I will not go into the list wars of ps+ games because its too one sided and you are deflecting from my point.
Nice website. Here is the xbl part. I didnt count the issues but its does not look like its any better.
The argument is weather Xbox Live is better than PSN, you tried to counter that point with Playstation Plus even though
1. The games this past year have been lackluster, at least Xbox Live is giving you retail games with Games with Gold, so far I've gotten Halo Reach, Dishonored, Viva Pinata, Darksiders 2 and a few other games.
2. You lose the games if you lose your PS+ Membership, even if I canceled Gold I'd still be playing those games I have on my hard drive
I counted, Xbox Live went down 26 times since October 1st, PSN has gone down about 50. Also from what I saw Xbox Live on average would go down for 1 or 2 hours, Playstation Network anywhere from 1-6 hours on average. That's not even including the major outages or nigh daily maintenance.
Read my post above. Killzone Shadowfall not having dedis is not major when the majorty of games run on p2p. Did you her complaints about the MP? Because I didnt.
Can you prove that all xbox games have dedis like MS promised?
The majority of Playstation games may be. Microsoft invested in a 300k server center and so far
Master Chief Collection = Dedicated servers
Forza Horizon 2 = Dedicated Servers
Sunset Overdrive = Dedicated Servers
Killer Instinct = Dedicated Servers
Titanfall = Dedicated Servers
And xbox does not? So you lose all your archivments if your hdd goes down under?
Thats your personall experience and not a fact.
Nope, anytime I want to look at my achievements on Xbox 360 or Xbox One they are nigh instant, last week I beat KH 1.5 in proud mode, went to check the trophies, and it had to sync which takes anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes, just to check freaking trophies.
Also your achievements are saved to your Live account, So even if your Xbox blows up you retain them.
No that seems to be the standard consensus, that PSN does have slow download times. Same internet connection and I get faster download times on my 360 and Xbox One than my Sony systems.
Judging by your lackluster knowledge it's pretty obvious that you've had limited exposure to Live, which is fine and dandy but you aren't in any position to be discussing what's a better service.
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