Over the past while it seems that most companies just break the bank on their games then come out with stuff that is relatively good but just not as good as it should be, mainly because they try to cater to too many people or try to be flashy to sell of the game but drop it in actual gameplay and it just doesn't work, frankly it's getting annoying, especially now that this gen (atleast the ps3) is going to be around for awhile and big name companies can't sell on that "shiny" factor anymore, so many companies ignored gameplay and just focued on their game looking good and ended up a success (AC1 majority of gameplay was tedious, prince of persia forgotten sands sold on flash and brand name, Crysis 2 ect.) and I think it would be better for everyone if companies/developers just picked a sub-genre and made it great and appeal to the people who like it on a budget, Demon souls proves how sucessful that strategy can be, a million seller on a budger is better then a 3 million seller breaking the bank
Oh c'mon, were you born yesterday? How is our predicament any different from the movie industry?
How many movies are made in a year? Too many
How many were good? A few
How many were big budget ones but sucked? Loads of 'em
Not every dev is like Valve or Blizzard. Not every director is like James Cameron or Nolan.
The movie industry is pathetic in their standards right now and I just don't want gaming to go down that way
I would like to look at it as a 'supply and demand' thing as well. Standards for AA and AAA games are all based on what is available, and what is exceptional from the rest. If every game was say....AAA quality, we would automatically adjust our standards such that a regular AAA game becomes AA, and only the exceptional AAA will stay as AAA. That's why when we look at our games today, almost all of them would be AAA quality 10 years ago, but not now. Our standards change. Just like how nature approaches equilibrium, we will always have definitions for 'normal' and 'good' games. And that definition gets updated over time. If Gears 1 came out now, would it still get a 9.6 or 9.5? I think Oblivion would get a 9.0 at best if released now. There will never be a time when 75% of games are AAA. If that time hypothetically did arrive, we would consider them as mediocre and adjust our standards so that only the top 10% of the games in terms of quality deserve AAA.
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