Yall hermits are something else, really lol. Half of the things yall listed would be behind the times before they even left the warehouse. And then for a self built system you would need one of these, maybe just maybe.
Can't be a upgrade o/s cause most people have pre built systems that just come with a restore disk and a restore disk can't be put onto another system for a upgrade o/s to work so it has to be a Full Install o/s disk to work.
Also most of the parts people have mentioned in here forget to mention that they themselves wouldn't use them lol. I know looking at some of those motherboards and power supplies listed, aswell as processors I wouldn't use them for sure.
Really for a great cheap setup either building yourself or prebuilt it is going to take atleast $1200-$1500. Now I would say that the state of pc gaming would ensure that upgrading wouldn't be a issue anymore. If you get a great rig now, I think you could easily be good for another 3-5 years without upgrades. My rig now has a ati 4850 1gb card and really there is nothing I can't play with it, and I don't see anything coming in the near future or later in pc gaming that would lend the thought of having to upgrade. So if you are going to get a pc rig, do it right the first time and be done with it. Don't be cheap and then you will be caught into the realm of having to upgrade to get the best out of games.
But now after going back to my pc games, I feel like I've waisted my money. PC games in general that I've been playing or have rechecked out, has a very unpolished feeling to them. Polished games is something that I can say that the ps3 has spoiled me with. From pc games ranging from Crysis, TF2, BF2, UTIII, QuakeIv they all have most of these issues or a good % of them, poor animations, glitches, poor hit detection, not user friendly patch updates, laggy online and just poor optimization.
So I really don't see the benefit anymore in pc gaming when Console gaming has for the most part caught pc gaming minus mod downloads. So with ease of use, comfort, user friendly patch updates, online services, polished AAA games, and on and on. So for the most part hermits yall just need to get off of your high horses and get with a console lol, they are a blast.
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