Are they not making Cyberpunk 2077 anymore?
They still are.
ROFL I almost peed. Geralt is one of the best according to you almost as good as Solid Snake a character who's background and motivation are incomprehensible and voiced by your standard dudebro permanent scowl, growl-voiced, emotional defective that could go a dime a dozen in terms of voice actors.
You have a gift my friend, you should do standup. Neither one of them is a decent protagonist, but Getalt wouldnt even be mentioned in the same sentence as any memorable RPG hero.
@SerOlmy: Standard dude bro voice actor? Really? You sound like an absolute hater. Solids Snakes motivations are incomprehensible? He's a clone designed to be the perfect soldier who wants to save the world from complete destruction.
Please give me an example of a great hero? Let me guess any generic female archetype or perhaps you like the prepubescent emos from the Japanese games.
What the hell does gender have to do with it? Just because I think Geralt is your run of the mill permanent scowl, growl-voiced, emotional defective archetype that we have seen a million times in the last decade doesn't mean I don't recognize good writing and voice-acting regardless of the source. Personally in an RPG I would much rather have a character I can customize even if the voice acting is not top notch. And let's be frank most people will agree that Geralt is the worst part of the Witcher games, if they weren't so much better designed than most other recent RPGs then no one outside of the near east would know or care who Geralt of Rivia is. Geralt not withstanding the Witcher 3 is what the Dragon Age series should have been. My great hope is that Cyberpunk has a customizable main character or at the very least an interesting one that doesn't follow the same overplayed, outmoded stereotype of a main character, because CDPR is the new high bar in terms of RPG design.
Edit - also if you knew my personal tastes at all you would know I loath jRPG writing/characters far more than I do stereotypical ones like Geralt
Witcher 4 could be a more traditional RPG as in you create your character what would be awesome is if they did it that you were the son/daughter of ciri (she's bi so it could be a one night stand sorta thing or she chose to fall for a man or something)
Huh... three of those might very well be pointing towards Cyberpunk, but yeah, collectively I guess they do kind of seem to be hinting at a new Witcher. I doubt they'd begin development so soon after Witcher 3 though.
I was gonna say, that could very well be Cyberpunk related too.
They could always make a game that is about his past. Think God of war games for psp. Gerald is over 90 years old. His story might have ended but it could easily be revisited
His time with the wild hunt? So much!
As far as Ciri is concerned. Hate to break it to anyone but it won't happen. Her being the main character? No way. You are welcome to give me a list of insane sales of game that have main character who is a female. Cd project or not, that's not easy to sell
Only one people will site; Lara. Now let's be real, how long did it take to establish that?
Why is it not easy to sell, most games have male people as the main character as they tend to be the hero and stronger characters as you don;t typically get female people in real life in demanding physical jobs so that only make sense.
But when you are talking about a fantasy setting with mutant characters I think those things get chucked out the window, I'm sure people who play RPG games don't care what their main character is, although a choice is always nice if the game isn't totally story driven by the main character.
@SerOlmy: Except Geralt is not stereotypical... And this only shows your complete lack of knowledge on the game and the series. Geralt is also one of the most popular characters in fantasy RPGs. Games don't sell 7 million copies because they hate the main character. And the voice actor is actually outstanding. It has some of the best dialogue in gaming and the voice actor delivers. Hes not a stereotypical dudebro meathead as you describe. So I ask you again give me some good examples of heroes that you think are interesting because all you have done is criticize some without giving me one example of one that you fine well done.
@ten_pints: I'm with you, I honestly won't mind if the protagonist is female or not. I'd prefer Gerald over Ciri but that's another debate
However, you cannot deny that sales will take a huge hit. You are welcome to look at top selling games with the protagonist being a female; the list is shocking. Some of the top selling are over a decade old.
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