HD, Killzone 2, and possibly White Knight Chronicles. With the exception of The Agency, we can rest assured that those all ARE worth the price of admission. And is significantly a notch ahead of the 360's exclusive line up at the two year mark.
It's all a matter of they kind of games you like. The only games I still play from time to time on the 360 are Bioshock and Mass Effect. And after two years on the market they still do not have anything to rival the experience of Warhawk, Ratchet & Clank, and Heavenly Sword. Not saying that they can't (not trying to turn this into some sort of technology war), simply that they don't. Those three games + Uncharted & MGS4 are enough reason to own a PS3 all buy themselves. The PS3 simply has some amazing gaming experiences that are not available anywhere else right now besides the PS3, that simple.
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