Uhhh those are what people love(including I.) I would hate it if they went back to the bare bones multiplayer of CoD2...or even3(shutter.)
What you've just stumbled on is the revelation that the core gameplay of Call of Duty is bad and the only reason you play is to unlock new crap.
I think the gameplay is good....but I also enjoy unlocking new weapons and completing challenges. Gives the game more replay value.No, it gives the game a fake sense of replay value. Everyone moved on from CoD4 to WaW and thento MW2, and everyone is going to move from MW2 to BO and there is no reason to go to a previous version. Why? Because the gameplay in CoD isterrible, boring and the only thing "saving" it is unlockables and challenges which are the same in almost every game, give or take a few. These challenges are nothing new, almost anyone who played games before would make up their own challenges. Only diffence is, the game didn't say "HEY U COMPLETED THIS IRRELVENT CHALLENGE, HERE'S SOME IRRELEVENT EXP TO GO WITH IT!"
I miss the days where replay value came from gameplay actually being good. Now replay value is based off of how many useless bulletpoint features the game has.
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