I really need to be blunt here, these look terrible...
since when mgs fans have rights to blame cod graphics.:D
You can post bad pics all you want MGS4 is handsdown the best looking game on consoles nothing else is even close.
Uhhh, no. Good art direction, and camera angles go a long way. MGS4 has amazing models, but that's abou it. Textures are terrible, in any pic. Hell if you look at KZ2 pics/vids, the textures and non-aa really show.
Um it depends actually some of the textures are outstanding. Yes some are inconsistent but as you are actually playing the game( it is a 3rd person title) most of the textures look great. It also has amazing lighting, motion blur and particle effects but judgeing by your comments you havent even played the game your just looking at pics.
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