so tell me, where have you seen a game came close to its CG trailer?
It would be your argument that Killzone 2 comes close to GCI quality, not my argument. This sort of question suggests that I am the one claiming something comes close to CGI; when it is you.
and uhh..the volumetric smoke scene is the beginning of the game, and that's less than a minute. are you telling me you're so keen to observe a 2d sprite in a game? huh, sad life you lead then.
Again, it is your argument that the end product comes close to the CGI. When I point out an example of how it doesn't; you accuse me of having a sad life? Attacking my character rather than defending your own argument, that speaks badly of you; not me.
You are avoiding having to justify your own claim and trying to spin it to make me look bad :roll: if this is what I can expect from further discussion; we are done here.
This>>>>>>>>>>>what ever you were just trying to say....
"Phenomenal visuals prove that Guerrilla either met or surpassed that infamous E3 trailer. Some technical issues hold it back from being a completely flawless masterpiece."
actually it would be YOUR argument that it's not, unbias journalists and non-fanboys think other wise.
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