This probably has been posted a million times over. And I hope im not starting a console war discussion as I find both consoles great in there own way. But from all the countless articles, videos, and forums Ive consumed I cannot decide which console to purchase! Im a fan equally to both consoles exclusives. 1 thing that is bugging me is people saying how much the ps4 versions of games look so much better like its night and day differences.Is 1080p vs 900p really discernable on a 50 inch screen 8 to 10 feet away? I ask because thats going to be my setup. Ive watched a bunch of head to head videos and I seriously cannot tell the difference( I know I know) . Now anyone who owns both I beg of you to tell me which console you play on more and why? Ive heard alot of people say they bought a ps4 and got bored with it ending up buying an xbox one and selling the ps4.Maybe the xbox feels more next gen somehow? Then I hear people saying the ps4 is so much faster and the xbox one feels laggy. I can tell you I like the xbox one ui alot betterbut feel I would like the Dualshock 4 better. At this point im stuck. I need everyones thoughts! Lets help me decide! I know in the end Im the one spending the cash and Im the one thats going to have to live with the console and everyone is different. There are No right or wrong answers, just opinions , whats yours? Thanks in advanced. I appreciate it.
"Ive watched a bunch of head to head videos and I seriously cannot tell the difference( I know I know) ."
...and you would be correct. Don't listen to the Sony fanboys that tell you otherwise. It's pure hype and hyperbole. There is barely any difference to make a fuss about. You know when you would see a difference? If you had both consoles and lined up two 50-inch screens side by side with one playing Xbox One and the other ps4 and you had a magnifying glass or if you kept looking back and forth from one screen to the next constantly over and over .....and who plays like that? That's right nobody. As soon as you start playing whatever game you want you won't care about any tiny differences that exist.
Let me just say this... if you decide to get a ps4 (which I don't recommend one bit) please don't let it be because of this stupid resolution nonsense which Sony and their fanboys have blown out of proportion.... at least let it be because you prefer the ps4's games (God knows what that is). Believe it or not I own a ps4. But I bought it because I enjoyed killzone 3 from the ps3 but Killzone 4 was just a godawful game. I'd rather watch paint dry. I also wanted to play uncharted 4 but it got delayed till next year. That's the only cool franchise on the playstation but again that won't be until next year. And even then the uncharted series is getting a bit stale with it's linear gameplay and over-the-top set pieces. Rise of the Tomb Raider looks like a much better exploring game and you can get that now on Xbox One while ps4 players have to wait until next Fall.
"Ive heard alot of people say they bought a ps4 and got bored with it ending up buying an xbox one and selling the ps4."
....and you would be correct. Notice if you look around when people ask about the consoles one of the first things Sony fanboys bring up is sales. Yes sales are nice but at the end of the day it's about the games and the Xbox One for me kills the ps4 right now and even in 2016. Some of these guys will tell you the ps4 has more games. The problem with that statement even if it's factually true is that if it's mostly made up of indie shovelware and games people will forget about after one sitting nobody will give a flying f*** if it has 50, 100 or a thousand more games. If you are hearing a lot of people returning/selling their ps4... well there is a reason for that.
"Maybe the xbox feels more next gen somehow?"
... and you would be correct again. Great games, the ability to connect your cable box through it so you can switch back effortlessly between watching TV and playing games; better apps, a better online infrastructure. Just google the Sony PSN hack of 2011.... NUFF SAID! As a matter of fact I think psn is down right now or it was down yesterday lol. Xbox has a better looking User Interface (UI)...just very slick and fast and WAY more organized than that plain-jane UI on the ps4; better party chat; If I'm not mistaken I don't even think the ps4 has friend notifications yet...are you serious? Please GTFO.
"I can tell you I like the xbox one ui a lot better"
...correct again. Agreed. There is a reason you feel that way.
"....but feel I would like the Dualshock 4 better."
This is where I will respectfully disagree with you. Now is the ds4 controller better than the ds3. Yeah sure but it still falls behind the Xbox Controller. The Xbox One controller just fits like a glove... add in other options like the Xbox One Elite controller and it's not even close.
Honestly the ps4 is overrated and overhyped. It's an overrated crap system with a crap network with a crap fanboyish community. Get an Xbox One and don't look back!
Dude, you need to set aside your stupid fanboy nonsense and just do the guy a favour and tell him which system to buy out of the two. You're not helping him spouting fanboy drivel and I don't believe for a second you own a PS4.
For the sake of the OP I will go through your idiocy in the order you blurted it out and put him straight.
1. Anyone who can't tell the difference between 900p and 1080p has never played games on PC. Like I said I have never compared them directly on console but there IS a difference in resolution and things look better in higher res this is not opinion it's fact. Multiplats will look better on PS4 there is no argument here. Rise of the Tomb Raider better than Uncharted stinks of fanboy drivel Uncharted 4 looks amazing and while I'm sure ROTTR is a great game it is coming to PS4 and PC anyway and will look and play MUCH better on both.
2. I don't know a single person who got bored with PS4 and sold it and bought an Xbox One. Not one. Nobody on here says that either except the occasional troll. You can safely dismiss that as just plain lies, more pathetic fanboy drivel. Last Of Us Remastered, Until Dawn, Disgaea 5, Bloodborne, Infamous SS, Nier 2, Star Ocean 5 etc versus Halo, Forza and Gears it's not even fucking close for anyone with half a brain cell.
3. The Xbox feels more next gen lmao. So the PS4 performs better and has better hardware but the Xbox feels more next gen because 'features' okay did you want a games console or a media player? Please clarify so we can point you in the right direction.
4. If you buy a console for the UI instead of games and performance I honestly don't know what to say to you.
5. You like the dualshock 4 but manic fanboy here goes no no the Xbox One is much better yeah okay they both seem good to me I have no preference.
If you want a console that is going to have games you can't get anywhere else and has the undisputed best console multiplats buy a PS4. If you don't mind inferior multiplats and only want to play Halo, Forza and Gears, buy an Xbox One. Indies... **** indies they are ten a penny on ALL systems and if that's your area of interest just buy a fucking SNES and be done with it.
I own both consoles and purely from a games standpoint the PS4 gets much more playtime. Games, games and more games that should be your only consideration when you think about buying a games console. If you want a media player you should have made that clear from the start and there are better ones out there with more features (and nowhere near as expensive) than the Xbox One.
Hey f**kface. I never said that you can't notice a difference. Just that it's not night and day like most idiot cows would have consumers believe. You and the rest of the pathetic fuckin ponies on this board act as if the ps4 is some supercomputer and it's not. When will the delusional crap stop? If you look in the topics you'll see another idiot cow claiming graphics from the ps4 can outdo the pc. So who is the lying fan base here. Anyway I gave my opinion. Don't like it? Too bad...go f*** off.
Do most multiplats look or perform a tad better? Yes but notice the word TAD. You act as though the difference is between PC and console and it's not. You call me a maniac fanboy but the very fact that you are addressing me the way you are shows just how much your panties got all twisted up simply because of my opinion.
....and yes the piece a shit 4 is overrated garbage.
What you said, shit-for-brains is there is barely any difference between 900p and 1080p and you would need a magnifiying glass to tell the difference which is uninformed nonsensical drivel and more fanboy fuckwittery from you. The difference is obvious to anyone who isn't fucking half blind like you.
I already said in my original post the difference isn't huge but it is there, I never ever said it was a huge difference. Learn to read, dumbass. And I own PC and both consoles (and PS3 and 360) so please stick your infantile 'pony' comments up your dumb ass.
And this from an alleged PS4 owner '....and yes the piece a shit 4 is overrated garbage'. Intellectually challenged maniacal Xbox fanboy 100% confirmed.
He said:
"Ive watched a bunch of head to head videos and I seriously cannot tell the difference( I know I know) ."
I said:
...and you would be correct. Don't listen to the Sony fanboys that tell you otherwise. It's pure hype and hyperbole. There is barely any difference to make a fuss about.
Please show me anywhere in my responses that I specifically mention a direct comparison between 1080 and 900. I was speaking in terms of general visuals based on head to head vids I've seen. And as I said yes there is a difference but nothing to fuss about.
Then you go on to say, " I never said it was a huge difference". So the following comment doesn't imply that you're saying there is a huge difference?
"Anyone who can't tell the difference between 900p and 1080p has never played games on PC." You come off as purely arrogant with a comment like that. And nowhere in your original response to me did you say there isn't a huge difference so stop lying f**kface. Should I quote additional arrogant remarks you made? Go read your original response you PUSSY. Your whole response just reeks of arrogance.
Here's the bottom line:
You got your panties in a twist and got butthurt because I criticized your precious ps4. So how about this...
1. Go F**k off
2. Next time tell your mom to swallow so we don't have to deal with another dumbass like yourself
Oh one more thing...
THE PIECE-A-SHIT 4 IS OVERRATED GARBAGE. (Please don't cut your wrist)
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