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I think the people STILL **** about nintendo around here should seriously grow up. They are a business, They are a very succesful business, they are ALL in it to make money. You think they're targeting casual? well its working for them, I seem to remember the nintendo gamecube with dozens of hardcore titles, where were YOU? Of course they had to change their approach, and they've managed to broaden the industry, and STILL you want more to yourself. Ok Im a hardcore gamer, I like plenty of titles on the wii, if I didnt? I wouldnt care, Id just play other things. Why would I feel betrayed at all, Id like to think SOME people have SOME maturity and just get on with their lives...
Believe it, most of the graphics whores, 2 gen gamers and insecure gamers cant stomach the idea of playing the Wii or its kiddy games :roll:
But w./e, their loss I suppose.
It is thier loss! They are such into thier HC games they dont know what its like to play Casual Games anymore..........
I really don't care if the Wii gets all the hate on System Wars, all I care about is me having fun.nintendoboy16This deserves to be quoted for emphasis. TC, just enjoy yourself.
Believe it, most of the graphics whores, 2 gen gamers and insecure gamers cant stomach the idea of playing the Wii or its kiddy games :roll:
But w./e, their loss I suppose.
It is thier loss! They are such into thier HC games they dont know what its like to play Casual Games anymore..........
My idea of a casual game is Chess/Solitaire ect, games that, you can casually pick up and play, but are still challenging. Please explain to me how trash like Wii Sports, Wii Music, Wii Fit do any of this?I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.SpruceCabooseThe whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :(
[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.thegoldenpooThe whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :(
I just dont understand how people can think those VILE things...........
[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.thegoldenpooThe whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :( I am hoping Punch-Out!! and the Wii Motion+ will shake up the system a bit and get some more innovative (and fun, since innovation without fun is pointless) games, especially games that do more with motion than just dang waggle gimmicks. Dev PROTIP: Don't add motion just to do it, add motion to add something tangible to the experience.
The whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :([QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.EpiphoneMan2008
I just dont understand how people can think those VILE things...........
I have a Wii, and that has been my experience with it. Thats how.[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.thegoldenpooThe whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :( gaming journalists.. lol
i think wii has it's place, i still think it sucks. Nintendo i think is still awesome though, deep down inside. They are just in a phase right now. (I hope)
i think wii has it's place, i still think it sucks. Nintendo i think is still awesome though, deep down inside. They are just in a phase right now. (I hope)
All they have to do is come out with another Metroid/Mario/Zelda game that sells BIG and they are back on top again!
i think wii has it's place, i still think it sucks. Nintendo i think is still awesome though, deep down inside. They are just in a phase right now. (I hope)
All they have to do is come out with another Metroid/Mario/Zelda game that sells BIG and they are back on top again!
No, thats just rehashing. Mario games can be complete in a day or 2, Zelda is a similar case, and metroid wasnt THAT great. Its just not enough anymore.[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.farnhamThe whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :( gaming journalists.. lol Oh yeah i mean those are only the people who have committed their time and energies to write about gaming, physicists LOL, how about chemists? LOL. Suddenly they are "lol" becuase they disagree with you, gamers on the whole are disappointed with the Wii, look around you.
i think wii has it's place, i still think it sucks. Nintendo i think is still awesome though, deep down inside. They are just in a phase right now. (I hope)
All they have to do is come out with another Metroid/Mario/Zelda game that sells BIG and they are back on top again!
I disagree. There comes a point when companies (not just Nintendo) need to stop rehashing the same old IPs over and over again. The sooner that happens, the sooner I can get back to enjoying gaming again.
[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]I own a Wii and I don't give a crud about sales. The Wii has been more disappointing to me than it has been great. I mean, some of the games are spectacular, but its just not been what I hoped it would have been. I am sure that I am not the only one to feel that way.SpruceCabooseThe whole of gaming journalism is thinking pretty much the same thing right now, go watch invisible walls this week on GT and the last half is just laying into the Wii and it's E3 2008 till now performance :( I am hoping Punch-Out!! and the Wii Motion+ will shake up the system a bit and get some more innovative (and fun, since innovation without fun is pointless) games, especially games that do more with motion than just dang waggle gimmicks. Dev PROTIP: Don't add motion just to do it, add motion to add something tangible to the experience. Good tip, there have been very few games to utilise the original Wiimote properly so I am hoping they can learn to build games around the control scheme instead of making a gamecube or PS" game then doing the equivalent of porting it too Wii controls which the vast majority of Wii games tend to do. I don't think it will happen to anywhere near enough the extent we would like to see but we can still dream i guess....
Mainly because Nintendo's pr is making dumb comments, their E3 was a joke, put too much funding into games like wii fit, have a horrid online service, wii mote is inferior to controllers and KBM for most games, Miss out on multiplats, 3rd party support is bad, filled with shovelware, and their core titles aren't as plentiful as the Gamecube and N64. SAGE_OF_FIREI think you forgot the kitchen sink :P
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]I love your sarcasm. Yes, when the Wii doesn't have enough games with blood and/or guns, it's hated here. Don't care about blood or guns, just a large amount of quality core titles which the wii is lacking.I can believe it.
[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"]I love your sarcasm. Yes, when the Wii doesn't have enough games with blood and/or guns, it's hated here. Don't care about blood or guns, just a large amount of quality core titles which the wii is lacking. Yes, but the majority of posters can't find that many "hardcore" games on the Wii, you know what I mean.I can believe it.
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]I love your sarcasm. Yes, when the Wii doesn't have enough games with blood and/or guns, it's hated here.I wasn't being sarcastic.I can believe it.
I believe the hate because SW is a weird place. It's not like the Wii is the only one hated.
I love your sarcasm. Yes, when the Wii doesn't have enough games with blood and/or guns, it's hated here.I wasn't being sarcastic.[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"]
I can believe it.
I believe the hate because SW is a weird place. It's not like the Wii is the only one hated.
Oh, my bad, yeah, I agree that all systems get hate, though the Wii gets the most hate for not having that many "hardcore" games on it.[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="farnham"] gaming journalists.. lolfarnhamOh yeah i mean those are only the people who have committed their time and energies to write about gaming, physicists LOL, how about chemists? LOL. Suddenly they are "lol" becuase they disagree with you, gamers on the whole are disappointed with the Wii, look around you. no lol because that is still an occupation at all.. i mean people write game reviews on blogs nowadays.. what function does a game journalist have nowadays besides getting the news from the developer/publishers and spreading them on the internets..?
What are you going on about? People review movies on their blogs too, that doesn't mean movie reviewers serve no function. The credibility of a gaming journalist follows the same line of criteria of a movie reviewer: a large amount of exposure and time spent with the medium and (hopefully) some sort of literary education.
i think wii has it's place, i still think it sucks. Nintendo i think is still awesome though, deep down inside. They are just in a phase right now. (I hope)
All they have to do is come out with another Metroid/Mario/Zelda game that sells BIG and they are back on top again!
I disagree. There comes a point when companies (not just Nintendo) need to stop rehashing the same old IPs over and over again. The sooner that happens, the sooner I can get back to enjoying gaming again.
But another Zelda is all hardcore gamers want.
[QUOTE="Filthybastrd"]:lol: @ ''Warriors'' I don't like the Wii itself because of it's lack of power, it feels stuck in the past. But the Wiimote and Nunchuck are a completely different story, it's one of my favourite controller of all time. If the Wii was up-to-date by today's standards then I wouldn't have a thing to complain about the console itself. But dated hardware keeps the Wii 8 years in the past.LOL with 2002 specs it costs 300$ and if Wii had ps3 or 360 specs it would be 600-700$ :lol:well us system warriors are hardly the target audience of the Wii.
I suppose the could spawn some heft amounts of hate.
I for one always get turned off when I look at the store shelves and find that the most interesting games are SMG and a bunch of ports from last gen.
Edit: SMG does however look awesome.
The hate is real TC. For the most part. Lots of people don't like the Wii. Its a shame to see games like Madworld and Metroid get overshadowed by games like Babiez and Carnival Games. At least the GC got a good amount of third party games unlike the Wii because of how unique it is. Thats why the GC was better.
Everyone's upset by the lack of true hardcore games on the Wii, and the lack of Nintendo showing any improvement in the online department. Your on a gaming forum so you better believe your gonna see a lot of hate toward Nintendo and the Wii.
True hardcore games?
Everyone's upset by the lack of true hardcore games on the Wii, and the lack of Nintendo showing any improvement in the online department. Your on a gaming forum so you better believe your gonna see a lot of hate toward Nintendo and the Wii.
True hardcore games?
Like SMG.
Everyone's upset by the lack of true hardcore games on the Wii, and the lack of Nintendo showing any improvement in the online department. Your on a gaming forum so you better believe your gonna see a lot of hate toward Nintendo and the Wii.
True hardcore games?
Like SMG?
I Lol'd. thanks.Its a shame to see games like Madworld and Metroid get overshadowed by games like Babiez and Carnival Games.Hungry_JelloHow has been Metroid Prime 3 "overshadowed" by Carnival Games and Babiez?
[QUOTE="Hungry_Jello"]Its a shame to see games like Madworld and Metroid get overshadowed by games like Babiez and Carnival Games.IronBassHow has been Metroid Prime 3 "overshadowed" by Carnival Games and Babiez? A whole bunch of these games being released and people buying them.
A whole bunch of these games being released and people buying them.nintendoboy16
Did that stop Metroid Prime 3 to sell incredibly well?
[QUOTE="Hungry_Jello"]Its a shame to see games like Madworld and Metroid get overshadowed by games like Babiez and Carnival Games.IronBassHow has been Metroid Prime 3 "overshadowed" by Carnival Games and Babiez?
Maybe I used the wrong example but you know what I mean. The mass majority of Wii owners are buying the crappy shovelware games which gives Ninty very little incentive for third party devs or Ninty to make super special awesome games anymore. In their eyes they've hit the jackpot because they figured out how to make money without even trying.
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