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i just got COD:WAW 2 days ago and its a great game... casual or not its an amazing shooter and its mp is awesome....
Good job Treyarch !!!!
[QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="death919"] Well I guess we're playing online for different reasons since you are unphased by online filled with cheaters.death919Cheaters are one thing. Mods are another. Custom content is another. Some rules were meant to be broken, others were not. Achievements are a waste of my time and energy and they were destined to be ripped to shreds and tossed aside so that they justly mean nothing. The real professional players shouldn't have to bend to ANYONE when they start a new game, they should simply be able to enter in and start pwning as God intended. Now cheats affect game balance. Did I indicate that I was against game balance? No, I indicated that I was for game balance. Cheating is creating an uneven playing field, which is what developers foremost and players secondly do when they create ridiculous leveling systems with unbalanced unlockables. No there should be a progression system like ranking so that you can work towards something not just pointlessly killing for 5 hours. Coming from a WoW player that has invested 1685 hours its not surprising at all. You got to realise though that apart from MMO grinders only few people think like you. Your thread is a flamebait about bashing pc gaming and nothing else, if you feel like grinding you can avoid those high exp servers easily as it says so in their description. There is cheating in consoles as well but its less widespread of course, you wouldnt expect 10 year old console gamers to know how to program or script would you?
So you are telling the reason you play this game is not to enjoy it and have fun by exhanging bullets to another, but to meaingly grind and gain virtual ranks?ArisShadowsIronically, this is precisely the reason I hate Call of Duty. Always feels like a meaningless grindfest.
[QUOTE="Olidsc"]I don't know about you, but I remember back in the days before meaningless achievements, trophies and gamerscores, when people played video games for FUN, rather than some stupid carrot on a stick scheme employed by the game's developer. HewkiiArcades. now shut it. What the ****? Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"? No, seriously, step off achievements, man. They're the best thing that ever happened to gaming. I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game. Then I clap and cheer and everyone likes me more. Why, just the other day I got a hot girl after getting the "Seriously?" achievement. And I love unlocking weapons. Having to accumulate experience through tedious kills in every online game that I play just to unlock guns that should be available to me the moment of installation is just AWESOME. I love feeling that accomplishment of wasting hours upon hours of my life on something that could be fixed by me complaining and choosing my software more carefully. I love it when developers exploit me in order to bolster the popularity of their product and stimulate sales growth.
Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"?BobHipJames
yes, and it's not legitimate in the slightest. see this?
this is "achievements" back in the purest form. this is when games were played for fun, and it had a carrot on a stick scheme.
[QUOTE="death919"] Well I guess we're playing online for different reasons since you are unphased by online filled with cheaters.MarloStanfield
he's not unphased by it, he's competent enough so that he is able to avoid it. Same as other PC gamers
you're the one who cant play a shooter without autoaim or leaderboards giving you "e-props"
i'm guessing you like achievments as well
Apparently, so do PC gamers. World of Wacraft recently added them.[QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="death919"] It's not about grinding xp to get the next weapon, it's about your rank being representative of your time put in, and yet on the PC version it's 5k xp per kill so people are maxed out within an hour or two. It makes it so that things like leaderboards aren't even available in the game, and turns it into a "Nintendo-esque" online system (no leaderboards, getting bored of it after a couple of hours). Thankfully the 360 and PS3 version maintained their legit online play.death919Hahahaha. Typical garbage. Yes, it is about grinding to the next weapon. It's about nothing else. All that other stuff is frivolous crap. If you're playing for anything outside of the enjoyment you're getting from the gameplay on an online game, you're wasting your time, end of story. Well I guess we're playing online for different reasons since you are unphased by online filled with cheaters.
Yea because nobody cheats in world of warcraft right?
[QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="Olidsc"]I don't know about you, but I remember back in the days before meaningless achievements, trophies and gamerscores, when people played video games for FUN, rather than some stupid carrot on a stick scheme employed by the game's developer. BobHipJamesArcades. now shut it. What the ****? Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"? No, seriously, step off achievements, man. They're the best thing that ever happened to gaming. I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game. Then I clap and cheer and everyone likes me more. Why, just the other day I got a hot girl after getting the "Seriously?" achievement. And I love unlocking weapons. Having to accumulate experience through tedious kills in every online game that I play just to unlock guns that should be available to me the moment of installation is just AWESOME. I love feeling that accomplishment of wasting hours upon hours of my life on something that could be fixed by me complaining and choosing my software more carefully. I love it when developers exploit me in order to bolster the popularity of their product and stimulate sales growth. Achievements are an amazing addition to gaming and bring back the classic "work towards a high score" gameplay that too many of the newer gamers sadly do not know about. :(
And the big flaw in your argument is that many people ENJOY achievements, not because it will "get them a hot girl", as you put it, but because they enjoy working towards a higher score, they enjoy the fact that their gaming is no longer "beat one game, move on to next, beat that game, move on to next". Now instead of beating a game and getting the fun out of it, they beat a game and get the SAME amount of fun out of it, PLUS more added to their score. Plus a bunch of neat side-objectives that they can try at, such as trying to 1v1 a tank in L4D or making it to wave 50 in Horde Mode (GeoW2). I'm the type of person who used to make my own challenges for games back in the day, and now there is an actual in-game mechanic that not only makes a bunch of challenges, but keeps track of which ones I've done so I can compete with my friends who also enjoy taking on these side-challenges presented in games.
The english language is a funny thing because it allows you to manipulate unexplainable things in a blunt, literal format. For example, you say "I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game." You know what, that's exactly it, that's what it boils down to and therefore that sentence is 100% accurate in a literal sense. You know what other sentence is correct? "Wayne Gretzky spent over 10000 hours of his life chasing around a ball that he wanted to hit with a stick". Sentence is factually correct, and the prospect of spending thousands of hours chasing a ball with a stick is unappealing, yet there is clearly more to it than that. Just like there is more to gamerscore than "increasing a number", even though that's what it boils down to in a literal sense.
[QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="Hewkii"] Arcades. now shut it.death919What the ****? Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"? No, seriously, step off achievements, man. They're the best thing that ever happened to gaming. I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game. Then I clap and cheer and everyone likes me more. Why, just the other day I got a hot girl after getting the "Seriously?" achievement. And I love unlocking weapons. Having to accumulate experience through tedious kills in every online game that I play just to unlock guns that should be available to me the moment of installation is just AWESOME. I love feeling that accomplishment of wasting hours upon hours of my life on something that could be fixed by me complaining and choosing my software more carefully. I love it when developers exploit me in order to bolster the popularity of their product and stimulate sales growth. Achievements are an amazing addition to gaming and bring back the classic "work towards a high score" gameplay that too many of the newer gamers sadly do not know about. :( Everyone knows about score. We just do not care about it anymore. So stop living in the past and enjoy the games.
[QUOTE="death919"][QUOTE="BobHipJames"] What the ****? Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"? No, seriously, step off achievements, man. They're the best thing that ever happened to gaming. I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game. Then I clap and cheer and everyone likes me more. Why, just the other day I got a hot girl after getting the "Seriously?" achievement. And I love unlocking weapons. Having to accumulate experience through tedious kills in every online game that I play just to unlock guns that should be available to me the moment of installation is just AWESOME. I love feeling that accomplishment of wasting hours upon hours of my life on something that could be fixed by me complaining and choosing my software more carefully. I love it when developers exploit me in order to bolster the popularity of their product and stimulate sales growth.JangoWuzHereAchievements are an amazing addition to gaming and bring back the classic "work towards a high score" gameplay that too many of the newer gamers sadly do not know about. :( Everyone knows about score. We just do not care about it anymore. So stop living in the past and enjoy the games.Why not enjoy getting a higher score?
What the ****? Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"? No, seriously, step off achievements, man. They're the best thing that ever happened to gaming. I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game. Then I clap and cheer and everyone likes me more. Why, just the other day I got a hot girl after getting the "Seriously?" achievement. And I love unlocking weapons. Having to accumulate experience through tedious kills in every online game that I play just to unlock guns that should be available to me the moment of installation is just AWESOME. I love feeling that accomplishment of wasting hours upon hours of my life on something that could be fixed by me complaining and choosing my software more carefully. I love it when developers exploit me in order to bolster the popularity of their product and stimulate sales growth. Achievements are an amazing addition to gaming and bring back the classic "work towards a high score" gameplay that too many of the newer gamers sadly do not know about. :([QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="Hewkii"] Arcades. now shut it.death919
And the big flaw in your argument is that many people ENJOY achievements, not because it will "get them a hot girl", as you put it, but because they enjoy working towards a higher score, they enjoy the fact that their gaming is no longer "beat one game, move on to next, beat that game, move on to next". Now instead of beating a game and getting the fun out of it, they beat a game and get the SAME amount of fun out of it, PLUS more added to their score. Plus a bunch of neat side-objectives that they can try at, such as trying to 1v1 a tank in L4D or making it to wave 50 in Horde Mode (GeoW2). I'm the type of person who used to make my own challenges for games back in the day, and now there is an actual in-game mechanic that not only makes a bunch of challenges, but keeps track of which ones I've done so I can compete with my friends who also enjoy taking on these side-challenges presented in games.
The english language is a funny thing because it allows you to manipulate unexplainable things in a blunt, literal format. For example, you say "I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game." You know what, that's exactly it, that's what it boils down to and therefore that sentence is 100% accurate in a literal sense. You know what other sentence is correct? "Wayne Gretzky spent over 10000 hours of his life chasing around a ball that he wanted to hit with a stick". Sentence is factually correct, and the prospect of spending thousands of hours chasing a ball with a stick is unappealing, yet there is clearly more to it than that. Just like there is more to gamerscore than "increasing a number", even though that's what it boils down to in a literal sense.
Wayne Gretsky got women, money, fame, respect, and probably more than a few trophies. You know, actual trophies, made out of metal.Really, truly awful analogy.
All right, you want me to paint it in....I don't know, figurative terms? You're in a cheese maze. That's a metaphor. Enjoy.
You're wasting your time. Is that enough for you? You're "achieving" nothing.
If you're not playing the game the second time around for the enjoyment of it, you're wasting your time. Every game should have those options available to you in the first place unless it is integral to the gameplay mechanic or plot.
Online modes in games should absolutely be forced exemptions from achievement systems because it defies balance and requires a new player, HOWEVER INNATELY SKILLED, to WORK his way up to the top. At the end of the day, achievements make your games into work. Games are not work. Games should not give you a sense of achievement. Ever. At least the developer should not be setting you up for a sense of achievement. That's ridiculous. Like it has been illustrated, this is a carrot on a stick scheme to get you to play their game longer.
When I play games, I want to have the option to have new experiences, which is why I play on PC. Oh, wait, see what I did there? I play on PC because I can get custom content. Mods, custom maps, skins, custom weapons....full conversions. I can get this stuff on PC. Have you ever played Dystopia? Why would I waste my time grinding levels in a SHOOTER of all things when I could just download Dystopia 1.0 from Mod DB and have an entirely new experience with the same core engine and the same core game? New art, new gameplay mechanics, new weapons, new features....
Can you even compare something like Dystopia to something like a broken leveling system that eschews balance for a carrot on a stick ploy that you happen to enjoy? Moving on to new experiences is the point. If you don't like new experiences then I are confused. I are really confused. That's why people make games, for new experiences, for new plots, for new entertainment. That's why they work so damn hard at it, so you'll have a broad and encompassing and engrossing experience. But SOME of these guys like to pretend we just like being in their game world just because its so damn wonderful to look at all the pretty text. Watching a big number go up is not a game. Its a lesson in futility. It's base, it's boring, it's work.
[QUOTE="death919"]Achievements are an amazing addition to gaming and bring back the classic "work towards a high score" gameplay that too many of the newer gamers sadly do not know about. :([QUOTE="BobHipJames"] What the ****? Are you seriously endorsing this crap? You like your icons and your GamerSCAWRRRZ that much that you're willing to defend it in the face of a legitimate argument with "shut it"? No, seriously, step off achievements, man. They're the best thing that ever happened to gaming. I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game. Then I clap and cheer and everyone likes me more. Why, just the other day I got a hot girl after getting the "Seriously?" achievement. And I love unlocking weapons. Having to accumulate experience through tedious kills in every online game that I play just to unlock guns that should be available to me the moment of installation is just AWESOME. I love feeling that accomplishment of wasting hours upon hours of my life on something that could be fixed by me complaining and choosing my software more carefully. I love it when developers exploit me in order to bolster the popularity of their product and stimulate sales growth.BobHipJames
And the big flaw in your argument is that many people ENJOY achievements, not because it will "get them a hot girl", as you put it, but because they enjoy working towards a higher score, they enjoy the fact that their gaming is no longer "beat one game, move on to next, beat that game, move on to next". Now instead of beating a game and getting the fun out of it, they beat a game and get the SAME amount of fun out of it, PLUS more added to their score. Plus a bunch of neat side-objectives that they can try at, such as trying to 1v1 a tank in L4D or making it to wave 50 in Horde Mode (GeoW2). I'm the type of person who used to make my own challenges for games back in the day, and now there is an actual in-game mechanic that not only makes a bunch of challenges, but keeps track of which ones I've done so I can compete with my friends who also enjoy taking on these side-challenges presented in games.
The english language is a funny thing because it allows you to manipulate unexplainable things in a blunt, literal format. For example, you say "I get a bigger number every time I spend 18 hours on a game." You know what, that's exactly it, that's what it boils down to and therefore that sentence is 100% accurate in a literal sense. You know what other sentence is correct? "Wayne Gretzky spent over 10000 hours of his life chasing around a ball that he wanted to hit with a stick". Sentence is factually correct, and the prospect of spending thousands of hours chasing a ball with a stick is unappealing, yet there is clearly more to it than that. Just like there is more to gamerscore than "increasing a number", even though that's what it boils down to in a literal sense.
Wayne Gretsky got women, money, fame, respect, and probably more than a few trophies. You know, actual trophies, made out of metal.Really, truly awful analogy.
All right, you want me to paint it in....I don't know, figurative terms? You're in a cheese maze. That's a metaphor. Enjoy.
You're wasting your time. Is that enough for you? You're "achieving" nothing.
If you're not playing the game the second time around for the enjoyment of it, you're wasting your time. Every game should have those options available to you in the first place unless it is integral to the gameplay mechanic or plot.
Online modes in games should absolutely be forced exemptions from achievement systems because it defies balance and requires a new player, HOWEVER INNATELY SKILLED, to WORK his way up to the top. At the end of the day, achievements make your games into work. Games are not work. Games should not give you a sense of achievement. Ever. At least the developer should not be setting you up for a sense of achievement. That's ridiculous. Like it has been illustrated, this is a carrot on a stick scheme to get you to play their game longer.
When I play games, I want to have the option to have new experiences, which is why I play on PC. Oh, wait, see what I did there? I play on PC because I can get custom content. Mods, custom maps, skins, custom weapons....full conversions. I can get this stuff on PC. Have you ever played Dystopia? Why would I waste my time grinding levels in a SHOOTER of all things when I could just download Dystopia 1.0 from Mod DB and have an entirely new experience with the same core engine and the same core game? New art, new gameplay mechanics, new weapons, new features....
Can you even compare something like Dystopia to something like a broken leveling system that eschews balance for a carrot on a stick ploy that you happen to enjoy? Moving on to new experiences is the point. If you don't like new experiences then I are confused. I are really confused. That's why people make games, for new experiences, for new plots, for new entertainment. That's why they work so damn hard at it, so you'll have a broad and encompassing and engrossing experience. But SOME of these guys like to pretend we just like being in their game world just because its so damn wonderful to look at all the pretty text. Watching a big number go up is not a game. Its a lesson in futility. It's base, it's boring, it's work.
I completely agree.
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