This is just a thread where you can discuss how each company could improve in your eyes. I'll do each company for the next 3 days and feel free to add any comment or improvement you wish.
My Nintendo Wish list
1. Make a whole new Online Structure. The wii's online interface is pathetic. It seems like the Wii is using an online structure from like the 1990's and needs to badly be updated. Take out the friend codes, Make every game have a universal friends list ala xbox live/psn and just make it better to use. It's so backwards instead of adding someone's name you add a 12 digit number. It is also awkward that each game has it's own friend code system. It's weird how the wii is made with casual players in mind but their online interface is by far the most difficult to use. Oh, and for gods sake add a mic/headset for voice chat.
2. 3rd party relationships need to improve: The 3rd party support on Wii is pathetic. When is the last AAA 3rd party game? So many casual trash games made by 3rd party. The wii is literally 3rd party's toilet in regards to software. Add some quality control, work with 3rd parties, just get better games and stop having these long droughts.
3. Add a HD sku to the wii: I am not saying Wii 2. I am saying add a wii with an improved processor and an hdmi out port. Scale games to 720p and even get developers option to make 720p games. I would pay another 50-100 bucks for an hd option on the wii.
Bottom line: Nintendo has made buttloads of money with the way the wii is now. Sooner or later microsoft/sony are going to start chipping in on the casual market. Nintendo will need long time fans to continue in this buisness. I rarely play my wii but with better software then the sky's the limit.
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