The console had a rough start, we get it, they had a weird vision with everything focused on TV, we get it, they wanted to make an online console before the consumer market was ready for it, we get it, their message and CEO response to the community was off putting, we get it, we get it, we get it...
We all get it, it's in the past, it's no longer relevant, that is all done with, let it go...
The Xbox One was priced exactly where is should have been and the mandatory inclusion of Kinect in the system was to ensure developer support. Rather than support this clearly needed move people continually bashed Microsoft for the $100 cost premium the device added to the system. This community killed the Kinect, they forced Microsoft's hand to do something they not only shouldn't have done but didn't want to, all over a measly $100... This community bitching and moaning single handedly killed off a device which would have benefited the platform greatly over time. If everyone has a Kinect there is great cause and reason to develop for it or include features with it in games, when you don't know who does and does not have it, or the community is fragmented, there is absolutely no incentive as a developer to develop for it.
If the Xbox One was marketed correctly out of the gate it would have sold much better, I would say in the upwards of half of the PlayStation 4 community is made up of 'scorned' Xbox 360 users, if those people didn't feel burned by Microsoft what console do you think they would have purchased? Obviously they would have wanted the Xbox One, they're Xbox users, it's their platform. This console is selling the way it is because of bad PR, not because anything is actually wrong with it, or that it was priced bad, or that it's not a very capable console, it clearly is not bad, it was priced fine and it's clearly more than capable enough, it's all PR and word of mouth spread across the internet like a cancer.
This whole 1080p thing has slated this console worse than anything to be honest, all of the misleading marketing and importance around it has saturated the Xbox One image with even further negativity, people think it's a weak system in comparison to the PlayStation 4 when the reality is it's really not. Every person I know who actually owns an Xbox One is very happy with it, their complaints are minimal. Is this because they're fanboys? No, many of them are PlayStation 4 owners as well including myself, we just see the console for what it actually is as we own it instead of listening this horribly misinformed view and stigma surrounding it that the internet has created.
I paid the original cost for the system of $499.99, it was worth the money I spent on it then, every penny. I'm not cheap, I'm an adult, I have a job, I saw the value in what they wanted to accomplish then and even now. You can't let a bunch of 16 year olds with inconsistent finances who can't afford something they want dictate your system, that's the reason Kinect is sparsely supported now, cheap entitled people. Microsoft is ambitiously pursuing making this the best console of the generation, and so far they are accomplishing that goal in how they are constantly developing, updating, adding to and bettering their system as a platform and the great games they are bringing to it.
If they can eradicate this scarred view some people have of this console it will be nothing but success from that point out. Anyone attempting to bash this console clearly doesn't own one and probably has never even used one for an extended period of time. They can't see the value in it, what it has to offer, what it can do, the usefulness of its features and functionality. Microsoft is offering this console at a discount not because they're in financial peril or desperate, they're doing it so these people blinded by brand loyalty, ignorance, hate and the misinformed will actually see what this console is about, they wouldn't look at it otherwise because they're so far up their own asses or what other people have to say that they can't seem to think or look for themselves, they let the internet and others decide for them.
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