According to vgchartz........ (oh god , yes I used vgchartz )
NA - hardware totals (360 has ~ 3.6 times the userbase)
- 360 - 8,467,762
- PS3 - 2,324,092
NA - Call of Duty 4 sales (360 version didn't out sell it by more than 3.6 times , only 2.8)
- 360 - 507,659
- ps3 - 179,471
How many owners bought this game for each ?
- 360 - approx. one out of every 16.6 360 owners bought the game
- ps3 -approx. one out of every 12.9 ps3 owners bought the game
Why didn't more 360 owners buy this at a higher rate than ps3 owners ? 360 owners allegedly buy more games and all owners with both systems buy the 360 version for achievements or xbox live so what gives exactly ?
- 360 - approx. one out of every 6.9 360 owners bought madden so far
- ps3 - approx. one out of every 5.2ps3 owners bought madden so far
I checked some othe games like The Simpsons , Tony Hawk , Lego Star Wars , and Jericho and they all turn out to have a higher rate (when compared to userbase) of purchase on the ps3 side. I didn't use any of the games that released later on the ps3 than the 360 version to keep things on the level. I am also aware that GH III did significantly better on the 360 , but that is likely due to the release of GH II earlier in the year and a lot of guitars already sold so people didn't have to come up with more money. I would imagine that if GH II released on the ps3 at the same time it released on the 360 then the software ratio numbers for GH III on the ps3 would be significantly higher because people would have already had the guitars too.
I also looked at their TOTAL software estimates for the week in NA and compared to the overall hardware sales ........ I threw out all of the pack-in sales numbers from Forza 2 , Marvel Ultimate Alliance , and Motorstorm and more ps3 owners bought a ps3 game this week (ratio-wise) than did 360 owners.
Again ......... what is the deal ? Do *gasp* ps3 owners buy games too ? Why wouldn't the 360's numbers be much higher ?
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