PS3 is NOT a flop or a failure!!! Sony reps were right all along!!! The recent NDP numbers proves that consumers will buy the PS3 even with no games!
I mean really, RFOM is a mediocre FPS at best and Virtua Fighter is a barely passable fighting game....AND these are THE BEST games availableon the PS3! :lol: Lets look into the rest of the year...MGS4 has been all but officially delayed to "sometime" in 2008+, Motorstorm is just another a mediocre racer, Heavenly Sword is nothing more than Dynasty Warrior with a better draw distance, and the rest of the lineup is worse than trash. The only bright spot is DMC4 that may or may not be AA.
So you see, the PS3 really does have no games....not just up until now, but for at least another year. That means the only thing worth playing on the PS3 is a mediocre FPS game for over 1 year!!!..........YET THE PS3 is selling almost as well as the highly successful Xbox 360 and Wii consoles!!! Sony WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!
M$ and Kidtendo need to watch out for Sony!! If Sony can push this number of units with a worthless console that has no games, IMAGINE how many systems they will sell once some games worth playing are available!!!!!
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