Can you make an argument that the Xbox 360 is the best console considering the following points:
1. Possible 33% failure rate
2. The only console that makes you pay for online play
3. Short life cycle (opinion)
4. Disc space issues (PGR4, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, UT3)
5. Not a lot of great exclusive titles in 08
6. Rumors of Bungie leaving
7. Disc Scratching issues
8. Worst design (opinion)
knowing this, can you still argue against all of the competition?
1. ok it's junk, but its junk with games and it(being junk)never hurt the PS2.2. it's 14 cents a day and xbl works flawlessly after 5 years of experence. tons of demos free tv episodes and movies everyonec in awhile is pretty sweet.
3. Good, bring the next one out already I got the disposable income for it.
4.what disc space problems? 20 years of dvd marketing has brainwashed me into believing multi disc sets are a good's the same game just on more discs, and blu-ray is an albatross around sony's neck.
5.How many new ip'scame out of nowhereto be suprise hits and even one goty contender? more than a few. Other people can list specific exclusives and many can match(if you are not emotionally attached to MGS)the few exclusives that Sony has. Add better multiplats in 90% of the cases and your argument has no teeth.
7.Never seen it happen to me or any of the many people I know with the system. I'm sure it's a real problem but no epidemic like the rlod. Don't move the system while it's on and you are pretty much safe from that one.
8.Design? get real. The PS3 is as ugly as 5 miles of bad road, no hdmi cable is included which means the PS3 does 480i out of the box and the controller charge cable is 2 foot long, plusthe sixaxis is a joke in comparison to the 360 controller(not counting the awesome D-pad)It's a fingerprint magnet, It gets so hot that it heats up the second half of my living room, if the power is interupted or you lose your ISP in the middle of a firmware update it bricks the entire system and it won't work with my universal remote because it's freakin blutooth. For real man you should be embarrassed to even have put # 8 on there.
Seriously man, I own a PS3 and know whereof I speak. My PS3 is at best atm a secondary console that I use for a few games and to watch dvds on so I can get a bit more life out of my 360. I won't defend the 360 being a pile of crap but at least the software is worth the hassle and that's more than anyone can say about the PS3.
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