You may not like them or whatever but they're always the ones who have me intrigued. From most to least interesting it is:
1. Nintendo
2. Microsoft
3. Sony
Sony always plays it safe and seldom treads in unknown territories except for the VR recently.
Microsoft came out swinging with the Xbox 360 and offered a plethora of new features and daring strategies. They did the same with the Xbox One but it didn't exactly work. Nonetheless seeing them try new things like Always Online, Games Sharing and other things was interesting.
Nintendo is always a wild card and you never know what kind of crazy thing they'll come up with. Wii was a weak POS with motion gaming. Wii U was a weak POS with a tablet attached to it. Switch will be a weak portable POS.
Yeah their consoles are always weak but let's agree we always all eagerly await to see what they'll deliver because it's always something that is a fair bit more outside of the box than Sony or Microsoft.
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