1) MS- game consoles are about a hell of a lot more than gaming these days, and MS is the only one that really gets that. People here will b*tch and moan about the lack of exclusives and handful of Kinect titles, but having that true "third screen" experience is going to be a hell of a lot more valuable than being able to say "PS4: the only place you can play mediocre Killzone and Infamous sequels!" So long as they do something about their XBL subscription set-up (read: free online play and access to stuff like Netflix) I think it'll be an easy win.
2) Sony- This is more a comment on how badly Nintendo shot themselves in the foot than belief that Sony has something worth buying. It's just too status quo: the games all looked boring (with the exception of multiplats), I don't think the social features go far enough to trump what MS is no doubt working on with XBL, and the genuinely cool Gaikai stuff is apparently work-in-progress/"aspirational". Maybe they have some big surprises saved up for E3, but as-is they don't have the games to sell the PS4 as the "gamer's" console or the features to sell it as the "everyone's" console.
3) Nintendo- They might have had a shot at second if the Wii U had sold like the Wii out of the gate, but its slow sales coupled with another set of "gen and a half) hardware is a recipe for disaster. If they can get the price down and big franchises out fast enough they might be able to salvage things, but as-is the Wii U is almost an impossible sell relative to the Xbox 3 and PS4.
Eh I disagree, any social features the consoles offer you already have on your phone so what's the point, it's just another bulletpoint on a list of features. If MS goes too far down the casual crapshoot with Kinect and lose their hardcore audience ( what made them what they are in the first place with the xbox brand ) Then that's going to hurt them in more than just a monetary sense, word of mouth is a powerful thing especially among gamers. Kinect is some interesting tech but it has yet to offer any remarkable gaming experiences.
I can see it being an easy win for Sony, A game console is about the games first and foremost. If I want to play with Apps I'd just use my phone.
Not to say sony isn't doing anything with the social, app based space either, but it seems they are going for a hardcore Base which is always a great thing for a "Game," Console.
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