Yea we already know the PS4 is the superior console with better and more exclusives, what's new?
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LMFAO. Cows talking rehashes yet the biggest holiday exclusive for them is 10 exclusive DLC missions for AC and one month timed DLC for CoD. I wont count the Uncharted Collection as they removed content instead of adding.
@tobsesan: now make a PC list..
Replace Overwatch with Serious Sam 4.
Consoles lack exclusives, so they have to use terms like "Console Exclusives" and pretend that those games are Exclusives. Really shows how underwhelming things really are.
@tobsesan: now make a PC list..
Replace Overwatch with Serious Sam 4.
brilliant list!
I don't see squadron 42 in there though?
@tushar172787: Lists like that take a lot of time... Also i will finnish this one first
oh don't worry, if you count the indies, it will take you forever...
Replace Overwatch with Serious Sam 4.
brilliant list!
I don't see squadron 42 in there though?
It's there above SC. See again.
Replace Overwatch with Serious Sam 4.
brilliant list!
I don't see squadron 42 in there though?
It's there above SC. See again.
missed that, my bad :P
PS4 wins AGAIN.
More games than ever.
AAA Check
Indies Check
Best version of console multi plats Check
Advantage PS4.
Most mulitplats in an exclusive list lol
@Cloud_imperium: And there is where u went worng,the exclusive theory could only appear on consoles because they are single products,where PC is not a single platform,building a game for PC already mean they are building it for mult-platform.
And Let say if a game is planning to release on 2017, PC only. Does it mean they are working on a game that is going to run on your PC?Or the next pC your are going to build next year?
No one have ever attempt to build anything exclusively for the PC you own.
Exclusive PC game was never a thing,kind of sound like kids yelling who got a better toys and making nonsense.
Isn't No Man's Sky on PC as well?
I mean....PS4 has more exclusives...but there seem to be a few non exclusives on the list.
@Cloud_imperium: And there is where u went worng,the exclusive theory could only appear on consoles because they are single products,where PC is not a single platform,building a game for PC already mean they are building it for mult-platform.
And Let say if a game is planning to release on 2017, PC only. Does it mean they are working on a game that is going to run on your PC?Or the next pC your are going to build next year?
No one have ever attempt to build anything exclusively for the PC you own.
Exclusive PC game was never a thing,kind of sound like kids yelling who got a better toys and making nonsense.
Whatever floats your boat.
@Juub1990: OK, well on the XBox One list, cut out: Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Halo MCC, Titanfall, Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Zoo Tycoon, Project Spark, Rare Replay, State of Decay, Gears of War Ultimate, and Fable Legends. They are all available on either PC or XBox 360.
On the PS4 list, cut out: Natural Doctrine, Dynasty Warriors 8, Yakuza 5, Akibas Trip, Last of Us, Little Big Planet 3, Final Fantasy 14, Tearaway Unfolded, Final Fantasy X/X2, Guilty Gear Xrd, God of War 3, Uncharted collection, Tales of Zesteria, Toukiden Kiwami, Grand Ages Medieval, Dragon Quest Builders, Street Fighter 5 and No Mans Sky. They are all available on either PS3 or PC.
Happy? PS4 still has more exclusives.
I'd say Forza Horizon 2 is different enough to be warranted as an exclusive on the X1. The rest I agree, not exclusive.
Microsoft will have a hard time competing in games with the PS4 which has better 1st party, Japanese 3rd party, and indie support. The PS4 is going to have hundreds more than the Xbone by the end of the gen, it's only going to become more apparent as the gen goes on.
Microsoft is already low on studios for 2017. They have Lionhead, maybe (apparently their focus is Fable Legends)? Those new Hololens studios (lol)? Won't be surprised to see some 2016 games like ReCore (Spring 2016 release but Phil Spencer says we won't see any gameplay until 2016) and Crackdown 3 get delayed. Not to mention Phantom Dust without a developer, Microsoft sounds like a mess right now.
@deeph: Guess I cant please everyone with a list like that...
Get used to it, this is system wars, where the goal post moves depending on who's responding. You can't win any argument with these guys, opinions are facts, and everyone bleeds red, blue or green but not one of them are fanboys.
They have alot of studios working on unannounced projects. Lionhead is working on a new IP and Skybox Labs, Decisive Games, Undead Labs, One Bit Labs, Team Dakota and a few 3. Party studios as well. I think they are in a good run and we will have great games 2016 and beyond.
Lol, not a biased list at all...
What is biased at this list?
When was Forza Horizon 3 announced?
Its a no brainer...
I think they would be better used making a new Rallisport or Project Gotham game right now. It's obvious to just about everyone there is a bit of fatigue with the Forza franchise, so why not have Turn 10 and Playground make the other two big racers MS owns.
@tobsesan: Yeah I've played all 8 of them, as well as all 4 PGR and both Rallisports. I just think the other two franchises could use a revival and Forza could benefit from a break, go from 2 year to 3 year cycles. I would be happy to see them revive Midtown Madness as well, MM3 was a blast to play.
Xbox One has Xbox 360 BC, hence additional exclusives. My BC point of view is being consistent to PC's BC.
Why did you include also on PC games for PS4 and not Xbox One? That would be cutting out half the bones list lol.
Smite and Neverwinter are just two that are missing from the list many more are missing. PS4 fanboys ignore glaring problems with that list.
He include the Indie game No Man's Sky, but omitted Inside, Below, CupHead and probably a 1/2 dozen other exclusive Indies on the XB1. Many of the PS4 games are for the Japan market only anyways. I would love to see a PC exclusive list. He would run out of room to post all those games, especially if he included Indies as well.
psycho pass is not a xbox one exclusive I'm getting it for ps4 from gamestop
How did you even find this thread to necro bump it 8 months later...
@GhoX: So how is Sony and Xbox marketing "Console" exclusives? Becuase that is something that doesnt exist? Noone ever was talking about pc last gen, so why is it now? Im a console gamer o couldnt care less what games pc has, i made this list to show XBOX ONE and PS4. All i want to know is, WHAT is wrong on this lsit?
Agreed! When has anyone ever list PC exclusive or talked Hermit exclusives, answer never. Maybe in hermit basement meetings where bald 20 year olds reminisce over the best poster sex and which hand lotion is the best while sharing a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew.
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