No we can't,just like all of your others "can we agree" threads
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Don't count your chickens before they hatched, especially if they're Sony chickens.
Sony's greatness is like the concept of Shrodinger's cat, if the game remains perpetually on the horizon it remains hung in a state of being both a disastrous flop as well as a highly hyped exclusive that might actually be good. It isn't until that game arrives that we see that it is definitively one or the other. Since only a small fraction of Sony exclusives will even be worth a damn the idea of having a slew of potentially gratifying exclusives gives a far more fuzzier warm feeling to the average highly insecure Sony fanboy than will the few exclusives that actually survive the vetting process.
But, you know, that's all just theoretical hypothetical... after all, this is good Sony exclusives we're talking about here.
Don't count your chickens before they hatched, especially if they're Sony chickens.
Sony's greatness is like the concept of Shrodinger's cat, if the game remains perpetually on the horizon it remains hung in a state of being both a disastrous flop as well as a highly hyped exclusive that might actually be good. It isn't until that game arrives that we see that it is definitively one or the other. Since only a small fraction of Sony exclusives will even be worth a damn the idea of having a slew of potentially gratifying exclusives gives a far more fuzzier warm feeling to the average highly insecure Sony fanboy than will the few exclusives that actually survive the vetting process.
But, you know, that's all just theoretical hypothetical... after all, this is good Sony exclusives we're talking about here.
What a salty post, but most of your post seem to be rather salty when discussing sony and PS4.
Considering the fact that PS4 is the #1 system this gen and the console that has not only the most games coming but the most high rated games so far, it kind of makes your post about sony fans being insecure sound like wishful thinking or just self invented fanboy delusion.
lol at "highly insecure". Your post is the personification of irony at it's finest.
I don't know, I think this year will be a fantastic year for PS4 and an even better year for Nintendo, with the NX & games, and Zelda Wii U, Nintendo could easily beat those exclusives (That's my opinion though). Maybe Persona 5 could be on NX?
It's true. Let the Hermits keep their iPad caliber garbage while Xbox apes can keep pretending that their caca console isn't a total failure. We all know that PS4 is pissing on the competition.
Don't count your chickens before they hatched, especially if they're Sony chickens.
Sony's greatness is like the concept of Shrodinger's cat, if the game remains perpetually on the horizon it remains hung in a state of being both a disastrous flop as well as a highly hyped exclusive that might actually be good. It isn't until that game arrives that we see that it is definitively one or the other. Since only a small fraction of Sony exclusives will even be worth a damn the idea of having a slew of potentially gratifying exclusives gives a far more fuzzier warm feeling to the average highly insecure Sony fanboy than will the few exclusives that actually survive the vetting process.
But, you know, that's all just theoretical hypothetical... after all, this is good Sony exclusives we're talking about here.
I'm sceptical of some of the games, but f**k man let some of us be hype for at least the work of Fumito Ueda. Heck maybe not Naughty Dog in general but the upcoming work from Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley. ICO, Shadow Of the Colossus, UC2, The Last of Us some of us get hyped because we consider those as great games. You can laugh at us when they bomb, but wow all to expect is potentially good or overrated because of sony's name?
@ellos: I was just being provocative and silly but yes I was playing on how PS4 hype is still a waiting game, but yeah, there's some games to be rightfully hyped for. If Uncharted 4 can live up to its E3 tech demo I'll be pretty impressed as I think the destructible environments and physics might make for an excellent shooter. Persona 5 (though I've given up being hype) I'm probably sure I'll love it like I loved P3/P4. No Man's Sky I kind of have less hype for given how it's now one of many space combat sims coming out, and also back when it debuted it was the only one I was aware of; but hey, another one couldn't hurt, right? The Last Guardian is one I'm cautiously optimistic about since Ueda's team kind of up and left him (to make social network games nonetheless). Plus I'm done getting excited for something I've been waiting for close to a decade. But hey, if it can salvage something respectable even I'll be all over that. Yeah, nobody can argue the PS4 doesn't have an attractive year ahead, again I was only poking fun that much of the PS4's excitement to date seems to be for what's ahead and rarely for what's out.
Uh NO! Its almost March & PS4 still has ZERO good games. SF5 is garbage & all big youtubers called them out on there japan ways lol. Reviewtechusa/ DSPGaming/ Alphaomegasin/ 3kB etc etc. If u dont have online and if it even works then the whole game is a pile of shit lol. Plus its at 76 on metacritic lol.
So uh lets move on....
Gravity Rush 2? Uh NO! First its a VITA game ported over judging by the ugly graphics. No one bought the first one so why would this one be any different. Same trash & no one reads dialogue anymore in 2016 lol. Unless its Zelda. Persona 5? Nope. Disagea 5/ Dragon Quest/ Tales of Ass ALL flopped last holiday lol. Nuff said. Only the 20 kids on the forums will buy it. R&C? When was the last time anyone cared for this shovelware? The other 4 R&C games flopped & its launching in April with Uncharted 4/ Quantum Break/ Dark Souls 3 etc etc.
Last Guardian? I dont think this is coming out this year since uh....we havent seen anything besides that UGLY trailer with pixel kid face & his ugly camel donkey thing lol. Plus the gameplay looked boring as hell. Only games on there that are good is Uncharted 4 & Horizon but i think Horizon will get delayed since well......All of sonys games got delayed plus very little has been shown besides the same small scene. But yeah Horizon & Uncharted 4
Well I am definitely not as emphatically negative about the PS4 as you are even though we share the same games that are for us.
Uncharted 4 and Horizon are definite for me. I am a big Uncharted fan dating back to 2007 on this forum. I loved KZ2, Liberation, Mercenary, and liked KZ3. I am rooting for Guerilla Games to come through and show they have more going for them than KZ. Horizon looked great, had those cool interesting robodinos. Cant wait!!
Persona 5 will be a quality game dude. It isn't my cup of tea but the series has its following and will do well. That last Tales game was 6/10 bombarooski and they're not for me and neither is Disgaea or whatever it is. I don't get into those JRPG types. As I said in another thread and was attacked by the TC because he cant read, TLG is in the same boat as Recore for X1 as far as I am concerned. I will read reviews to try to get a feel for whether I wish to buy either game.
The list of titles for PS4 is great for fans of those games. For me there are 2 for sure day one buys, and an I'll wait and read. I can only say this, like every other year is "The year of cainetao11's gaming" because I only care about what I will be playing, not what the company or fanboys cheerleading says.
This is the first year of this generation where the PlayStation 4 has a convincingly stronger looking lineup of games as compared to the competition, however that is largely due to the quantity of what they project to release. The Xbox One may not have as many games hitting this year but the ones it does look to be equally strong nonetheless, so I wouldn't discount Microsoft's offerings.
With all those PlayStation 4 releases supposedly coming out this year I would expect a few of them to get delayed.
Whatever system I buy the most games for wins the year for me, and the PS4 list looks incredibly dismal.
@lamprey263: you mean flops like like halo 5 ? Mcc ? Lowering that exspecred titan fall sales ? Gears of wars e3 showing ? Or are you comparing to pc. In which case there no point. Its always year of pc
3DS, PC and PS4 will consume most of my gaming time this year. PS4 is looking better than previous years, and more appealing to me than the X1 is with its announced games, but I think the 3DS and especially the PC lineups are looking better for my gaming needs.
@thereal25: "Every year is the year of the pc."
Why so?
Oh, just cheaper games
less subscription fees
better graphics and performance
better controls (mouse and keyboard)
better backwards compatibility
+ pc gaming can be more convenient in terms of internet options and other peripheral connections - not to mention taking up less space in a room!
XCOM 2 is much, much bigger to me than everything OP listed combined and then some. Uncharted 4? Why would I want to play another Uncharted game? I despised the Uncharted games before I even finished 3, I couldn't bear playing any longer and just quit halfway through. Ratchet and Clank? I was dead tired of those games after two of them, I don't want to ever play another one again. The Last Guardian? The best game from the Ico guys was Shadow of the Colossus and that was a 6 / 10 rent-only DO NOT BUY type of game. Not anticipating that one at all.
Since XCOM 2 is out, the next exclusive I am eagerly anticipating is Tides of Numenara, which is a PC exclusive. PC exclusives are just much, much deeper experiences. Console games are inherently more casual because of the primitive and inferior control method as well as the larger child demographic.
Has PC ever been the number 1 gaming platform to play on?
NES-PS2 were better than PC right?
If by number 1 you mean "best games" then PC has been best for a long, long time. For example, the late 90s were dominated by PC games. Console had some good games, but any game that was on console as well as PC was much, much better on PC (e.g. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Shadowman) and PC had incredible games like System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, StarCraft 2, Thief: the Dark Project, Half-life, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Fallout 2, etc.
PC has always had much deeper games with better graphics and performance. That's kind of the PC deal.
lol same thread every year and soon it'll be the just wait til next thread...
From that list, the only games that are appealing to me are Horizon & Persona 5. We all know Horizon isn't coming out this year....
Where is Star Ocean 5, Neir, Valkyria Chronicles: Azure? lol, not that those games are really helping the case. (They all look extremely mediocre at best.). But, I mean, if you're gonna fluff out a list, you may as well fluff it out some more right?
Speaking of mediocre looking games, I'll probably pick up Star Ocean 5 if it's story is decent.
Has PC ever been the number 1 gaming platform to play on?
NES-PS2 were better than PC right?
If by number 1 you mean "best games" then PC has been best for a long, long time. For example, the late 90s were dominated by PC games. Console had some good games, but any game that was on console as well as PC was much, much better on PC (e.g. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Shadowman) and PC had incredible games like System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, StarCraft 2, Thief: the Dark Project, Half-life, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Fallout 2, etc.
PC has always had much deeper games with better graphics and performance. That's kind of the PC deal.
Wow, I didn't realize xcom2 was a pc exclusive. Another BIG reason why pc is the winner.
And yeah, I've been pc gaming since the mid 90's and I've played some truly awesome games that I'm sure never would have seen the light of day on consoles.
That said, consoles might be better for social play. But I never owned a console - and still don't.
Stop doing these Stupid type of thread titles..... Geeeeezzz.
He won't. Also, if you bash him for it, he'll just go cry to mods about you. (flag)
Lol, Me thinks, no, I know we all can agree mods will agree with da SP. :P
All those games a single player focused
I guess you are new to the console market,Uncharted has supported online play for years,so has has Ratchet and
More like 2017 for some of those.
Yeah i would need a link for that.
I look forward to some of those being the reason for a PS4 in 2017
Prove it.
PC already got 4 AAA reviewed games on Gamespot this year.
Plus, it has the definitive edition of Dying Light: The following, which IMO is the best game of the year so far.
I see for PS4 nothing has changed, still about hyping up upcoming games. Let's do this thread at the end of the year, ok ?
I see your drop the xbox one in favor of PS
Uh NO! Its almost March & PS4 still has ZERO good games. SF5 is garbage & all big youtubers called them out on there japan ways lol. Reviewtechusa/ DSPGaming/ Alphaomegasin/ 3kB etc etc. If u dont have online and if it even works then the whole game is a pile of shit lol. Plus its at 76 on metacritic lol.
So uh lets move on....
Gravity Rush 2? Uh NO! First its a VITA game ported over judging by the ugly graphics. No one bought the first one so why would this one be any different. Same trash & no one reads dialogue anymore in 2016 lol. Unless its Zelda. Persona 5? Nope. Disagea 5/ Dragon Quest/ Tales of Ass ALL flopped last holiday lol. Nuff said. Only the 20 kids on the forums will buy it. R&C? When was the last time anyone cared for this shovelware? The other 4 R&C games flopped & its launching in April with Uncharted 4/ Quantum Break/ Dark Souls 3 etc etc.
Last Guardian? I dont think this is coming out this year since uh....we havent seen anything besides that UGLY trailer with pixel kid face & his ugly camel donkey thing lol. Plus the gameplay looked boring as hell. Only games on there that are good is Uncharted 4 & Horizon but i think Horizon will get delayed since well......All of sonys games got delayed plus very little has been shown besides the same small scene. But yeah Horizon & Uncharted 4
Why don't you say better NO to all because i am an xbox one fanboy.
The fun part about this is how KI which has 73,and Forza which has 79 were use as good games here by lemmings yet STF is trash because it has
lol same thread every year and soon it'll be the just wait til next thread...
Don't steal blackace signature claim.. Just wait till next year is patented.
Don't count your chickens before they hatched, especially if they're Sony chickens.
Sony's greatness is like the concept of Shrodinger's cat, if the game remains perpetually on the horizon it remains hung in a state of being both a disastrous flop as well as a highly hyped exclusive that might actually be good. It isn't until that game arrives that we see that it is definitively one or the other. Since only a small fraction of Sony exclusives will even be worth a damn the idea of having a slew of potentially gratifying exclusives gives a far more fuzzier warm feeling to the average highly insecure Sony fanboy than will the few exclusives that actually survive the vetting process.
But, you know, that's all just theoretical hypothetical... after all, this is good Sony exclusives we're talking about here.
This remind of the best line up in xbox history crap which play out like this last year.
Halo 5 flopped.
Forza 6 Flopped.
Gears Flopped.
Tomb Raider Flopped all the games flopped here,in Halo's and Gears case they flop everywhere. Edit TR didn't flop here.
Highest rated xbox one game not on PS4 Ori and the blind Forest 88%.
It happen with every ones chickens not sony in particular.
This is the first year of this generation where the PlayStation 4 has a convincingly stronger looking lineup of games as compared to the competition, however that is largely due to the quantity of what they project to release. The Xbox One may not have as many games hitting this year but the ones it does look to be equally strong nonetheless, so I wouldn't discount Microsoft's offerings.
With all those PlayStation 4 releases supposedly coming out this year I would expect a few of them to get delayed.
The xbox one has nothing hitting this year,with Forza and Gears rumor to come to PC as well,the only exclusive they have left is Crackdown which wasn't a great game at any point of its history,and that is if the game doesn't end up announce for PC as well.
The only real game i saw which looked like it may deliver was QB and that is on PC now as well,i have no problem counting those but if you count those for xbox you most as well for PS4 and TC posted exclusives real ones.
4 games on the list were already delay so i see no more delays with those.
This year is Gears forza again the holidays and QB Crackdown to fill early and mid year that is about it.
I guess you are new to the console market,Uncharted has supported online play for years,so has has Ratchet and
Yeah i would need a link for that.
Prove it.
I see your drop the xbox one in favor of PS
Why don't you say better NO to all because i am an xbox one fanboy.
The fun part about this is how KI which has 73,and Forza which has 79 were use as good games here by lemmings yet STF is trash because it has
Don't steal blackace signature claim.. Just wait till next year is patented.
Yeah, switching alliances... Sure.
You know what, mate. You only seem to think in "fanboy" terms. Which I can understand from a low level IQ brain as yours.
So I can't love multiple systems. Or appreciate Sony, MS or other companies for what actions they do and actions I can respect. No, I can only be a fanboy.
I've taken it up for PC, Nintendo, MS and Sony on these forums. Over a dozen times I've said how I really like cross buy for Playstation systems. And have praised plenty of other actions done by Sony as well. But of course you are blind to the truth.
You truly are one of the most pathetic fanboys and people on these forums. Calling you a troll would frankly be a compliment.
That is all.
I guess, it depends on what you mean by the year for the PS4 lol. They have games that I definitely want to play, that's for sure and my taste is games is all over the place. Sony will be giving me games I definitely want to play, hoping that they do come out next year, still not sure of Horizon yet.
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 4
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5
Gran Turismo Sport
Playstation VR
All of these are coming to Playstation owners only. Then there's the myriad of multi-plats and indies on the way. Simply astonishing. I think I rest my case here, SW. You need a PS4 in 2016.
No, because we are only at the Beginning of the year and some of those games could flop, Morpheus could even flop depending on the price or Nintendo or Microsoft could announce more Exclusives for this year.
Basically we are only 2 months into the year and anything can happen in 10 months so declaring a winner at this early stage would be Rank stupidity at it's finest.
Not to mention you are Claiming there is some sort of Guarantee that those game you listed will be actually any good.
You lot make this mistake all the time, you Overhype something to be the second coming and it ends up being a total Flop (killzone SF, The order, etc, etc)
I say we apply Common sense and Logic and do the smart thing and decide at the end of the year who's winning in games when the games have actually been released.
what is it with people Declaring winners before the Race is even over? seems like Backwards logic to me
Don't count your chickens before they hatched, especially if they're Sony chickens.
Sony's greatness is like the concept of Shrodinger's cat, if the game remains perpetually on the horizon it remains hung in a state of being both a disastrous flop as well as a highly hyped exclusive that might actually be good. It isn't until that game arrives that we see that it is definitively one or the other. Since only a small fraction of Sony exclusives will even be worth a damn the idea of having a slew of potentially gratifying exclusives gives a far more fuzzier warm feeling to the average highly insecure Sony fanboy than will the few exclusives that actually survive the vetting process.
But, you know, that's all just theoretical hypothetical... after all, this is good Sony exclusives we're talking about here.
This remind of the best line up in xbox history crap which play out like this last year.
Halo 5 flopped.
Forza 6 Flopped.
Gears Flopped.
Tomb Raider Flopped all the games flopped here,in Halo's and Gears case they flop everywhere. Edit TR didn't flop here.
Highest rated xbox one game not on PS4 Ori and the blind Forest 88%.
It happen with every ones chickens not sony in particular.
This is the first year of this generation where the PlayStation 4 has a convincingly stronger looking lineup of games as compared to the competition, however that is largely due to the quantity of what they project to release. The Xbox One may not have as many games hitting this year but the ones it does look to be equally strong nonetheless, so I wouldn't discount Microsoft's offerings.
With all those PlayStation 4 releases supposedly coming out this year I would expect a few of them to get delayed.
The xbox one has nothing hitting this year,with Forza and Gears rumor to come to PC as well,the only exclusive they have left is Crackdown which wasn't a great game at any point of its history,and that is if the game doesn't end up announce for PC as well.
The only real game i saw which looked like it may deliver was QB and that is on PC now as well,i have no problem counting those but if you count those for xbox you most as well for PS4 and TC posted exclusives real ones.
4 games on the list were already delay so i see no more delays with those.
This year is Gears forza again the holidays and QB Crackdown to fill early and mid year that is about it.
Lots of X1 games have flopped, this is true.
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