zelda is not an RPG so anyone expecting zelda to have levelling up and have a very customisable link will be very dissapointed. different types of games. im not sure adding RPG elements to zelda would improve the game to be honest.
in saying that:
things zelda can learn from witcher3:
- quest design. even dungeon design to an extent and making dungeons even more interesting. witcher 3s quests, even the secondary quests, are interesting.
- building a world with a sense of culture and history. im not saying zelda should be like the witcher and have a world that is pretty firckin miserable. it should still be zelda. but the way people dress and behave, the architecture and age of the buindings etc....all this can contribute the sense of place, history and culture of a land. going back to the old zelda wiiu demo a few E3s back...the dungeon floor looked spotless. it should have been dirty, cracked and broken in places and the reflection should have been distorted. little details like that.
- a more interesting game structure. zeldas is always predictable. bit of overworld, then a dungeon (with a new item) with a boss then do it again. witcher plays around with this. a quest could involve a dungeon with a boss but that isnt necesarily the be all and end all. a kink between worlds did open everything up a bit but there is still more that can be done to make it interesting.
- Music. full orchestra. get it done nintendo. you make cracking music when you want to. mario galaxy 1 and 2 have absolutely brilliant soundtracks, kid icarus uprising is brilliant and mario kart 8 has a class soundtrack. the right tool for the right job and the right tool for zelda is an orchestra and your top compozer.
things witcher games can learn from zelda:
- nuts and bolts game mechanics. nintendo still remains one of the top developers in this area. witcher 3 movement and combat still feels sloppy compared to zeldas combat. the enemies in witcher look great but are not particularly interesting to fight. just dodge, block and smack it till it dies. zelda brings in positioning, timing and a little bit of thinking into many of the enemies design. combat is more fluid and responsive in zelda games (a common problem in games from the west at the moment, imho, is there is now too much animation data being pumped through making combat even more sloppy. looks great though). even just the basics like the movement of the characters around the map feel better in zelda games.
thats only 1 point but it is a vitally important point.
things where i think withcer have done well but nintendo also have it covered:
- horse riding. hoorah, CDPR made horseriding fun and horse combat works! took a leaf out of mount and blade in solving that problem and it has worked very well. but, going by the latest demo at least, nintendo have this in the bag also and look to improve on it again even (jumping off the back of the horse and knocking an arrow into an enemy before landing is going to be sweet and nintendo, im sure, will tie that into nemey design also.
- graphics: zelda simply is not going to be as technically accomplished as the witcher 3. of course it wont. but nintendo have many of the best artists in the world and they can squeez good results out of the wiiu. the game will look lovely, the framerate will be very smooth and consistent and itll also probably age quite well. im not worried about the visuals. it will look very nice. will the wiius more limited hardware completely stop nintendo from being able to create content like we see in witcher 3? no. the wiiu has no problem transitioning from open fields to cities and can deal with many people on the screen. it can run a game like xenoblade X and run it well. that wont be a problem. CDPR also have some amazing artistic talent though (always have) so this will be a tough one for nintendo.
non arguments:
- no levelling/loot in zelda. again its not an RPG. its like deducting points off uncharted because it doesnt have kart racing.
- Game Xs world is bigger. and? your points is? im not sure which will be bigger in the end but it doesnt really matter. as long as they are not big boring empty expanses then tis grand. witcher 3 has made good use of its world. im interested to see what nintendo do. it did look a bit flat in the latest demo but it was a demo and there is still plenty of development time (will we see it i 2016 even?).
so can zelda wiiu beat witcher 3? world design (yes though itll be very hard), content (Yes though very very hard), combat (yes and i would be very susprised if it doesnt), movement (yes, even old zeldas beat witcher 3 on this), story (probably wont.), script (again doubt it though zeldas usually have a good script), soundtrack (oh hell yes it can), graphics (technical clearly no. CDPR also have some astonishing talent in the art department so this will be tough for nintendo. nintendo will probably beat them on performance though. a smooth and consistent 30FPS from day one. visually the end product will probably come down to personal preference), game structure (i really hope so but nintendo will really have to break with tradition. Yes witcher 3s structure is better than zeldas. it takes the best bits of zeldas and dumps the lesser bits).
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