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hmm my fav book series is the wheel of time series and infact i think its the best fantasy book in the past 40 years *better then tolkiens crap and frank herberts though i loved the dune movies* ive read every book in the series 5-6 times...and i all ways learn new things i missed before and connections that i didn't notice.
its a good thing and not hard to understand same for rpgs.
certiant rpgs i like to beat twice are Tales of symphonia, FF7-12(except9), and couple more i cant remember...for me its the satisfaction of knowing you can now go through the game to make you characters better than what you did the first time...I played final fantasy x 3 times because no other Jrpg had the production values final fantasy x had for a long time so no other rpg could match up and I was forced to keep playing it.
Western RPGs usually aren't linear, so they're worth replaying (if only to see the good/evil quests).
Also, it's often fun to try out new characters with different play-sty|es, and finding new ways to finish quests.
I've played Mass Effect and Kotor aout 4 times.
Good/Evil decisions, male/female sidequests and different classes all add to replay value.
I dont get it. Its like reading the same book twice. You already know whats gonna happen shonosuke08
Depends on the RPG actually, i played Fable 1 6 times, FF7 2 times, Zelda OOT 3-4 times if i recall, and what is wrong with reading a book many times, if it has been some time ?
Also it is not the same, in a RPG you may see a lot of new things you missed, play in harder modes and use more your skills, interact in various ways with NPC's, play other classes with new skills etc etc
hmm my fav book series is the wheel of time series and infact i think its the best fantasy book in the past 40 years *better then tolkiens crap and frank herberts though i loved the dune movies* ive read every book in the series 5-6 times...and i all ways learn new things i missed before and connections that i didn't notice.
its a good thing and not hard to understand same for rpgs.
RPG games can have different endings and a massive amount of side quest you might miss the first time playing it.
Off topic. The Wheel of Time series are good book but not as good as the Dark Tower books. The Wheel of Time has 12 books with 600 pages each but the author died before writing the last one. It would have been a better if he finished the series. I just finished the 12th book when he died.
holy crap. im on the 8th book in the series and i wouldnt read any of the twice, let alone read them all 5-6 times each? dayum.hmm my fav book series is the wheel of time series and infact i think its the best fantasy book in the past 40 years *better then tolkiens crap and frank herberts though i loved the dune movies* ive read every book in the series 5-6 times...and i all ways learn new things i missed before and connections that i didn't notice.
its a good thing and not hard to understand same for rpgs.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]holy crap. im on the 8th book in the series and i wouldnt read any of the twice, let alone read them all 5-6 times each? dayum.hmm my fav book series is the wheel of time series and infact i think its the best fantasy book in the past 40 years *better then tolkiens crap and frank herberts though i loved the dune movies* ive read every book in the series 5-6 times...and i all ways learn new things i missed before and connections that i didn't notice.
its a good thing and not hard to understand same for rpgs.
I just said this on the last page but did you know the books only go up to 12 because the author died before writing the last book. There is notes by the author to write the last book but i dont know if anyone is doing it.
[QUOTE="JPOBS"][QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]holy crap. im on the 8th book in the series and i wouldnt read any of the twice, let alone read them all 5-6 times each? dayum.hmm my fav book series is the wheel of time series and infact i think its the best fantasy book in the past 40 years *better then tolkiens crap and frank herberts though i loved the dune movies* ive read every book in the series 5-6 times...and i all ways learn new things i missed before and connections that i didn't notice.
its a good thing and not hard to understand same for rpgs.
I just said this on the last page but did you know the books only go up to 12 because the author died before writing the last book. There is notes by the author to write the last book but i dont know if anyone is doing it.
yea i know all that. They've already hired a new guy and robert jordan apperently had either taped or told to his wife on everything he wanted to happen.I dont get it. Its like reading the same book twice. You already know whats gonna happen shonosuke08
You've never read a book twice?
With a good RPG, you never get the whole story through just one play. Try Fallout 1 or 2, you would be amazed how different the game plays depending on your character build, and your knowledge of the game mechanics.
What kind of RPG are we talking about here? JRPG or WRPG? JRPGs are exactly as you said, reading the same book again, probably do something insignifigant you forgot. However, WRPGs are different (Fallout, Planescape: Torment, BG, not talking about action-adventure Fable and Oblivion). Instead of READING a book there, you WRITE your book, you can create entirely different characters, take different routes and choices, prepare for different consequences, in the end, you basically follow the same story, but it becomes very different. Drukter
Exactly, WRPG can be kind of like those choose-your-own-adventure books, which I have to admit I had a place in my heart for the Lone Wolf books. A book that actually incorporates RPG elements like inventory, HP and equipment upgrades? Awesome!
Why do people play Counter-Strike over and over, day in, day out, every day for years?
Because it's fun. The gameplay is fun.
Honestly, are you that naive?
People replay rpgs to get diffrent endings, understand the story better and other unlokables and things they missed.
Now with me its a diffrent story, I can never replay games. I rewatch movies adn read a book many after i have finished it, but i can never replay games as i don't have the patience for it.
There are only 4 games i have replayed and that is: Half-life, Half-life 2, Doom, Kotor 1.
There have been 11 wheel of time books not 12 you dont count the prequel.
The 12th and 13th books are going to be one book, about 1400 pages long, Robert jordan died after writing most of the 13th book and thought he was gonna be able to finish the 14th he was gonna combine the last 2 books into an epic ending before his death but wasn't able too, all of his notes, and tape reccordings are in his wifes care and she was deliberating on his last wishes that she pick some one OR someones to finish the book. (there is no information on whos finishing it or if its possibly multiple people)
As for that someone that has read the so many times its easy to see whats supposed to happen in the last books *just saying*
Just wanted to impart that information.
P.S: you might not have wanted to read the book series that many times but i love the book series and did read it that many times.
P.P.S: i just learned Brandon Sanderson is doing the last 2 books combined will be called a Memory Of Light...
I dont get it. Its like reading the same book twice. You already know whats gonna happen shonosuke08
I play most games I buy multiple times. Otherwise spending £40 a pop seems like a bit of a **** investment...
I dont get it. Its like reading the same book twice. You already know whats gonna happen shonosuke08
There is more to literature than simply "what happens". There is more to a movie than the ending. And there is more to a game that simply knowing the story.
Granted, I typically try to fully complete an RPG before I beat it so I don't feel I have to come back to it after. However, there have been a few that I've replayed a second (FF tactics, Dark Cloud 2, FF8) or third (Fallout Series) time.
But frankly, you are ignoring what people really care about in an RPG, character customizing, levelling, finding new ways to play the game, maybe playing through as a bad guy instead of a good guy, trying to find secrets you may have missed, etc. There are plenty of reasons to replay a really good rpg more than once.
And as an English graduate, I would recommend you read books more than once as there is always subtleties and things you miss out the first time. It gives you a chance to enjoy the world and the writing and the details instead of just the surface story. Then again, maybe you just read really bad books? I don't know. I have a number of books I keep coming back to more than once.
I also watch movies more than once if I feel they are good. Honestly, I just find it sad you feel that your money is so disposable. Something is used once then tossed aside (or in the trash)? Seems like a waste of money in most cases.
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