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Why don't they just make one based on a war that America wasn't involved in? That would be cool. I want to learn more about other country's epic wars anyways.Messiahbolical-
See, I would want to have a Vietnam FPS where you are fight as the Vietnamese. It could be dark, atmospheric, and tense, the difficulty and guns would be realistic and missions would be set in large maps.
It would be cool seeing the war from a different perspective.
I bought MW2 mainly to play with my friends and for online. Im covered now, not interested in any of the other games.
That's exactly what I was thinking. :PThey should call the zombie mode: ZOMBIE COMMIES!!!
[QUOTE="Messiahbolical-"]Why don't they just make one based on a war that America wasn't involved in? That would be cool. I want to learn more about other country's epic wars anyways.Yandere
See, I would want to have a Vietnam FPS where you are fight as the Vietnamese. It could be dark, atmospheric, and tense, the difficulty and guns would be realistic and missions would be set in large maps.
It would be cool seeing the war from a different perspective.
I want one where you play as the Soviets.This has already grabbed my attention more than MM2 did. Zombies returning? Perhaps Cold War setting? SAS ops like the Iranian embassy seige? Dedicated servers?
Count me in.
if this is true.I hope to god they follow and step up their game and use a dedi environment for the console versions in the same vein of battlefield.Also a decently balanced game those 2 alone might get me intrested.Till then i could care less honestly.
What the F kind of source is that? Sounds like they're blaming Vince and Zampella for that decision and now that they're fired Activision can finally swoop in to give hugs and kisses to everyone. As if Activision didn't have anything to do with the call of scrapping dedicated server support.
Can't find the article on Tek9. So I don't believe this.
Fake edit: The article has apparently been taken down. So I don't believe this even harder.
How is IW innovative? Many things that they added into MW2 just made it worse and less enjoyable game. Killstreaks, camp-friendly maps, nuke... It made the online game a random mess.
They want to make the London embassy into a videogame mission? How does that work? The SAS blow out the windows and take down all the terrorists in less than 30 seconds? That's a short level....Ninja-Bearthis is where creative license comes into play it doesnt have to follow what happens piece for piece.
Also if this were true who's betting Cpt Price will have a role as a younger version.
I hate to break this to you, but submachine guns are completely irrelevant in real life. No professional armies equip their soldiers with submachine gun, this is pure videogame fantasy. Submachine guns started being useless right around the time we started using kevlar, which defeats most submachine gun rounds. Because they use pistol rounds, they're weak, have terrible penetration, short maximum ranges, huge trajectory arcs, and low velocity, thus long travel time.
Also, the spawn system is not a minor complaint, it was completely broken in Call of Duty 4. Instead of fixing it, now you spawn underneath an AC130 which promptly mows you and your teammates down. Spawn systems have to be coordinated, otherwise whoever spawns facing the other dude's back wins.
If I wanted real life, I wouldn't be playing video games.
For the game's sake, SMGs should have higher firing rates, and better mobility than an assault rifle, but they don't. Assault rifles being as good as they are in the game make it so unbalanced.
And about the spawning underneath an AC130, that's why I hate the kill streaks. No game should give people free kills, and kill streaks make it so even a new player can do well. In 1 vs. 1, you have the whole ****ing map to spawn on, and they STILL spawn the other player behind you. :roll:
[QUOTE="Rockman999"]Shhh according to most COD fans IW are theepitomeof creativity and innovation while Treyarch are just copy cats that ooze unoriginality. :roll:tommyasHow is IW innovative? Many things that they added into MW2 just made it worse and less enjoyable game. Killstreaks, camp-friendly maps, nuke... It made the online game a random mess.Don't ask me, ask the COD fanbabies.
Yep. I totally am hyped for this. I didn't like Treyarchs original COD3 but WaW was the first one IMO that really showed how violent the war was. I can't say Treyarch is better then Infinity Ward because IW made the series and Treyarch just used its template and made it better. Still great dev tho
I don't know how much I believe of that, if any. Sounds like some person just included everything they wanted and wrote it. Second, I don't think they would name it that.
"... With a scheduled release date of November 2010 the game is still in full development but undisclosed sources over at Activision have stated that "Call of Duty 7 will be set in recent history, between WWII and present day". Besides this information the sources have also confirmed that some missions will take us to Cuba and South America, hinting again in the direction of a Cold War / Vietnam based game.
Also revealed was that in certain missions the players are able to play as a member of SAS (the Special Air Service), the principle special forces unit of the British Army. One of these SAS missions pitches you in close combat during a mission in the Iranian embassy in London during the 1980's.
It has also been confirmed that Call of Duty 7: Black Ops will feature the popular zombie mode, in which players get to shoot down hordes of zombies, a feature that could not be seen in the Infinity Ward produced Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
And last but not least, dedicated servers will also be part of the new Call of Duty game, much to the delight of PC gamers across the world. After Activision fired Vince Zampella and Jason West from Infinity Ward, it seems like they are taking yet another step back from the direction they had taken with Modern Warfare 2 by re-adding dedicated servers."SOURCE
Interesting. Glad to see Zombies and dedicated servers are returning. The game appears to be set partially in the Vietnam war, but not entirely. I'm intrigued, especially as Treyarch developed my favorite game in the series: World at War. Does anyone here care about this new entry in the CoD series, or are you all CoD'd out?
I was gonna say i am all out of COD playing time. BUT it has Zombie mode so at least me or my mate is gonna have to get it :)
Wow, I'm impressed. A no name website actually had it right.
Hard to pass up COD games and I welcome back teh zombiez!Heil68I could probably pass it up, unless it's epic. :P
I enjoyed WaW sounds like Black Ops might be fun.I know that praising a CoD game is blasphemy around here, but I would be very interested to see what a CoD game would be like in that era. And Treyarch made me eat crow because I enjoyed WaW very much. I'll keep a lookout for it.
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