Classic franchises corrupted by casuals...Fallout, XCom

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#101 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

Sure, they could make it like that, but I don't think it would do very will in today's gaming climate. It would be about as popular as Men of War... meaning a niche title with little hope of big box success.


It would be profitable and that's all they would need. Sure, it would be niche, but was Fallout. That game was made by petite team and from the day 1 it was aimed at hardcore niche target. Turn-based combat in RPG wasn't more popular in 1997, it was the same thing as today..people scratched their head and ashed why the hell didn't they go for Diablo like combat. But the team stuck to their vision and delivered a classic, a niche classic, but still classic.

The fact's simply impossible to make a Fallout3-like game without having 10-15 mln dollars of budget, such game can be made only by a huge developer. Fallout team would never be able to handle such game and it's members know it. Why do you think the zombie RPG from ex Troika writers is iso TB? Because it's the only way to make indie RPG and be able to dream about even finishing such project.

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#102 skrat_01
Member since 2007 • 33767 Posts
[QUOTE="dakan45"]They set it by no turn based by default and changed the camera hight, its called "evolution" if it was made today, there is no way they would made it issometric they spend money for a 3d engine and reali time gameplay. Point is that the fallout devs were from multiple groups, from what we have seen the devs from backisle who scattered around the gamecompanies and formed their groups, made diffirent games unlike when they worked for bioware which makes similar games all the time. That was the only time they had to make something similar. As another user has said "i like them more from all rpg devs because they dont make the same games over and over like bioware and bethesda" Besides, osbidian is making new vegas into a more fps focused combat system. All evidence points towards what i said. So whats the point of continiuing arguing anyway?

The camera could be scaled - further out helps with the combat and tactical focus of the central gameplay, and you could still play it as a turn based game. So what is your point? Again I point at Van Buren, the original Fallout 3. And no a turn based game could have been made, as Adrian already answered you posts before hand (honestly did you even take this into account?)

[QUOTE="dakan45"] If fallout 3 was made today it would NEVER be issomatric and have turn based combat.AdrianWerner

I disagree. If Fallout would be made today and it would be like before (ie..PC only game without big budget) then I'm pretty sure they would go with top down perspective and most likely TB combat (or at the very least real-time wargame like combat we've seen in Men of War and such). Turning this type of game into FPS-like RPG was likely only for multiplat game

It wouldn't be a big budget multiplatform title, designed for spanning audience hell bent on action titles (with a massive marketing campaign to back it up). So no, on the contrary the only evidence that points towards your direction is actually changing the direction of the game itself - turning it into a triple A, high budget and high risk IP. Which Fallout never really was in the first place.
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#103 VoodooHak
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Sure, they could make it like that, but I don't think it would do very will in today's gaming climate. It would be about as popular as Men of War... meaning a niche title with little hope of big box success.


It would be profitable and that's all they would need. Sure, it would be niche, but was Fallout. That game was made by petite team and from the day 1 it was aimed at hardcore niche target. Turn-based combat in RPG wasn't more popular in 1997, it was the same thing as today..people scratched their head and ashed why the hell didn't they go for Diablo like combat. But the team stuck to their vision and delivered a classic, a niche classic, but still classic.

The fact's simply impossible to make a Fallout3-like game without having 10-15 mln dollars of budget, such game can be made only by a huge developer. Fallout team would never be able to handle such game and it's members know it. Why do you think the zombie RPG from ex Troika writers is iso TB? Because it's the only way to make indie RPG and be able to dream about even finishing such project.

The environment has changed considerably since then.

Would it be profitable? I'll have to disagree with the idea that isometric turn-based RPGs like the old Fallouts and Baldur's Gate are just as popular now as they were a decade ago. The major RPG devs today have moved on to a real-time, third person perscpective. For better of worse, that's just the way things are moving.

If the devs want to make turn-based isometric RPGs due to budgetary contraints, more power to 'em. I'd check 'em out. However, they would have to be satisfied with mild success.

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#104 Vadamee
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A turn-based strategy most likely won't work today which may be the reason we don't see any decent ones that I'm aware of. A lot of design choices were made back in the day due to hardware limitations, limitations that don't quite exist in this day and age. The transition from 2D to 3D brought about much ravaging fan fair when die-hards felt that games such as Super Mario didn't translate well to 3D even though it was critically acclaimed; same can be said about Zelda and any old-school 2D fighter relative to current 3D fighters. Game design changes when hardware changes. The compact disc allowed Square Soft to incorporate fully scripted CGI cut-scenes into their game, something that cartridges couldn't do and was pretty much non-existent on the N64 as was expansive environments. The inception of a dedicated pixel shader/graphics processor allotted developers the head room to push graphics even further... I doubt Half-Life would have been the same game had it been anything other than an FPS, rather it was a hallmark for visuals for its time, visual fidelity brought about by cutting edge graphics processors like the Rage 3D or GeForce 1. Same goes for UT. We're starting to see design philosophies change once more in the dawn of hands-free input devices... And in a few years, we'll see game design evolve again once 3D set tops become the norm. In my opinion, to say that 'casualization' of your favorite franchise is to blame is short sighted and narrow-minded when all things considered. I believe it shows your inability to deal with the sign of the times. I can appeal to your views also, I don't really miss the games themselves rather I miss the simpler, more fun times that are associated with my favorite games. In 10 years, we'll all still have this sentiment, only instead of reminiscing about Fallout we'll be reminiscing about Wii Sports Resort(Okay maybe not, but you get my point).
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#105 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

The environment has changed considerably since then.VoodooHak

Yes it did, but in case of such games it changed for better, current PCgaming is much more niche and indie friendly than it was in late 90s/early 00s

Would it be profitable? I'll have to disagree with the idea that isometric turn-based RPGs like the old Fallouts and Baldur's Gate are just as popular now as they were a decade ago. The major RPG devs today have moved on to a real-time, third person perscpective. For better of worse, that's just the way things are moving.VoodooHak

Fallout was never a big seller and most of all plenty of modern niche pc games stay profitable without any problem, why would Fallout be any different?

And devs moved on? Since when? Most modern PC centric RPGs still stick to the formulas that were popular back when Fallout and Baldurs Gate were being released. It's only console-centric rpg that have "moved on". Heck...look at Bioware...the moment they take a break from console centric RPGs to make a PC oriented title they deliver Dragon Age, which plays exactly like Baldurs Gate did back in 1998.

If the devs want to make turn-based isometric RPGs due to budgetary contraints, more power to 'em. I'd check 'em out. However, they would have to be satisfied with mild success.


Of course. But so what? If you want to make real-time big budgeted RPG you also have to make have to be satisfied with not being able to design the game how you want, satified with being constantly told by publisher what to do, satisfied with loosing the great atmoshere small dev teams have and being forced to expand to 100 people team, you will have to appeal to mainstream as much as it's humanly possible. So there are always compromises.

What's more...original Fallout was a "mild success" too. So why do you act like it's natural to expecti a successor to such game to turn into mega blockbuster ?

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#106 VideoGameGuy
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[QUOTE="Eleckidding"][QUOTE="VideoGameGuy"]Without Doki Doki panic we wouldn't have classic Mario characters like Shy Guy, Toad, and Birdo!ThePlothole
Toad was in the first Super Mario Bros.

"Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"

Eh, Toad is one part of the original game I would rather forget.

but only in a passive way, SMB2 put him in the forefront and made him a REAL character
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#107 Heil68
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[QUOTE="-Feath-"]Welcome to 2010 where the entire of society has a short attention span and people only want two things. Explosions and boobs.IronBass

And to complain about everything in internet forums.

AND to comment on complaining. :P
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#108 iammason
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Many gamers this generation find that game have been dumbed down fir the casual market. Well, guess what - you're right. And while you may not like it, it's the direction many games seem to be going. Personally? I don't mind at all. The way I see it, I'm not getting younger, and I fin my self playing less every year. The fact that games are leaning more towards the casual side is fine by me. Oh, by the way, XCOM all ready had a FPS spin off in 2002, so it's not the first time it entered the genre.
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#110 rolo107
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For you to call games like Fallout 3 junk is outrageous. If you do not like the game, and feel that it is a disgrace, that's fine, but to call it junk is just downright not true. The game is one of the best games this generation. Clearly it appeals to much more than those "mindless" individuals, but admitting that kind of defeats your argument. It turns it into a personal issue, where you are annoyed that it isn't tailored for you, but rather another set of gamers. You try to pass it off by calling them inferior, but really, that's a cop-out.

Also, you could easily play Fallout 3 as a first person shooter if you wanted, you did not have to use VATs. Zooming in had practically the same effect, it was just more clunky and unintuitive. When all a gamer does is rage over the way the industry is going, it's pretty clear they aren't really supporting gaming anymore. Things change, and you may think it's for the worst, but express it better. That's the main issue I have. Fallout 3 is not a casual game by the way, none of my friends who are casual gamers would touch it.

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#111 VoodooHak
Member since 2002 • 15989 Posts

So we agree that PC gaming has changed. Games like Fallout 1 and 2 gained popularity partially because of the era in which it existed. The PC and console worlds were still separate. It was rare that we saw a PC-centric dev produce something for the consoles, and vice versa. Now we have a business model that invites multiplatform development which affects what form a game takes. Case in point, Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Even without any solid numbers for me to quote, I'm still confident in saying that those console-centric RPGs are doing much better than those found on the PC. Where you have Dragon Age, we also have games like KOTOR, KOTOR 2, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3, Fable 2... all of which have been hits that helped sustain the devs and publishers that put them out.

At the end of the day, what are we really arguing about here? Looking back through the thread, I think our only points of contention are maybe our definitions of "success" or the current state of RPG development.

That minutiae aside, would I welcome an isometric PC RPG? Of course. Just as I'd welcome a console third person RPG. As long as they're good games, does it matter?

Are we really disagreeing?

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#112 M8ingSeezun
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I don't think they're corrupted by "casuals", I think developers and publishers are starting to realize that they have a potentially larger audience by making their titles more accessible. Fallout 3 and TESIV: Oblivion are pretty damn good examples of games that while taking a hit in some RPG mechanics, end up being very "playable".

I think gamers need to understand that for some of these franchises to make these come backs it is necessary for them to undergo some modifications to bring them into the now. In Fallout's case I'm just glad they gave the series a reboot at all.


Very well said. Change can be good sometimes. Your favorite franchise may not be the same as you remember it, but it could still be very good.

I agree. Well said indeed.

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#113 WasntAvailable
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"Corrupted", :lol:. That's laughable. No one was "corrupted", it just happens that the developers who got their hands on the IP's had different ideas for how to develop games for it. For what it's worth Fallout was never that great in the first place. People complain about the shallow combat in Fallout 3, but I really have to wonder how they manage to completely gloss over the fact the original had one of the most tedious, boring and most importantly shallow combat systems in any RPG of that time. I don't really understand what I'm missing with this combat complaint, it's always been poor. The RPG mechanics are better in the original two games though.

I'm getting really bored of this whole "casual's ruined my life" concept. My advice, be more careful in what games you choose to play, or just stick to the 90's. Maybe gaming isn't for you, or maybe you should actually try enjoying the good aspects of games instead of focusing entirely on what makes them bad. That dosn't mean you can enjoy every game you play though, but it does mean there will be more of a chance you will like it.

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#114 Androvinus
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fallout series is not a continuation of anything. therefore fallout 2 cannot be fallout 3. technology has evolved gaming have evolved. deal with it
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#115 Trigger_Hppy
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I don't consider people who play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3 "casuals". You can put it any way you want, but the truth is, gamers have moved on, and expect a little more fun and a bit less chores when it comes to games. If you don't like it, then thats fine, just stop whining so much. Everyday theres a new thread about "the casuals". Just because a franchise evolves, doesn't mean that its bad.

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#116 hiphops_savior
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[QUOTE="hiphops_savior"]New Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Galaxy 2 with that stupid Super Guide, oh no! Wait? Did I just hear that there is a reason why there are Super Guides in those games?Dtnoip28
You know, you could just not use them. It's really not that hard...

Sarcasm meter broken? To be fair, it was kind of hard to tell. In all honesty, when I played SMG2, I never used the Super Guide feature, ever, no matter how many times I died. Plus, in every level, I always go for the Cosmo Medals. In terms of general casualization of games, games seem to suffer more from developers trying to recreate Hollywood in their levels. Not that anything is wrong with that, but a narrative driven game tends to be somewhat easier in a sense that the developers want the story to keep going, rather than provide a challenge for the player.
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#117 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

fallout series is not a continuation of anything. therefore fallout 2 cannot be fallout 3. technology has evolved gaming have evolved. deal with itAndrovinus
evolution suggest improvements, which isn't the case with Fallout 3. I can understand how some people prefer FO3 style of gameplay, but objectively it's not better than the one found in first two games

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#119 jerkface96
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This is not necessarily news. What it is, however, is a place for you to discuss the epic failure contained in the following news tidbits. They indicate the general move in the industry towards homogenized junk that appeals to mindless Monster-drinking teens/fratboys.

In the latest game informer we are informed that Bioshock 2 developer 2K Marin has unfortunately been given an opportunity to violate the X-Com franchise's memory by mutating it into a first-person shooter. Is this X-Com? No, but it is a cute attempt to dupe oldschool fans.

There is a very large preview feature of Fallout New Vegas in the same issue. I was excited to dig in. On page 66, or page 5 of the preview, they reveal that the game will have ironsights as opposed to the zoom mechanic of Fallout 3. Great, I thought, I hate z.....wait, WHAT? Okay, so Fallout New Vegas will feature the real-time gameplay of Fallout 3 and it will take place in the first person perspective. In other words you can play the game like a first person shooter.

The best and most loved turn-based RPGs of gaming history have been turned into first-person shooters. Discuss.

Wait so..... youd rather have those crappy zoom mechanics and unresponsive aiming in Fallout NV, rather than Iron SIghts which would actually improve upon a good gaming experience?
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#120 VoodooHak
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[QUOTE="Androvinus"]fallout series is not a continuation of anything. therefore fallout 2 cannot be fallout 3. technology has evolved gaming have evolved. deal with itAdrianWerner

evolution suggest improvements, which isn't the case with Fallout 3. I can understand how some people prefer FO3 style of gameplay, but objectively it's not better than the one found in first two games

Maybe a better term to use would be "changing with the times". Having a bit to do with the technology and more to do with who's actually buying games nowadays.

Sure, I liked F3's style of play. But did I like it better than the first 2? Yes and no. Pitting them against each other is a little unfair, and ultimately moot since I enjoyed all of them. The only objective thing we can say about them is that they're mechanically different and occupy a similar fiction.

They're good games. I think we should leave it at that.

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#121 AdrianWerner
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Maybe a better term to use would be "changing with the times". Having a bit to do with the technology and more to do with who's actually buying games nowadays.


More correct term would be "changing with the target platform". There were tons of other ways to evolve the gameplay of FO1-2 using modern technolgy, the one Bethsoft picked was just most suited for multiplat game

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#122 deactivated-63f6895020e66
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evolution suggest improvements, which isn't the case with Fallout 3. I can understand how some people prefer FO3 style of gameplay, but objectively it's not better than the one found in first two games.AdrianWerner

Yeah... too bad there's nothing objective about saying that Fallout 1 and 2 are better than Fallout 3.

Just opinions, which are subjective. ;)

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#123 Nintendo_Ownes7
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[QUOTE="antifanboyftw"] its my favorite one seeing as how it actually has new enemies, items, and a bad guy. not to mention the different characters all have different abilities. (luigi jumps higher, peach floats, and toad is a speed demon)ThePlothole

Yeah well, like another user said it's just Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic with a new skin.

Of course Doki Doki Panic never came to the states. So it is still a unique game from our perspective. And numerous elements in YK: DDP / SM2 USA would become staples in later Mario games. Bob-ombs for example.

Also some of the Characters Attributes from SMB2 USA have been used in other games like Luigi's Stats being able to jump higher then Mario, Peach being able to Hover. Those attributes are still used to this day.

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#124 CaptainHarley
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yes my new business plan. ..... invest millions in making a game that will appeal to only a few elitist sixteen sided dice wielding geeks. sts106mat

thread put on smash, more as story develops

anyway most people who complain about 'casualization' are kind of kin to the annoying losers who criticisze the film industry. guess what? theres lots of fun, challenging games out there being produced by indie developers and small studios. the problem is most of you are too lazy to consider looking for games anywhere but a site like gamespot or ign, or you need metacritic scores to validate your purchases.

get over yourselves. you are an unprofitable market nobody cares about. accept it and move on. maybe get into another hobby.

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#125 VoodooHak
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Maybe a better term to use would be "changing with the times". Having a bit to do with the technology and more to do with who's actually buying games nowadays.


More correct term would be "changing with the target platform". There were tons of other ways to evolve the gameplay of FO1-2 using modern technolgy, the one Bethsoft picked was just most suited for multiplat game

Right. The end result was a generally critically acclaimed game that people went out and bought. I'd say that the path they chose worked out really well.

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#126 Yangire
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Yeah well, like another user said it's just Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic with a new skin.


Of course Doki Doki Panic never came to the states. So it is still a unique game from our perspective. And numerous elements in YK: DDP / SM2 USA would become staples in later Mario games. Bob-ombs for example.

Also some of the Characters Attributes from SMB2 USA have been used in other games like Luigi's Stats being able to jump higher then Mario, Peach being able to Hover. Those attributes are still used to this day.

Luigi jumped higher than Mario in Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels.

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#127 ThePlothole
Member since 2007 • 11515 Posts

Also some of the Characters Attributes from SMB2 USA have been used in other games like Luigi's Stats being able to jump higher then Mario, Peach being able to Hover. Those attributes are still used to this day.


Luigi jumped higher than Mario in Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels.

Yeah, Lost Levels also introduced the idea of him being a bit more slippery on his feet. However USA was the first game to make Luigi taller than Mario.

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#128 iammason
Member since 2004 • 4189 Posts
This is a (surprisingly) intellegant topic here in system wars. Lots of interestig opinions from everyone. Or am I just not on system wars enough?
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#129 Leejjohno
Member since 2005 • 13897 Posts

I think you will find if you look back that developers are the ones that ruin franchises.

Fallout 3 was good/better than oblivion infact (not that it was a hard thing to achieve given the state of Oblivion) but I think Fallout 1 was an astonishing game with a lot of scope, but it was nowhere near as good as everyone made it out to be.

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#130 SaltyMeatballs
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The so called "awesome" developers make a decision and it's the casuals fault, mostly concerning the consoles. Instead of thinking about why people buy games like (and let's be honest) recent COD's? It's not name alone, people keep gong back to them and there was a time when no one gave a crap or knew about "COD". Your Fallout 3 points is a real nitpick. Not only because I already played F3 as a standard FPS. VAT very annoying tactic was used more like a slow-mo feature to get out of trouble. But zooming through sights or not it's still to zoom your weapon.
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#131 positivebalance
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stop complaining. bethesda made everyone give a crap about fallout again after years and years of the franchise being dormant.

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#132 Eleckidding
Member since 2010 • 262 Posts

stop complaining. bethesda made everyone give a crap about fallout again after years and years of the franchise being dormant.

I'd rather have Fallout be dormant again instead of poop.
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#133 ThatGuyFromB4
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Fallout 3 was garbage, apparently Bethesda thought just because they made this big open world with lots of quests and dialogue, the shooting could be utter crap and no one would care. They need to take a note from Red Dead Redemption. If they're improving the shooting in New Vegas, that's hardly a bad thing. Fallout's original combat system is horribly outdated, this shift to FPS isn't casualization, it's modernization.

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#134 Yangire
Member since 2010 • 8795 Posts

this shift to FPS isn't casualization, it's modernization.


Hell no, they just want to sell more copies, and FPS games are just popular right now.

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#135 SaltyMeatballs
Member since 2009 • 25165 Posts

Fallout 3 was garbage, apparently Bethesda thought just because they made this big open world with lots of quests and dialogue, the shooting could be utter crap and no one would care. They need to take a note from Red Dead Redemption. If they're improving the shooting in New Vegas, that's hardly a bad thing. Fallout's original combat system is horribly outdated, this shift to FPS isn't casualization, it's modernization.

Agreed. I'm not a fan of first person though, and they completely failed the 3rd person view in F3. I just get a feeling that because FPS's sell well they think that most people prefer FPS's.
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#136 Ontain
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first, I grew up with text only RPGs where you had to make your own maps on graph paper otherwise you had no idea where you were going. by that standard everything today is "casualized" but does that mean i can't enjoy these games. heck no, i loved fallout3.
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#138 Teuf_
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Without those "mindless, causal gamers" to appeal to, you wouldn't have current-gen versions of these games at all.

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#139 osan0
Member since 2004 • 18233 Posts

Without those "mindless, causal gamers" to appeal to, you wouldn't have current-gen versions of these games at all.

we could..just they wouldnt be the same game. if the budgets were slashed a fair bit then F3 would be like the old top down fallouts and oblivion wouldnt be as pretty. so called casuals arent the and the belief amongst publishers that nothing but the most cutting edge tech will do is the problem. costs are up, the market is smaller than it was last gen and publishers have to do what they can to appeal to as many people as possible to try and reduce the risk. if that means appealing to the, so called, lowest common denominator then so be it. if you find the idea of a top down 2d F3 (looking at best like sacred 2 or diablo 3) with alot less voice acting and production values to be completly unaceptable in this day and age then you are part of the problem (or percieved problem at least). so called casual gamers have nothing to do with it. gaming may not be their main hobby...they may have other things to do and cant spend alot of time at games. theres nothing wrong with that of course....people are different. these kind of people are also the biggest in terms of population and with the demands put on devs now, the industry has to try and appeal to them.
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#140 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts

I really dislike this trend of "hardcore gamers" dismissing "casual gamers" as beneath them, and blaming them for "ruining gaming".

Stop ruining gaming then.

Hey, you're more than welcome to take gaming back from us. Just make it worth the developers' while. Until you're willing to crack open your wallet and offset the lost sales, or completely write off those developers and franchises that have strayed from your glorious vision and stick entirely to indie studios that can profit from catering to a smaller audience, quit complaining. And if you're not willing to do that, well, whose fault is that?
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#141 Teuf_
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Without those "mindless, causal gamers" to appeal to, you wouldn't have current-gen versions of these games at all.


we could..just they wouldnt be the same game. if the budgets were slashed a fair bit then F3 would be like the old top down fallouts and oblivion wouldnt be as pretty.

But if you do that no publisher is going to want anything to do with it, because they could make more money funding the big-budget games. A smaller developer/publisher combo would probably do fine with that sort of game on the PC, but that's obviously not a route that Bethesda would take with one of their big franchises.

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#142 santoron
Member since 2006 • 8584 Posts

Without those "mindless, causal gamers" to appeal to, you wouldn't have current-gen versions of these games at all.Teufelhuhn

Sounds great to me. You've got companies with Zero ties to the franchises in question buying a name and making whatever game they think will sell and then slapping a classic name on it. If they don't feel like making a real Fallout or X-Com game, then they should grow some balls and release fresh IPs.

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#143 DethSkematik
Member since 2008 • 3900 Posts
Are you sure? I mean, some of the screens I've seen showed it in third person (unless I'm looking at the wrong character :P)....I'm really hoping they leave that option in...I stuck to the melee character, and I suck at playing melee FPS games.
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#144 Mr_Alexander
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Elder Scrolls: Oblivionohthemanatee
Are you serious?
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#145 deactivated-63f6895020e66
Member since 2004 • 21177 Posts
Sounds great to me. You've got companies with Zero ties to the franchises in question buying a name and making whatever game they think will sell and then slapping a classic name on it. If they don't feel like making a real Fallout or X-Com game, then they should grow some balls and release fresh IPs.santoron
Why? No one was hurt with Fallout 3 being called "Fallout", right? No, some self-proclaimed "true fans" of those series feeling bad about the new entries does not classify as being hurt.
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#146 deactivated-635601fd996cc
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Hmm reminds me of this. No one knows this band, I hope it becomes popular and everyone knows it. *Wish happens* Wow they suck now, they've become mainstreamed.....

You might want to keep a game for yourself but sadly it'll evolve into something the majority likes.

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#147 Yangire
Member since 2010 • 8795 Posts

Hmm reminds me of this. No one knows this band, I hope it becomes popular and everyone knows it. *Wish happens* Wow they suck now, they've become mainstreamed.....

You might want to keep a game for yourself but sadly it'll evolve into something the majority likes.


Two problems here:

1.) The games were fairly popular in the first place.

2.) The games changed to get more mainstream acceptance.

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#148 deactivated-635601fd996cc
Member since 2009 • 4381 Posts


Hmm reminds me of this. No one knows this band, I hope it becomes popular and everyone knows it. *Wish happens* Wow they suck now, they've become mainstreamed.....

You might want to keep a game for yourself but sadly it'll evolve into something the majority likes.


Two problems here:

1.) The games were fairly popular in the first place.

2.) The games changed to get more mainstream acceptance.

Yeah nitpicking much? "A large number know this band but it's not as much as X band, I hope it becomes as popular as anything and everyone knows it. *Wish happens* Wow they suck now, they've become mainstreamed....." Still applies......
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#149 Barbariser
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As an industrialized market for entertainment expands, the proportion of sophisticated art decreases and the proportion of simplistic art increases. This effect can be observed in literature, film, music and just about any other artform out there - you only notice it in gaming because the "casualization" of literature, film and music took place decades ago. The only way to reverse it is to make game development cheaper, easier and less time consuming, thus making it easier for creative developers to survive the market alongside money-grubbing corporate giants.... but that hasn't happened yet.

It's basically what happened to Fallout, where the focus shifted from deep roleplaying mechanics to a more "instant-gratification" type RPG with a more "over-the-top" gory presentation and much less mature adult themes, which for me resulted in it becoming a terribly boring RPG. Because, when you think about it... most of the gaming market, unfortunately, doesn't care about the former.

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#150 positivebalance
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stop complaining. bethesda made everyone give a crap about fallout again after years and years of the franchise being dormant.


I'd rather have Fallout be dormant again instead of poop.

have fun playing a decade old game then. again, and again, and again. for the rest of eternity.