360 and PS3 owners, smile :)
Starbreeze has confirmed its working on a next-gen makeover of The Chronicles of Riddick.
Assault on Dark Athena will be available on PS3 and Xbox 360 before the end of the year.
There will be around 50 per cent more single-player content to get stuck into - taking place on board the scavenger ship Dark Athena - and an online multiplayer mode will be included.
Commentary is also expected to feature in a similar way to the Developer's Cut remake on PC, as is the obvious graphical spit-shine to show off the new floating terrafloppy-tehcnotrons.
The Chronicles of Riddick appeared on Xbox, based on the 2004 film of the same name. It took everyone by surprise, not least because the big-screen version starring Vin Diesel was rubbish.
The first-person action game displayed some of the best graphics we'd seen, and earned itself a whopping 9/10. Catch up with our The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay review to see why.
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