@Salt_The_Fries said:
This problem is related to Capture the Flag mode and hope they'll do something about it. For what it's worth, I'm reporting every single case of players camping the whole match in an extremely tiny perimeter in their own base and farming easy kills that require no skill. They do it for one reason - they want to artificially buff up their Kill Death Ratio. They have no intention of going for your flag, ever. They only start going for your flag when it's 2 or less minutes till the end of the game. And it usually turns out they're horrible at it. But those jerks are sole reason my KDR dropped down below zero and I'm always top player in CTF, frequently getting all three points and never afraid to engage in combat while carrying a flag.
Even having a total noob on your team or see somebody quit is better than this torpor!
All jerks like these should be put in a server only for other jerks where stats ain't matter.
Uh...you must not play FPS online a lot with other Capture the flag modes.
This has been a problem with the mode across a multitude of games. They farm and get kills and don't actually play Capture the Flag, they play Kill/Death ratio. I've been in rooms where everyone but me is basically just playing Team Death Match and I wonder why the hell these idiots chose CTF if my team and the other team just want to shoot each other. It's pretty goddamn stupid.
If I'm lucky, I get on a team that will actually want to play, but the entire other team just keeps playing TDM. Then others on my team get angry and quit because people aren't playing Capture (the entire team is just playing for kills), leaving you in the untenable position of playing Capture the Flag by your lonesome against a team. It's awful sometimes.
Even worse, if you QUIT, you are penalized.
This is also a problem with other modes that are NOT Deathmatch. Idiots that care more about artificial stats that having fun in the game they are in.
Of course, there is a natural defense position in CTF that you may be complaining about. Some people need to be goal tending otherwise it's too easy. On that front, you may just need to learn to adapt to defensive players. Either way, CTF isn't that great in Halo imo, UNLESS I'm playing in a room with friends.
I'm surprised that in 2015 you just noticed. I guess it took Halo 5 to get your attention, but I've been playing FPSs online for years, and I HATE playing Capture unless I know everyone is going to play it right.
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