Perfect Dark and even Goldeneye are not dated for a number of reasons. It has a few incredible mechanics that NO shooters today do and I cant understand why because the ideas are so fantastic. In the single player, when you play on harder difficulties, instead of the game just being more unfair, giving you less health better AI ect. Its harder by giving you more objectives to do like go to this place and take a picture of a sattelite or make sure no scientists get shot in this level, and as you rank up the difficulty the objectives get more complext. Playing on the easiest difficulty it plays like a linear shooter so if you just want to blast through the game then you can. Its brilliant
Also the multiplayer bots are amazing. You can set them how ever you want. You can control their actions, you can even make them defend certain areas ect, carry certain weapons. No console shooter since has given you any where CLOSE to the amount of control over multiplayer bots, modes, ect. Or just things to play around with and have fun in general. Like playing through the campaign everyone has a giant head or something silly like that. It sounds stupid but it gives so much replay value
There are more things like counter co-op which i also havent seen since perfect dark, which is a GENIUS mode. Its exactly like the matrix where you play through the single player and you friend is a bad guy trying to stop you as the enemies in the single player. And when you kill him he spawns as another bad guy which is just bloody brilliant
There is honestly too much to say. Sure on the surface the game looks dated, and the controls arent the best (they are no where NEAR as bad as people make them out to be now) But seriously Perfect dark is not dated because games today just dont do as much as it. Its the most feature rich FPS on a console and its only near rival is Halo 3 which just falls short of it.
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