First off... i am going to state that the PC is out of this discussion. For all intents and purposes it wins everything. I am very much enjoying my Summer Steam Sale purchases (when I play between witcher 3 sessions).
That being said, this thread is about the Myth of Ps4 having no exclusives and Xbox one having tons that Lemmings have tried to shove down everyone's throat for the last few months (especially after NPD came out in MAY).
After news of quantum break and a few others pushed back to 2016.... lets look at the reality.
A few things first:
- Only games listed are not on the other CONSOLE. AND only for 2015
- Doesn't matter if you think the game sucks or will suck, it's still a game so it gets listed. I know some people on this board like to shift goal posts and remove entire genres (Jrpgs, Adventure games etc...)
- If the game is already on PC or will be...doesn't matter. This discussion is not about PC... as PC always wins's a given, and If you don't beleive it your in denial....end of story.
AAA == Big Budget Game (not system wars scoring)
Xbox One AAA exclusives:
1. Halo 5
2. Fable Legends
3. Forza 6
Timed exclusive:
1. Rise of tomb raider
Larger Indie / Mid teir:
1. Ori and blind forest
2. State of Decay: Year One Edition
3. Screamride
Possible 2015:
PS4 AAA exclusives:
1. Bloodborne
2. The Order
3. MLB 15 The show
4. Dragon Quest Heroes
5. Tearaway Unfolded
6. Until Dawn
7. Disgaea 5
8. Persona 5
9. Tales of Zestria
10. Nathan Drake Collection
11. Samauri Warriors 4-2
12. Tropico 5
Larger Indies / Mid teir games:
1. Tommorow Children
2. No Mans Sky
3. Grim Fandango
4. Hotline Miami 2
5. Oli Oli 2
6. Hell Divers
7. Hyper Light Drifter
8. Axium Verge
9. Hyper Light Drifter
10. Soma
11. Broforce
12. Super time force ultra
13. N++
14. Galak-Z
15. Bastion
16. Planetside 2
17. Everybodys gone to the rapture
Possible 2015:
1. Rime
2. Hellblade
This is what I know about ... if you have other games (not simple mobile phone type games either) than please mention them.
The myth is wrong... This doesn't even count multiplatform console games that people can play, as there are tons..
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